Three dark figures in night clothes were hiding beside the road, their eyes fixed on the dark curve ahead.

"Tonight is the last chance. If we fail, I am afraid that the three of you and I will not be able to leave China. Even if we escape back by luck, we will be a dead end if the mission fails."

A blond, blue-eyed, tall exotic woman stood in front of the other two men and spoke lightly.


The other two men looked solemn, and apparently knew the seriousness of the consequences, and nodded in response.

"A total of three vehicles, except for Long Hai's daughter, the others were killed directly." The blonde woman Hill said coldly.

"Long Yao is captured by me personally!"

The three of them didn't notice it. Just in the woods behind them, on the top of a big tree, a black crow was cleaning its feathers, and the weird red eyes were like nothing. Staring at them.

A roar suddenly sounded on the silent highway.

From far to near!


The blonde woman's eyes narrowed slightly.

Before long, bright lights appeared at the corners, the harsh sound of tires rubbing against the ground came, and a Porsche rushed over first.

The other two sports cars almost followed closely behind.

An Audi and a Ferrari are both top-class coupes, with streamlined bodies and intoxicating roar of motors, which all prove that they are expensive.


"Do it!"

A cold drink suddenly sounded.

Three figures jumped out almost at the same time, and the two exotic male warriors rushed straight towards the first Porsche and the last Audi.

The Force burst into light, and the powerful attack directly smashed the two sports cars.


Under this attack, the two valuable sports cars were like paper, they fell apart in an instant, and the huge impact smashed them out of the highway.

The car just turned over!

The guardrail was crashed, and the two sports cars with their owners fell down and disappeared into the darkness in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, the blonde woman leaped high, wrapped in the force of light and smashed onto the red Ferrari roof.

The Ferrari sports car seemed to be under great pressure, the roof collapsed and the body sank suddenly.

Four tires puncture directly!

The hub rubbed against the ground, sparks shot everywhere, and the whole car was about to rush out of the driveway.

There were two people in the car. A young man was driving, and his face changed a lot when he encountered the sudden attack.

However, he reacted very quickly. He immediately unfastened his seat belt and made a series of responses...

But the young woman in the passenger seat was not so calm, she screamed in shock, and the high-decibel voice made the young man next to her very painful.

Seeing that this red Ferrari was about to step in the footsteps of the two cars ahead, the blonde woman on the roof jumped off the car and swept across the body with a whip leg.

The red Ferrari moved sideways and crashed into the woods on the other side.

Suffering such a heavy blow, the sports car has long been scrapped, and stopped after encountering obstacles, with black smoke rising from the body.

The blonde woman and two other exotic male warriors walked towards the sports car.

Suddenly, with a bang, the car door on the side of the woods was kicked open, flying out a long way, and a dark shadow shot out from it.

The young man did not hesitate, and ran away into the woods with the young woman on his back.

"Want to run!" The blonde woman sneered coldly, and stepped on the ground with her feet on the ground. The mud splashed and turned into an afterimage and rushed towards them.

She was so fast that she caught up with the two people in front of her without a few breaths.

"Run!" The young man's complexion changed slightly, and at the same time he threw the woman on his back out with a loud shout.

But he himself turned to face the sharp blade light.

The cold light flashed.

A dagger held the opponent's sword.

"Huh? 2 Star War Soldier level!" The blonde woman narrowed her eyes and said to the two companions who came behind her: "This person is handed over to me, Barnard, Margeri, you catch Long Yao and retreat directly. , I'll be there soon."

The two foreign male warriors didn't say much, they replied, and they chased after Long Yao in front.

The young man wanted to stop, but was entangled by the blonde woman.

"Your opponent is me?"

The young man was anxious, but he knew that if he didn't get rid of the blond woman in front of him, he would definitely not be able to get out.

At the moment, he was stunned, took the initiative to attack, rushed to the blonde woman, the offensive was fierce, and wanted to make a quick battle.

The blonde woman also had the same thoughts. Long Yao was not the only warrior beside him, and others would soon hear the news. For her, the longer it was, the more disadvantaged it would be.

Shortly after, the two attacked as fast as lightning, the force collided, and the roar continued. The violent impact caused huge damage, destroying a large area of ​​the surrounding trees and grass.


On the other side, at the speed of two foreign warriors, naturally they quickly caught up with Long Yao.

Although she also has martial arts training, she has the strength of a senior martial artist, but she is spoiled and coddled, and it is impossible for her to run past two martial artists.

"Miss Long, please come with us." Barnard and Margery blocked Long Yao one after another, and approached her step by step.

"Don't come here, who sent you here? How much did they give you? I pay double." Long Yao yelled lily.

"Be obediently and catch it, so as not to suffer!" The two said coldly, unmoved.

"There is nothing in this world that money can't solve, is it not enough? It's not enough for me to pay three times, four times... You say the number, as long as you are willing to let me go, everything is easy to say." Long Yao watched the two more and more Near, said in a hurry.

She said that she has the ability to make money and is omnipotent.

The two exotic warriors suddenly breathed a little bit quickly, three times, four much money is enough for them to live a life, but they are not stupid, some money, they have to spend their lives.

"Don't talk nonsense with her, take it down immediately and evacuate."

The two pounced on Long Yao almost at the same time, if it wasn't for the purpose of catching it alive, they wouldn't have to be so careful.

But at such a close distance, they are already sure to capture Long Yao alive.


Faced with such a situation, the eldest lady Long Yao didn't want to escape, but squatted down and kept screaming.

But she screamed for a long time, only to find that nothing seemed to happen, and at the same time, there was a fighting sound in her ears.

He couldn't help but slowly raised his head and saw a strange young man wearing a black robe and a weird wooden box behind his back was looking at her jokingly.

Behind him, several figures wearing the same black robes were fighting the two foreign warriors, and six or seven people were fighting against the two foreign warriors.

what's the situation?

what happened?

who am I? Where am i?

Long Yao was still a little dazed, and suddenly heard the young man in front of him jokingly said:

"It's a pity that you don't sing high notes in your voice."

"Go die!" Long Yao was very embarrassed. At this time, seeing the crisis lifted, she resumed her eldest lady's style, stood up and asked, "Who are you?"

"Huang Haijun student, took the task of the police station to apprehend three foreign warriors, Alasou?" said the young man.

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