All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 258 I am the good captain of China!

In the car.

The corners of Liu Feng's mouth twitched. Looking at the costumes of Wang Teng and the others, he felt a little pain in his head: "Why do you have to put on such a dress?"

He is the mentor of Wang Teng's team.

Compared with other instructors, Liu Feng's strength is stronger, reaching the top of the 5-star warrior level, which shows that the school still pays more attention to Wang Teng.

Of course, if they knew that Wang Teng's strength was actually similar to Liu Feng's, they didn't know what their expression would be?

Yuan Jing glanced at each other helplessly. The corner of his eyes glanced at Wang Teng. Seeing that he was closing his eyes, he didn’t seem to intend to explain anything. They said, “The captain said that we all wear the same clothes to help increase the increase. The cohesion of the team, in addition, if you encounter a task at night, the black clothing is also more concealed and not easy to be noticed."

"Then you don't need to choose this kind of clothing with red moiré patterns. This is very eye-catching. Where is it hidden?" Liu Feng was unable to complain.

"Uh..." Yuan Jing and others were speechless.

When Wang Teng heard this, he was also a little embarrassed. God knows why his head twitched and he had to choose this red moiré black robe.

He regretted it afterwards.

But as a newly promoted captain, there is no reason to say something, and the water spilled out of the conversation can be recovered.

Even if it's a pile of shit, he has to bite the bullet...let his teammates eat it!

The good captain of China is me, and I am the good captain of China!

"Cough cough." Seeing Yuan Jing and others couldn't answer, Wang Teng couldn't help coughing dryly, and explained with a serious face:

"Because there was only this style at the time."

Then immediately change the subject.

"Tutor, let's discuss the task."

Liu Feng glanced at Wang Teng suspiciously, considering the past glorious deeds of this gifted student...Bah, it was a shameful deed, he felt that the credibility of this reason was not high.

However, the face of the gifted student is still to be given, not to mention that he is now a captain, and he still needs to be majestic in the team, so he will not be beaten in the face.

So he borrowed the donkey and asked, "What task did you choose?"

Yuan Jing and others described the task in a few words, and Liu Feng frowned immediately: "Naughty!"

This rebuke was mainly directed at Wang Teng.

Needless to think about it, Wang Teng must be leading this task.

"Do you know how dangerous this mission is? You have just been promoted to the rank of 1 star warrior. Even if you have gone through this month's mission, you may not be able to do it. You want to run before you learn how to walk. Wang Teng, they elected you as the captain. Is that how you are responsible to them?" Liu Feng looked serious and directly reprimanded him, and finally said to Hao Zhengye, who was driving, "Turn around, now go back and re-election immediately. ."

"Don't, Hao Zhengye, keep driving." Wang Teng stopped quickly and said, "Teacher, it's not too late for you to listen to my thoughts before you deny it."

Hao Zhengye looked at Liu Feng and was in a dilemma.

"Okay, you just want to talk about it. If you can't convince me, you must go back and re-elect. The mission is to train your actual combat ability, not to let you die." Liu Feng said.

"According to the description of the mission, the strongest foreign warrior who sneaked into the East China Sea to assassinate the chairman of the Longhai Group was only a 2-star warrior. They were only proficient in assassination methods. It’s not difficult to kill a 2-star warrior, I can take care of other teammates.” Wang Teng said.

"You also said that they are proficient in assassination methods, and you may be able to deal with them, but as for the other people, they lack the experience of facing warriors, and the opponent is an assassin-type warrior with rich combat experience. The gap is huge. You can take care of one or two. Is it possible that all seven people can come over?" Liu Feng shook his head.

"I never do things that are uncertain." Wang Teng said flatly.

"You!" Seeing that Wang Teng was so stubborn, Liu Feng stared at him angrily: "No way, I don't agree."

"Tutor, you just come here to prevent accidents and protect students, but you can't interfere with students' choices." Wang Teng shook his head indifferently.

But after all, Liu Feng did it for their good, so his tone softened again and said: "Well, you ask them to see if you want to go back and re-elect the task. If more than half of the people do not want to do this task, I Turn around immediately."

Liu Feng turned his head helplessly to look at Yuan Jing and others: "What do you say?"

"Tutor, since we are all here, it means that we have all considered carefully." Yuan Jing said.

Liu Feng took a deep look at her. This girl usually doesn't have a strong sense of presence in the class, and she didn't expect to have such a decision.

He looked at other people again.

Hao Zhengye and others also nodded, and no one chose to re-elect.

"Look, it's their own choice. If they don't agree, I won't choose this task." Wang Teng said.

"Oh." Liu Feng sighed. He had seen too many deaths, but the students didn't listen to them, what else could they do.

"Finally, just do it with you, I just hope you don't regret it."

"Don't worry, no one in my team will die!" Wang Teng said as if admitting.

"What's more, don't forget, they are martial artists!"

Liu Feng glanced at him deeply and said nothing.


Longhai Group is located in Xicheng District, Donghai, so this case was taken over by the police station in Xicheng District.

More than half an hour later, everyone from Wang Teng came to the Xicheng District Police Station.

The Xicheng District Police Station is a comprehensive building, the floors are not high, the blue and white wall tiles look very simple.

Wang Teng looked at the place in front of him, feeling a little inexplicably, remembering that he had murdered for the first time when he had been to the Xicheng District Police Station.

At that time, he was still a martial artist, and he ran into five gangsters. Under the crisis of life and death, the attack was not serious, and the scene was once bloody.

He couldn't help but shook his head and laughed at the thought of this.

He is not a rookie at that time now.

Yuan Jing and others got out of the car with Wang Teng, took out the martial artist's certificate to the guard office to register, and let them report.

Liu Feng stayed in the car, and now the task has begun. He will not intervene, whether he is worldly or in actual combat, everything depends on the students themselves.

A few minutes later, a police officer trot out.

"You are the Huang Haijun students who took over the task of the Longhai Group?"

"Yes, we took the task. Come and see what clues you have." As the captain, Wang Teng nodded.

"Okay, please follow me."

The police station staff took them in and came to an office where many police officers were busy. He rushed into a corner and shouted: "Captain, the warriors of the Yellow Navy Academy are here."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone moved for a while, all looking towards Wang Teng and others.

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