"They are the students of the Yellow Navy Academy. I heard that all of them are martial artists!"

"Our captain is just a high-level warrior, really worthy of being a student of a prestigious school."

"Yeah yeah!"


The discussion suddenly sounded in the office, and the police officer of the police station looked at Wang Teng and the others, with a little envy in his eyes.

Martial artists are rare in the world of ordinary people. Any martial artist represents a certain privilege.

So there are countless people who want to become warriors.

At this moment, a figure stood up from the corner and looked at Wang Teng.

Suddenly he was taken aback.

"...It's you!" Yang Zhenchao looked at Wang Teng with surprise in his eyes, as if he didn't recognize him at once.

"Captain Yang, it's been a long time!" Wang Teng said with a smile.

"Good guy, you have become a martial artist, and you have also been admitted to the Yellow Navy Academy." Yang Zhenchao was shocked, walked over, couldn't help but look up and down Wang Teng, as if to see a flower from him.

The other police officers in the office were suddenly surprised.

"Our captain seems to know the young man who is headed."

"The captain is so ridiculous that he knows the warriors of Huang Haijun Academy."

"Idiot, didn't you hear it? The captain knew him before..."


"Okay, okay, let's go to work, what about gossip." Yang Zhenchao waved his hand.

"Captain Yang, we need to understand the case of Longhai Group, the more detailed the better." Wang Teng said directly.

"Wait a minute, let me check." Yang Zhenchao turned on the computer for a while and said after a while: "The opponent is a warrior from the Bald Eagle Nation. It is currently known that there is a 2 star warrior and a 1 star warrior. There are two warriors, and it is not ruled out that there are other accomplices lurking..."

Following Yang Zhenchao's introduction, everyone gradually learned about the situation of several foreign warriors, including their appearance, figure, weapons used, combat skills, and so on.

Basically, the methods they have used have been listed in detail by the police station and compiled into files, which are clear at a glance.

There are even their fighting videos. These are the internal surveillance videos of the Longhai Group, which are stored in the police station as evidence.

After watching the video, Yuan Jing said with emotion: "These outlying warriors are so bold, they dare to come to our China to make troubles so brazenly."

"What's this? As long as the money is enough, they can't do anything." Yang Zhenchao shook his head.

"Do you have any clues about where they are hiding?" Wang Teng asked.

"These foreign warriors are all assassinating elites. They have strong anti-reconnaissance methods and can disguise themselves. We deployed the entire network and mobilized the entire East China Sea monitoring system to screen them one by one, and finally determined the three most likely places. You can take a look.” Yang Zhenchao called out the surveillance and pointed out to Wang Teng.

"These people, regardless of their stature or other characteristics, are very similar to those three foreign warriors."

It has to be said that modern surveillance systems are very powerful, especially in large cities, covering almost every corner. It is almost impossible for ordinary people to escape surveillance and screening for crimes.

However, those foreign warriors were obviously not ordinary people.

"Are there any items left by them?" Wang Teng asked.


Yang Zhenchao nodded. Although he didn't know what Wang Teng was going to do, he cooperated very well in the case. He immediately called in a female police officer: "Xiao Lu, go and take the items left by the foreign warriors. Fetched."

The female police officer called Xiaolu looked pretty. Among the group of livestock in the police station, she looked like a delicate flower among the ten thousand green bushes, except that her face had no expression, but it was an ice flower.

Are all the beautiful girls of this kind of asceticism nowadays?

Wang Teng couldn't help thinking.

Xia Lu glanced at Wang Teng, then turned to fetch the items.

"Why does she look at me? Her eyes are weird." Wang Teng said silently.

"Hahaha, you are so handsome and you are still a martial artist. Which girl doesn't take a second look." Yang Zhenchao joked, "Well, Xiaolu is a flower of our Xicheng District Police Station. Would you like to think about it?"

The abacus in his heart crackled.

Wang Teng is a warrior at such a young age and a student of the Yellow Navy Academy. He will have a bright future in the future.

If Xia Lu really got married with Wang Teng, then it would be equivalent to drawing Wang Teng in disguise, and they would naturally benefit from the Xicheng District Police Station in the future.

However, Wang Teng hadn't spoken yet, but the girls couldn't help it.


Student Wang Teng has such high-quality resources, but our girls in Huanghai haven't started it yet, so why are you cheap?

Several girls instantly turned into little hens, saying: "Captain Yang, you don't need to worry about the life-long events of our captain. He is very popular in school and many girls chase after him."

"That's right, they are all martial artists, and some of their looks are not worse than the subordinate you just now."

"If they know that you want to grab food, you will definitely come to tear down your office another day."


Yang Zhenchao suddenly became a little embarrassed, and said with a dry smile: "Haha, just kidding."

Wang Teng was full of emotion. As expected, a person as good as himself, like a gem in the sand, is very eye-catching everywhere. If you want to be low-key, you can't get it low-key.

And do so many girls like themselves in school? Why doesn't he know at all?

Wang Teng would like to ask Yuan Jing a few people, especially who is the girl whose looks are not inferior to the female police officer just now?

How many?

I'm a little excited just thinking about it!

Ahem, calm and calm!

Xia Lu came back and saw that the atmosphere was a little weird, especially when the eyes of a few girls were full of vigilance and hostility, which made her a little baffling.

Why do these girls seem to treat her as an enemy when they turn their heads?

In the end what happened?

"Let's take a look, these rune bullets were left behind after they used it, and this broken sword is also their weapon, but it was interrupted and discarded halfway." Yang Zhenchao said.

Wang Teng nodded, secretly turned on Lingshi, and scanned several objects.

There is still some force on it.

In fact, everyone's force is different. When force enters the body, it will leave the "breath" of the cultivator.

These breaths are the most conspicuous traces.

And Wang Teng's spiritual vision talent can see the difference.

"It's okay." Wang Teng just glanced at it and nodded.

"Is this all right?" Yang Zhenchao asked suspiciously.

It's not to blame for him. Wang Teng just glanced at him and didn't even pick it up. What could he find?

"Well, I have my own means." Wang Teng didn't say much.

"Fantastically!" Xia Lu muttered.

Wang Teng just pretended not to hear, and said, "Captain Yang, there is nothing wrong, we will leave."

"I'll send two people to assist you. It's convenient." Yang Zhenchao said, exclaiming: "Xiao Lu, Xiao Yang..."

"Captain, let me go with Xia Lu."

A tall male police officer stood up.

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