All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 256 The King Has Bronze

On the playground, with the arrival of all the freshmen.

Tong Hu stood up and said slowly: "This time we are summoning you all to announce one thing."

"It has been more than two months since the beginning of school. Some people have been promoted to martial artists very early, and some are a little later, but just last week, the last student was successfully promoted to martial artists."

"So, it's time to enter the next stage of actual combat training."

"Warriors, especially those in our military academy, focus on actual combat."

"I don't understand actual combat, and Sora has the original force. It's just a soft-footed shrimp. He can't even stand firmly. A warrior with a lower realm than you can kill you. It's no different from a waste material."

"I think since you choose the road of warriors, you definitely don't want to be such warriors."

"Next, the school will organize you to go out for tasks."

"However, the mission is dangerous. Casualties are normal. Every mission will almost cause death..."

Tong Hu glanced at everyone, nodded satisfied, and continued:

"Maybe many people have heard that some warriors take the civilian route, so they don’t need to participate in actual combat, but we are different. If you enter the Yellow Sea, even if you want to follow the civilian route in the future, you must go through actual combat training. Our school does not cultivate that kind of lack of combat effectiveness. Of non-combat warriors."

"Therefore, no matter which college it is, it must perform the task."

"But the school is to train martial artists, not to let you die. You are all very good talents. Anyone who dies is a loss."

"During the mission, each class will be divided into groups, and each group will be led by a tutor. If there is an emergency, the tutor will take action."

"Of course, if you all put your hopes on the tutor, the chance of death will increase greatly. After all, during the mission, there will be countless kinds of unexpected situations. , There is a certain distance from you, and you may not be able to rush to rescue you in time."

"You have to know these in your heart, don't let people die at that time, come crying again, saying that the school has not protected you well."

Having said that, he looked around again and saw that everyone's complexion changed slightly and gradually became serious, obviously already aware of the seriousness.

"In addition, I would like to remind you that there are not many opportunities like this. After the novice period, you will have to perform the tasks alone in the future, so seize the opportunity to improve yourself."

"Well, not much gossip. The instructors of each class will group the students in their respective classes and agree on the task arrangement."

The students couldn't help but look at each other and whispered in a whisper.

Not long after they had just been promoted to the martial artist, they turned out to be out to do missions.

Everyone understands the danger of the task, it is really deadly, the dean is not alarmist.

And since you have been promoted to a warrior, you must face a task at the warrior level, which is definitely very different from the actual combat in the previous warrior stage.

At this time, many people are worried.

However, there are others who are eager to try, seem to be a little excited, and seem not to take the danger in mind.

Several deans gave a few words in their respective colleges. The reason why they appeared was just to show their importance and left after speaking.


As soon as the dean left, the tutors walked to their class and yelled.

The students stopped talking immediately.

"The students from War Class 1 come here." Liu Feng, the tutor of Wang Teng's class, didn't talk nonsense. He called the students from War Class 1 and started grouping.

"Wang Teng, Yuan Jing, Hao Zhengye..."

"Hou Pingliang, Lin Xue, Xie Tong..."


War 1 squad has a total of 32 people, divided into four groups, forming four teams.

"Let me go, why do girls in my group account for the majority, and they have only recently been promoted to martial artists, it's weird that they are strong." Wang Teng saw the problem at a glance, and his face was full of bitterness.

Mentor, I seriously suspect that you are embarrassing me Fat Tiger!

But I thought about these words in my heart, and didn't really say them.

"This is for the sake of fairness, balance the strength, and those who can do more work, classmate Wang Teng should take care of his classmates." Liu Feng saw Wang Teng's expression and immediately knew what he was thinking, he laughed.

Wang Teng was helpless, the instructor had said this, and it would not be good to refuse.

Besides, everyone is a classmate. If you say something too ugly and easily hurt one's self-esteem, this is not what he wants to see.


Wang Teng shook his head, anyway, with his strength, even if these classmates are very good, he can handle it, at most it is a little troublesome.

In a group, this kind of thing is inevitable.

It's all an experience.

"The king brings bronze, Brother Teng!" Hou Pingliang leaned over and joked in a low voice.

"Go, I'm annoying." Wang Teng rolled his eyes in an angry manner.

Liu Feng explained at least one sentence to Wang Teng, but he didn't even care about the complaints of other classmates.

After dividing into groups, he went on to say: "Everyone will go back and prepare today. Weapons, combat uniforms, pill, healing medicine, these are all necessary items, you must bring them."

"If you don't have it, just use your credits to redeem it in the logistics office. It's your life. Don't be reluctant to spend your credits. You can earn it back after you complete the task."

"Oh, yes, students who can't afford it can choose to rent weapons and combat uniforms, but if they are damaged, they will be compensated at the price."

I heard that it is possible to rent. Some students with few credits were very happy at first, but they still have to pay compensation at the price when they hear it badly, and the mood is suddenly not good.

But this is also a way for them.

"In addition, you can choose a captain from the team, and then discuss what kind of task to choose. When you do the task for the first time, try not to choose too difficult. Step by step. If you have experience, choose the more difficult one, so that the safety factor is also high. It will be higher."

Liu Feng said, paused, then said:

"One more thing, the dean didn’t say just now. This time the school organizes you to go out to perform tasks for one month. After one month, which team has earned the most credits, there will be additional rewards, perhaps credits, or It may be something else, it can be regarded as an incentive mechanism."

Hearing that there was a reward, the eyes of the students suddenly lit up.

Let alone other rewards, the credits alone are already very good. This is the most direct reward. After everyone is promoted to the martial artist, the resource consumption is extremely fast, and the usual credits are not enough.

If you want to improve quickly, the best way is undoubtedly to earn credits desperately.

Just now I felt that the task was very dangerous, and I was not happy in my heart. At this time, many people looked firm and decided to fight.

"I'll be here today, go back and get ready, gather in the playground tomorrow, and then set off." After Liu Feng finished speaking, everyone was disbanded.

The other classes are the same. After forming the team, the instructor explained the situation, and then they dispersed.

The students left the playground in twos and threes, and temporary teams gathered to discuss how to choose tasks, how to match the members of the team, etc., or make an appointment for a total of them, and go to the logistics building to exchange items. At the same time Understand the situation of various tasks.

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