"A...Araso!" Long Yao was stunned for a long time, and it took a long time to react. At that time, it exploded: "Araso, you are!"

But when she heard that Wang Teng was a student of the Yellow Navy Academy and had taken a mission to capture these three foreign warriors, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Finally saved!"

Of course she knew that the students who came out of Huang Haijun Academy had no need to say more about their strength. It shouldn't be a problem to capture these three warriors.

Long Yao turned his gaze to the battle not far in front, then looked at Wang Teng who was just as okay next to him, and couldn't help asking: "Aren't you going to help them?"

"If you want me to help everything, they'll be useless." Wang Teng said.

"Seeing that you are not too old, you speak like a little old man." Long Yao rolled her eyes and said.

"..." Wang Teng glared at her speechlessly, "Who is the little old man, can you speak?"

"By the way, there is also a student from Tunghai University in front of him who also took over the task to protect me. He is fighting one of the foreign warriors. The opponent is very strong. Go and help him." Long Yao suddenly remembered, hurriedly road.

"Don't go." Wang Teng said.

At this time, Yuan Jing and several people were fighting. Although they were large in number, the two foreign warriors were extremely experienced in actual combat. With fewer enemies and more enemies, they were not weak.

"Why are you like this?" Long Yao stomped with anger.

"Don't worry, you can't die." Wang Teng glanced over there and said without rush.

From the perspective of the little crow, he knew that the battle over there was not over yet, and that the young man could hold on for a while.

"Hao Zhengxing, you haven't eaten enough for dinner, you are a native warrior, you can kill him with the original force, you can't do it with a little force."

"Li Wendong, your skin is so crispy, don't rush up without thinking, take advantage of your speed, and cover other teammates, dear."

"Yuan Jing, hold back the big move and give the bearded man a cruel blow."

"Don't be idle for other people. With so many people, one person is enough for him to drink a pot."


Wang Teng looked at the battle group over there and yelled angrily.

When Hao Zhengxing, Yuan Jing and others heard his instructions, they couldn't help but follow suit.

The situation suddenly reversed.

"This guy!" Long Yao looked surprised and saw something. Since Wang Teng spoke, the two foreign warriors have gradually fallen into a disadvantage.


At this time, Hao Zhengxing seized a flaw in the opponent and smashed an exotic warrior into the air with one stick.

When the others saw this, they immediately separated two or three people, and beat the falling water dog. The foreign warrior only had time to scream and was killed on the spot.

When the remaining foreign warrior saw his companion killed, he was also aroused to be fierce. It was completely wound-for-injury style, and Hao Zhengxing and others kept backing down.

"Seven of you, I'm afraid of him doing something, isn't it just getting hurt? The warrior is still afraid of getting hurt, just go down with a spirit pill, don't persuade, fuck his mother!" Wang Teng said again, some hate that iron can't make steel.

A group of rookies is most afraid of panic.

Once panicked, the enemy will seize the opportunity and defeat them one by one.

Fortunately, with Wang Teng on the side, everyone was still calm, and when they heard his words, they immediately reacted.

The boys gritted their teeth, the offensive increased, and back pressured back, and the opponent who hit hard couldn't help but take a step back.

This step is the distance between heaven and hell.

When the other people saw this scene, their fear of the foreign warrior was reduced a lot, and the opponent was just flesh and blood. Wang Teng was right. With so many of them, they were afraid that they would not be able to beat him.

The popularity of the crowd rose greatly, the chance of victory was locked, and the foreign warriors wanted to turn around and escape when they could not do anything about it.

It's a pity that Hao Zhengxing and others are not vegetarians, so they were surrounded by them, swords and swords were added to them, and they were killed here.

This can be said to be their first battle, facing a real warrior, and a warrior with rich actual combat experience. Even if the process is not so smooth, the result is good at any rate.

For a time, a lot of confidence in my heart.

They gasped a little, the original force was consumed a lot, looking at the bodies of the two foreign warriors on the ground, they didn't feel much discomfort.

People who practice martial arts have seen such scenes a lot, so they don't react too much.

Even Long Yao just frowned.

"Let's go, there is still a 2-star warrior-level warrior in front of him. Solve it early and go home to sleep." Wang Teng yawned and greeted everyone to walk forward.

Looking at his lazy appearance, Long Yao was speechless at home.

When Wang Teng arrived, the young warrior who was responsible for protecting Long Yao was slashed into the air by the blond woman, and fell heavily to the ground, clutching the scars on his chest, vomiting blood.

Fortunately, he was wearing a combat uniform, and the knife only caused him to be seriously injured without losing his life.

"It seems to be a little late, sorry, sorry." Wang Teng said quickly.

"Shameless!" Looking at him, Long Yao didn't have the slightest apology, this guy was too shameless.

The blonde woman saw the unscathed Long Yao and the sudden appearance of Wang Teng and others, and immediately knew what had happened. The two of Barnard must have failed and were killed. The situation was very bad for her.

"FUCK!" She couldn't help but explode with a foul language.

"Speak English? I will too." Wang Teng finally knew why he wanted to learn English, and immediately replied: "Fake oil spit!"


Long Yao, Hao Zhengxing and others suddenly laughed.

The expression on the blonde woman's face was as ugly as she had eaten shit, and she stared at Wang Teng coldly: "In the words of your Huaxia, you are very skinny!"

"Yo, Huaxia language is good, Dayangma." Wang Teng raised his eyebrows, and said, "Now I will give you two choices, single or group fight? You choose."

"You're stupid, we are crowded, of course we gang fights." Long Yao looked at Wang Teng with an expression of whether your brain is pitted, and said anxiously.

"You don't understand, in front of international friends, we want gentlemen." Wang Teng waved his hand.

"You are very good, I want to single against you." The blonde woman flashed her eyes and said.


Wang Teng nodded and waved: "Go!"

Hao Zhengxing and others rushed forward.

"Whatthefuck?" The blonde woman suddenly looked dazed, and even wondered if she hadn't learned the Chinese language at home, so she had a misunderstanding.

But she immediately reacted, knowing that she was being teased, and said angrily: "You said you were singled out!"

"That's right, we will single you out in a group." Wang Teng said.

"Puff, you are shameless!" The blonde woman's chest was ups and downs, her chest hurting.

"The Chinese language is broad and profound, study hard, and look good." Wang Teng said.

Long Yao looked weird, and suddenly felt sad for the blonde woman. It would be very painful to encounter this kind of opponent.

But looking at the fierceness of the blonde woman, and then at her own little pigeons, Long Yao felt that she was still angry.

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