"I will defeat you right now!"

"Medium Bullet!"

The submarine parked on the shore, under the power of Barrett's fruit, turned into purple energy that wrapped around Barrett's body. In a flash, a huge robot appeared in front of Qingjiao and others.

It was covered with high-level armed color domineering, which was very dazzling under the sunlight. Now, this combined devil fruit has been developed to awakening by Barrett.

And this move was used when he fought against others for the first time. He wanted to let Qingjiao know that he, the vice-captain of the evil pirate group, was not a false reputation!

"Eight Punches·No Cone Dragon·No Cone Nail!"

Seeing Barrett's performance after using the power of the fruit, Qingjiao's forehead was covered with cold sweat. He knew that after this battle, the Kingdom of Flowers would no longer exist, so he did not hesitate to use all his strength, stomped his feet and rushed into the sky, then used the force of falling, as well as his own weight and strength, to cover his head with armed color domineering, and dived straight towards the robot's head.


Barrett, who was controlling the robot, was amused by Qingjiao's moves. He finally understood why the opponent's cone head was concave. Then, the giant robot raised its fist and collided with Qingjiao's head. Without any accident, Qingjiao flew thousands of meters away.

If he had a cone head, it might be possible. The giant robot arm controlled by Barrett was destroyed, but now it has become a concave head. The collision between the two is a test of strength and the strength of armed color domineering. How can Qingjiao be Barrett's opponent?

"Dongliang was knocked away with one move!"

"Are you kidding me? Is that guy stronger than the navy hero?"

"Sure enough, without the cone head, the pillar’s strength has been greatly reduced. It seems that our Flower Kingdom is doomed!"

"No, let's run away! As long as the green mountains are there, there is no need to worry about firewood. We can still live in another place."

When the Eight Treasures navy saw that Qingjiao was defeated by Barrett, they were terrified and ran over to protect Qingjiao. Some of them even wanted to escape.……


At this time, the iron fist, which was much larger than the pirate ship, hit them. Qingjiao, who was lying on the ground, didn't care too much and quickly got up and dodged. The whole ground exploded, and the Eight Treasures Navy was all turned into meat paste.

The large island supporting the capital of the Flower Kingdom shook violently under this punch, and then began to break visibly. Countless ordinary people, soldiers, and senior officials fell into the cracks.

"Green Pepper, without the head cone, you can't be my opponent. I'll ask you one last time, what is your choice!"

Feeling bored, Barrett released his fruit ability and entered the devil state instead. Yes, like his big brother Remington, he likes to fight with the strong the most.

"I lost……"

A kid who was much younger than him, but stronger and more domineering than him, defeated him with just one punch. Qingjiao began to doubt his life, but he really didn't want to fight anymore.

He thought that even if he didn't have the cone head, it wouldn't have much impact, but now it seems that Qingjiao thought he was too naive. After decades of developing head attacks, he has become seriously dependent on it. It can be said that all his strength lies in his head. Without the cone head, he has become a tiger without teeth. If he continues to fight, it will only continue to embarrass himself.

"In that case, follow me."

Barrett slowly released his"devil form". Since Qingjiao was so sensible, he couldn't beat him up anymore. It was more important to take him back to Beehive Island as soon as possible to complete the mission.

With that, the capital of the Kingdom of Flowers was destroyed, the Eight Treasures Navy suffered heavy casualties, and the pillar Qingjiao followed Barrett and left, leaving behind only a group of desperate people, staring blankly at the sky. No one would be responsible for their losses, and no one would avenge them. The weak can never decide their own fate.

At the same time, at the Don Quixote base in the North Sea, Doflamingo, who returned here, had a blank expression on his face, and didn't even say a word to the four-member group along the way.

"Vergo, go and get Corazon for me."

The silence was finally broken by Doflamingo, who ordered Vergo, one of the four.

Less than ten minutes later, Rosinante was tied up tightly with seastone chains and thrown to the ground like a worm. He didn't know what happened, including why Vergo attacked him just now.……

"My dear brother, what benefit did the Navy give you to make you betray me?"

Doflamingo pulled out the pistol from his waist, stood up from his seat, walked step by step to Rosinante, leaned over, and asked in his childish voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, Rosinante was stunned, and the four men also widened their eyes, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Once upon a time, I wanted to lead you back to that place and make those people regret what they did, but who would have thought that you would not agree with me, your brother."

Doflamingo said as he opened the safety of his pistol and loaded the bullet.

He would kill this brother who dared to betray him today, and from now on he would cut off all causes and effects and live only to achieve that goal.

"Don't do stupid things, brother, it's not too late to turn back now."

Rosinante knew he couldn't argue, so he could only loudly comfort Doflamingo.


"From the day I made the vow, there was no turning back. I would not let anyone who stood in my way go, even if it was my brother!"

What answered Rosinante was a bullet shot into his body and Doflamingo's devilish whisper. The foursome reacted at this time, but they didn't know what to say. They were indeed optimistic about Doflamingo and believed that he was qualified to become the king, but they couldn't say much about such family affairs. However, they had a further understanding of Doflamingo's cold-bloodedness.

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