All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 255 Master Lingchu Achievement (4000 words)

Tong Hu was furious, staring at the deans of several other colleges, his bald head bright, like an angry bald tiger.

The deans were suddenly embarrassed.

They have a little selfishness in their hearts, and they will inevitably feel a little guilty when they are stared at by Tonghu.

"Tonghu, sit down!"

Fortunately, Peng Yuanshan opened his mouth.

"No, the main hospital, these guys just want to pull Wang Teng over, you should know better than me about Wang Teng's martial arts talent, you can't be a joke!" Tong Hu said anxiously.

"I know, you sit down first." Peng Yuanshan soothed.

Tong Hu had to sit down, but still grunted at Situ Jun and the others, venting his unhappiness.

"In the General Hospital, we are indeed a bit selfish, but we are also eager to love. If a genius like Wang Teng wastes his talent, it would be a shame." Situ Jun said.

"Yeah, Wang Teng's talent is absolutely beyond your imagination. He is just an observer. He may not even spend much time to learn, so he can reach this level. If he spends more time and energy in it, his achievements are absolutely impossible. Estimate." Cui Heng said.

Ou Changsong said astonishingly: "In less than ten years, he must enter the realm of the master, it may be... the three masters of the pill talisman!"

"Three masters, you dare to think too." Tong Hu snorted, obviously he felt that Ou Changsong was bragging and increasing his bargaining chips.

Do you think that wit like me, Tonghu would not be able to tell?

Situ Jun and Cui Heng also felt a little unreliable, but at this time they would definitely not come out to tear down the stage.

"Lao Ou, is this a bit too much for you." Peng Yuanshan looked at him and said.

"However, not at all, if you are willing to hand over Wang Teng to our training in the General Hospital, I promise to return you a Pill Talisman Three Masters within ten years." Ou Changsong said with a smile.

"Okay, you are really making this idea, don't listen to him in the main hospital, he is bragging." Tong Hu shouted.

"Am I bragging, Tonghu, dare you make a bet with me..."

Before Ou Changsong finished speaking, Tong Hu directly sneered and said, "I won't bet with you, but the fool bet with you."


Su Jing, who had nothing to do with him, couldn't help laughing.

"Old Ou, you still want to fool Tonghu, he is good at it."

Situ Jun and Cui Heng also shook their heads and laughed.

"It's OK." Peng Yuanshan also smiled and waved his hand: "Don't quarrel, just maintain the status quo. You will observe in the dark and give some care if necessary. Now it is still mainly martial arts practice."

The three of Ou Changsong had some regrets, they opened their mouths, and finally didn't say anything, but they didn't know what they thought in their hearts.

Tong Hu was relieved in his heart and glanced at the three of them triumphantly.

"How many people have not been promoted to martial artist?" Peng Yuanshan asked.

"Eight from the War College."

"Six members of the Command Academy."

"Five from the Rune Academy."

"Five members from Danding College."

"Two people from the Forging Academy."

Several deans opened their mouths to report the situation.

Peng Yuanshan nodded and said: "The instructors of each class should follow up more to ensure that every student becomes a warrior as soon as possible. Then, we can almost organize the students to go out to perform tasks. There can be no fierce beasts in the greenhouse."


"That's it for today, and the meeting ends."


After the general hospital left, several deans convened a small meeting with their mentors.

As if an appointment was made, several deans quietly instructed the tutors of each class to pay more attention to Wang Teng, and try to answer him if he has any problems in his studies.

At the War Academy, Tong Hu said to several instructors: "Be sure to watch Wang Teng, don't let people take advantage of the loopholes."

How afraid he was that Wang Teng would be snatched away by other colleges.

Several instructors felt it so, and they nodded in response.

Command Academy.

Su Jing was a little depressed, and rushed to the instructor next to him and asked: "Did Wang Teng come to our Command Academy to listen?"

"Yes." said a tutor from the command academy.

"Then why didn't he come to take the exam at our Command Academy?" Su Jing frowned.

"He came, saw the exam, and left again. I didn't take it seriously. After all, he was not a student of our college. I..." This tutor was also hard to say. Who knew that Wang Teng made such a big deal in other colleges. The news is coming.

"No matter, no one would have thought that that kid would have such a talent." Su Jing shook his head helplessly: "But you have to pay more attention to it next, maybe his commanding talent will not lose to others."

"No way!" Several instructors hesitated.

"That's hard to say. Before that, have you heard of anyone who has martial arts and pill talisman talents at the same time?" Su Jingdao.

"This..." The instructors were speechless.

Think about it carefully, with Wang Teng's performance, maybe it's really possible.


Wang Teng didn't know that he was named in the five deans and the freshman tutors of the whole school.

At this time he sneaked into the kitchen of the school cafeteria.

It was lunch time soon, and there was a scene of enthusiasm in the kitchen.

Pots and pans flew everywhere, the sound of cutting vegetables, cooking, and meat chopping sounded together.

The chefs were brandishing their spatulas, like swordsmen holding war swords. The cooking techniques were simply not too clever.

The dishes are tumbling in the flames, as if special effects have been added.

It's just that these kitchens are big fat people, and none of them is under two hundred catties by visual inspection. The kitchen of this school cafeteria is completely fat people's world!

Is this the price of becoming a spiritual cook?

Wang Teng shuddered!

It's terrible, terrible!

Wang Teng's face was full of entanglement. Looking at the spirit kitchens, they were like hills. Every movement, the fat on their body was shaking, very rhythmic.

The agility that didn't match his figure reminded Wang Teng of a fat man in the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall, and he missed it very much.

On the floor of the entire kitchen, many attribute air bubbles fell.

At the same time, as those big fat people showed off their cooking skills, attribute bubbles fell from their bodies one by one.

Pick it up?

Still not picking it up?

Wang Teng gritted his teeth and picked it up!

【Spirit Kitchen*3】

【Spirit Kitchen*2】

【Spirit Kitchen*5】


With great determination, Wang Teng used his mental power to draw all the distant attribute bubbles over, and then picked up all of them.

I have to say that picking up attributes is a joy.

A happiness that no one else can experience.

Even if Wang Teng was still very tangled just now, once he started picking up, he couldn't stop.

Spirit Kitchen: 25500 (skilled)

In a short period of time, Wang Teng's spirit kitchen attribute was promoted from entry to proficiency.

Many cooking skills emerged out of thin air in his mind, and pictures flashed by, gradually turning from unfamiliar to proficient...

Wang Teng is finally no longer a grass bird chef who can only cook instant noodles and scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

"Master Du is tight (in) the kitchen, he is (again) going to make a move!"

At this moment, a fat man suddenly shouted.

It's just that the accent is a bit special.

"Walk, go and take a look."

The others had probably already seen no surprises, and several spirit chefs who had already completed their tasks immediately gathered in one direction.

Those Ling Chu who could not walk away for the time being not finished with the things at hand were immediately annoyed.

"Master Du? The one who can be called the master must be the master of Lingchu." Wang Teng's heart moved slightly, avoiding everyone's sight, flashing from corner to corner, and quietly following.

This is an exclusive kitchen, a fat man, yes, also a fat man, but this fat man Wang Teng knew him, and he was the one who gave Tan Taixuan food before.

At this time, he was preparing tools and materials in the exclusive kitchen, and it seemed that he was about to start cooking soon.

A group of fat people huddled in the door of the kitchen, one by one, staring wide-eyed and looking inside, the picture was very beautiful...

And that "Master Du" didn't rush the people, and let them watch outside.

Obviously this kind of thing doesn't happen once or twice.

After Wang Teng saw that Master Du was an acquaintance, he didn't intend to hide it anymore. He walked directly behind the pile of fat guys. He didn't know which one was which. He was stupid and confused. He patted a fat guy on the shoulder and asked in a low voice. Said: "This fat man, do you know what Master Du is going to do today?"

The fat man turned his head and saw a thin man standing behind him, his eyes suddenly stared: "Who are you? Bu (I don't know) this is the kind of kitchen (heavy)? It depends on your age. , Lead (should) damn (yes) students, cook four (things), and have no melons with girls, hurry up (out)."


The muscles on Wang Teng's face twitched a bit, and he unexpectedly found a fat man, and he encountered this clear accent.

Is it fate?

No, this must be evil fate!

"I am a friend of Master Du, and I came to look for him." Wang Teng said with his eyes rolled.

"Master Du's (friend) friend? You can hold back (don't) want to cheat the nest, and wait for the next nine districts to ask him." Fatty said.

"Don't worry, Master Du has started cooking, don't you watch it?" Wang Teng quickly changed the subject, and he was too tired to talk to the accented fat man.

"Yes, it's (almost) you were (almost) wronged by you." The fat man patted his forehead and quickly turned his head and looked into the kitchen.


Blame me!

Wang Teng shook his head and didn't ask him any more. He waited patiently for Master Du to make the dishes, and he would know when the time came.

"Hey, this is making barbecue!" Wang Teng's heart moved and he looked at Master Du's movements.

Having just picked up the spirit kitchen attributes, he is no longer a rookie who knows nothing, and he can naturally see something from Master Du's operations.

Not to mention, compared with ordinary spirit chefs, master-level spirit chefs have their own unique features, whether they are knife skills or cooking techniques, and are more sophisticated and detailed than ordinary spirit chefs.

At the same time, bigger attribute bubbles kept falling from him.

【Spirit Kitchen*15】

【Spirit Kitchen*18】


Wang Teng's spirit kitchen attributes have been increasing, and his understanding of spirit kitchens has also deepened.

The attributes of the spirit kitchen include many things, such as knife skills, side dishes, ingredients, heat control, etc., and even the combination of elixir, which is different from ordinary chefs, the use of force...It is obviously not easy to become a spirit chef.

After Master Du's barbecue was finished, Wang Teng gained 62 points of Spirit Kitchen attribute.

Seeing that he had no plans to cook other dishes, Wang Teng immediately flashed.

By the way, he also picked up the attribute bubbles that were just dropped by the spirit kitchen outside, and added 58 spirit kitchen attributes to the account again.

Spirit Kitchen: 145500 (skilled)

"Master Du, someone is looking for..." The fat man wanted to give a short report, and when he turned his head, Wang Teng was gone.


In the next few days, Wang Teng sneaked into the kitchen of the canteen while taking advantage of the meal, picking up the spirit kitchen attribute bubbles.

Great progress!

Spirit Kitchen: 52000 (Master)

Who could have imagined that within a few days, Wang Teng turned from a rookie in the kitchen to a master chef.

He also secretly learned a lot of master-level recipes, there are goods in his belly, and he doesn't persuade him at all. Next time I see Tan Tai Xuan again, she dare to look down on his cooking skills.

At this time, Wang Tengzheng, Hou Pingliang and others entered the class. In the afternoon, their class had a practical class. Wang Teng hadn't come to class for many days. He either went to other colleges or went to the training building to pick up attributes.

If you don't show up again, the tutors will soon be anxious.

Hou Pingliang and others told him that the tutors even thought he had defected and went to other colleges.

Seeing Wang Teng, I don’t know who called:

"Chen Yang, one month is too early, didn't you say you want to challenge Wang Teng?"

Chen Yang, his face is green again!

A month ago, he thought that after being promoted to a warrior, he would occupy the resources of the school and home, and soon he would be promoted to the 2-star warrior level, and then he would cultivate a force combat technique to a great success, and he was completely confident to defeat Wang Teng. As a result...

Now a month has passed, he is still at the 1-star warrior level, and the Force combat skills are just getting started, not even Xiaocheng, let alone a master.

With this strength, how can Nima compare with Wang Teng and look for abuse?

So he didn't see Wang Teng in the past few days, and he felt very fortunate.

But Wang Teng is here today.

And I don't know which bastard is not too big, but as soon as Wang Teng came, he directly stabbed the matter out.

It's embarrassing right now!

He was a little guilty, and even more in a dilemma, he turned his head stiffly to meet Wang Teng's gaze.

"Chen Yang, when shall we go to the martial arts challenge? I am ready." Wang Teng grinned at him.

"Ahem!" Chen Yang coughed dryly, his thoughts turned sharply, and suddenly his inspiration flashed, he immediately pretended to be a little weak, and smiled: "I was going to challenge classmate Wang Teng, but I had some problems with my practice recently. After suffering some internal injuries, Wang Teng certainly doesn't like taking advantage, so it's better to wait for me to recover, and then we can learn from each other."

"Actually, I don't mind." Wang Teng said leisurely.

"...MMP" The corner of Chen Yang's mouth twitched, and he said, "Student Wang Teng really likes to make jokes."

"Hahaha, of course I..." Wang Teng laughed suddenly, then paused on purpose, then looked at him meaningfully and said, "I was joking with you."

"Ha, ha ha." Chen Yang laughed dryly, and his tight heart relaxed.

"Cut~" The classmates saw this scene and collectively despised Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was dying in embarrassment. Fortunately, the class bell rang.

The instructor of the actual combat class stepped on the bell and walked into the class, looked around, saw Wang Teng, stopped on him for a while, and then said: "Let me go to the playground. I have something to announce today."

Everyone was a little confused. As the instructor came to the playground, they found that several other classes were also there, and the deans of the five colleges were also standing in front...

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