All-Attribute Martial Dao

Chapter 260 That cute and charming little oriole...

"Hu Bing!"

Yang Zhenchao hesitated looking at the male police officer who stood up.

"Captain, I have been following up on this case, no one is more familiar than me." Hu Bing said.

Yang Zhenchao didn't hesitate anymore, nodded and said, "Okay, then you and Xiao Lu will go together."

Then he confessed to Hu Bing and Xia Lu.

Before leaving, Yang Zhenchao said to Wang Tengji humanely: "When performing tasks, do not affect ordinary people. It is best not to fight in public, so as not to cause adverse effects and disrupt the existing stability and order, otherwise you will have to bear the law. responsibility."

"You should be clear about these, I just remind you one more sentence."

Wang Teng and others learned these common sense in school.

Although society is now in the era of martial arts, it is still dominated by ordinary people, and the world of warriors is still separated from the world of ordinary people.

Otherwise, with the powerful strength of the martial artist, if something happens in two days, it will easily cause social panic.


Out of the police station, Wang Teng and others got into the car and drove to the place where the first trace of the bald eagle national warrior was found.

Hu Bing and Xia Lu drove a bright ordinary car behind them.

"The martial artist's status is really special, and the captain of the company must be polite."

Hu Bing drove the car, glanced at Xia Lu from the corner of his eye, and said to himself:

"But I heard that it is the first time that they have accepted the task. They may not have enough experience. In the past, many tasks failed."

"This time, the Bald Eagle Warriors are not easy to deal with. We haven't found them after looking for them for so long, and they are so strong. The school warriors who protected the chairman of Longhai Group before have nothing to do with them. I heard that there are still deaths and injuries. , I don’t know if these Huanghai students will do?"

Xia Lu ignored him at all, staring at the car of Wang Teng and others in front of him without blinking.

Hu Bing couldn't help flashing a hint of anger in his eyes.


In the car, Wang Teng said: "You have heard Captain Yang's words just now. There are three places in total. Let's check them one by one."

"Captain, those bald eagle national warriors are so cunning, they must be hidden very secretly. Even if we know where they are hiding, we can't investigate it one by one, house by house." Li Wendong said.

"Don't worry, I have a way. All you have to do is adjust your state to cope with the battle that may break out at any time." Wang Teng said.

Several people were a little surprised at once, wondering what Wang Teng could do?

Even Liu Feng, who sat aside and closed his eyes, gave Wang Teng a surprised look.


While Wang Teng's team was in action, other teams were also intensively performing their tasks. Whether it was for credits or for a sigh of relief, everyone was struggling and wanted to do a big job.

Time passed slowly.

Two days later, some teams have completed some simple tasks and earned credits.

There are connections between the various tutors and they know each other's situation.

At this time everyone in Wang Teng was eating dinner.

Looking at Wang Teng with a calm face, Liu Feng was puzzled and couldn't help saying: "So far, six teams have successfully completed their tasks and earned credits. Among them, the team led by Chen Yang from our class has earned the most credits. A total of 30 credits."

"Although it's not much compared to the 200 credits of your mission, they earned it anyway, and you are still consuming it here. Don't you really consider giving up this mission?"

In the past two days, Wang Teng and the others have ruled out two locations, and have not found the hiding places of those foreign warriors. At this time, Hao Zhengxing and the others are already a little anxious. Hearing Liu Feng's words, they couldn't help looking at Wang Teng.

"team leader……"

"What's the hurry? Isn't there still this third place that hasn't been searched for? If you can't find it here, it can only mean that the clues provided by the police station are wrong." Wang Teng said.

Hu Bing and Xia Lu from the police station were also with them at this time. Xia Lu couldn't help frowning and said, "Maybe you missed something."

"I think you just wandered around all day long and didn't look for it seriously. No wonder you could not find it." Hu Bing contemptuously said.

"It's not your turn to take care of what I do." Wang Teng raised his eyes and looked at Hu Bing.

"You're not doing well, don't let people tell you?" Hu Bing suddenly felt a little cold when he saw Wang Teng's eyes, but he glared back when he thought that Xia Lu was next to him.

Xia Lu stood in between the two and said: "This is a task, not a game for you to please, please be more serious."

"I don't know the so-called." Wang Teng shook his head speechlessly.

Liu Feng watched from the beginning to the end, without saying a word. He was a little puzzled by Wang Teng's self-confidence, but he was not without the idea of ​​letting Wang Teng take a bit of a blow.

Genius, you have to suffer some setbacks before you can really grow up.

Xia Lu and Hu Bing didn't say anything, they waited to see how Wang Teng ended after tonight.

As night fell, Wang Teng suddenly heard the peculiar roar of sports cars in the distance, and there were more than two cars.

As a native of Donghai, he is still a rich second-generation, and he is not unfamiliar with this place.

A road not far from here, there are not many cars in the evening, it has become a place for fun for young people who have enough food and nothing to do, and whose families are relatively wealthy.

Entertainment project-racing!

In his previous life, he was also one of them.

Suddenly, Wang Teng's mind flashed, and he turned to Xia Lu and said, "Check if the daughter of the chairman of Longhai Group often comes here to race."

"Hey, what's your tone, we are not your subordinates." Hu Bing said immediately in annoyance.

"Check it out!" Wang Teng gave him a blank expression, and shouted coldly at Xia Lu.

Xia Lu also thought of something, ignoring Wang Teng's tone, immediately called the police station, and in less than three minutes, they replied.

She nodded solemnly and said: "Yes, I come often, and I will come today too!"

"Everyone, it's time to move your muscles and bones." Wang Teng stood up and smiled at Hao Zhengxing.

Everyone was shocked.

After waiting so long, are you finally going to do it?

When things are coming, while a little exciting, they are more worried.

"You really found it?" Liu Feng looked at Wang Teng in surprise, "But it's only possible, they may not appear."

"No, they have already come." Wang Teng said.

"How do you know?" Everyone looked at Wang Teng suspiciously.

Wang Teng did not answer, but said: "Let's go, the road over there is less crowded at night, and it happens to be there to capture the warriors from outside."


This is an abandoned warehouse.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, hundreds of people gathered outside the warehouse. The lights were bright, the music shook the sky, and the atmosphere was overwhelming.

Cars parked outside the warehouse, beautiful girls wearing only shorts and vests shuttled among the crowd, each with ear studs, dyed their hair colorful, and looked like bad men and women surrounded by men and women, howling...

On the top of a warehouse, several black figures dressed in black robes, each carrying weapons, standing or sitting, in the dark, with the eyesight of ordinary people, it is impossible to detect them. They looked at the carnival below, and sighed: " This life is really crazy."

"It's nothing more than a full meal." Someone shook his head.

The moonlight fell on several black shadows, revealing their faces. It was Wang Teng and others.

Wang Teng carried the Tibetan weapon box on his back and turned his back to Yuan Jing and the others. The expression on his face was a bit embarrassing. After all, he used to be the same.

"The daughter of the chairman of Longhai Group actually likes racing, don't you know it's dangerous?" Hao Zhengxing said.

"The more she is, the more I like to break the rules and find excitement." Li Wendong said.

"It's hard to understand." Yuan Jing said several girls shook their heads.

Thinking that he had experienced this kind of life in his previous life, Wang Teng felt a little ashamed.

Now when I look at the bad things below, that kind of cool look, I always feel that there is a strong middle-two aura.

Seeing nothing is still, he simply closed his eyes, and his angle of view switched to high altitude.

A crow walked through the night, with scarlet eyes staring at several fast-moving figures below.

This crow is Wang Teng's favorite.

During this period of time, Wang Teng did not spare the blood and flesh of the star beast, and cultivated it carefully, which made it grow extremely fast. Now Xiao Bai can not only fly, but also has reached a 1-star level in strength.

In the first two days, Wang Teng seemed to be wandering around, but in fact, he was investigating by switching perspectives with Xiaobai, but just now he finally found a few foreign warriors.

And by coincidence, they really wanted to do something to the daughter of the chairman of Longhai Group tonight.

Fortunately, the discovery is timely, otherwise the difficulty of the task will increase.

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind!

Wang Teng and others are going to be that cute and charming little oriole tonight...

Boom boom boom!

Wang Teng opened his eyes, a violent roar came from his ears, and the car was about to start.

Looking from a distance, a hot girl walked to the front of the starting line, relieved the big evil omen, and threw it into the sky.

The atmosphere on the scene reached a high dynasty.

The screams came one after another.

The sports car roared like black lines passing by the girl, and the violent wind blew her miniskirt.

Hao Zhengxing's eyes widened when the boys had seen such a scene.


The dazzling light was like a mosaic, and there was nothing to see.

"Huh!" Wang Teng couldn't help but whispered. Just as the sports cars started, several attribute bubbles fell from the car.

Far away, Wang Teng used his mental power to draw him over.

Pick it up!

【Car Skills*10】

【Car Skills*8】

【Car Skills*15】


"Pick up a skill for nothing." Wang Teng smiled and looked at the attribute panel.

Vehicle skills: 178500 (proficient)

"Is it directly proficient?" He was a little surprised, and then suddenly said: "That's right, I was an old driver."

It was not the time to think about this, he switched to the crow perspective again, judged the footholds of a few foreign warriors, and said to Yuan Jing humanely:

"Let's go and stop them halfway up the mountain."

After speaking, he slid gently, blended into the darkness, and galloped away quickly.

Yuan Jing, Hao Zhengxing and others hurriedly followed.

Instructor Liu Feng hung tightly behind them not far away. To be honest, he was quite worried about this mission.

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