"Young Master, what should we do next?"

After seeing Doflamingo kill his brother, Trebol even changed his way of addressing him, and no longer dared to call the young man by his name.

Although he didn't know what Doflamingo and Remington talked about in their private conversation, it was definitely related to the purpose of their visit to Beehive Island. At this awkward moment, he thought it would be better to change the topic so that everyone could forget about the dead Rocinante as soon as possible.

"Throw the body of this traitor into the Governor's Mansion in Beihai. I want Zhan Guo to know that he was the one who killed his adopted son."

"In addition, contact Germa 66 for me and tell them that you have business to discuss with them. You can tentatively bring up the person behind the scenes to intimidate the other party. I want to know if that bastard Judge dares to show his displeasure to me again."

Doflamingo kicked Rosinante's body to Vergo's feet like kicking a ball, and turned to Trebol and said.

A few years ago, he had just decided to start a business in the North Sea, and he planned to contact Germa 66, but unfortunately, the Germa commander-in-chief at that time, Vinsmoke Judge, had just escaped from the World Government and led a powerful army to destroy four countries and cut off the heads of the kings of the four defeated countries.

This can be said to be the peak period of Vinsmoke Judge. How could he care about an insignificant kid? He simply ignored Doflamingo.……

"Isn't this a step too big?"

Torrepol opened his mouth and decided to persuade his young master. He felt that they should now use the name of Remington to expand the strength of the Don Quixote family, and then slowly start from the North Sea, attack the other three seas, and finally march into the Grand Line.

And what does Germa 66 represent? Anyone in the North Sea knows that it is a real evil army. It can also be said that except for the navy, it is the largest force in the North Sea. Their Don Quixote family cannot compare with the other party. Torrepol thinks it is too early to contact the other party at this time...

But he doesn't know that Doflamingo said in front of Remington that it will only take five years to monopolize all the underworld businesses in the four seas, including the first half of the Grand Line. If the action is not urgent, how can it be completed? And there is no need to say what the end will be if you deceive Remington.……

"We only have five years. If you think it's too early, you don't have to contact us. If we fail to meet Remington's expectations, we can escape together."

Doflamingo had an intriguing smile on his face, and his tone was not angry at all, just like he was joking with Trebol and others. But anyone who was not a fool could hear the meaning of his words.


"I understand, young master. I think Vinsmoke Judge will agree to cooperate with us after he knows who we are working for. No one can refuse to establish friendship with that person."

Trebol swallowed his saliva and quickly changed his mind. He flattered Doflamingo and went out.

Five years, it seems very long, but it will pass in the blink of an eye. He does not want to be hunted by the Evil Pirate Group, so he can only work harder to assist Doflamingo in the limited time, hoping that the other party can do what he promised to Leimington.

The other three people had similar ideas to Trebol. This time they were completely tied together. No matter who it was, they would work very hard, otherwise they would really die together.

"Bolu, Bolu, Bolu……"

"I am from the Don Quixote family, Torrebol, do you remember His Majesty Judge?"

That afternoon, Torrebol and Diamante intercepted a batch of weapons smuggled by Germa 66, and got the Den Den Mushi from the War House to contact Vinsmoke Judge. After dialing the number, Torrebol made that mean voice, and Diamante frowned and wanted to punch his partner.

"Are you showing off that you stole my goods and killed my men?"

On the other side, in the mobile sea territory formed by a large number of war houses, which was the headquarters of Germa 66, Vinsmoke Judge was so angry that his blond hair almost stood upside down after he connected to the Den Den Mushi. It was the first time he met someone who dared to go against him in the North Sea. Of course, this did not include the CP0 who had beaten him a few years ago.……

"No, no, Your Majesty Judge is wrong. I didn't kill your men, nor did I want to rob your goods. I just wanted to find you for something, but I couldn't contact you, so I resorted to this desperate measure. Please don't blame me."Torebol smiled and shook his head, pretending to be very scared.

Before going to the New World, even if he could contact Vinsmoke Judge, he didn't dare to speak to him in such a sarcastic way. Now that he has a big backer, it's different. He doesn't take the leader of the evil army like Vinsmoke Judge seriously.

"What do you want? Or what does that brat want to talk to me about?"

After hearing what Torebol said, Vinsmoke Judge's attitude softened a little, but it was followed by extreme arrogance.

In his heart, he always established himself as the emperor of the North Sea. He was giving face to a little jerk like Torebol by being able to talk to him. Anyway, this was his true thought.

"My young master would like to invite you to dinner. I wonder if His Majesty Jiazhi has time to come?"

"By the way, there is something I need to tell you in advance. We just came back from the Beehive Island in the New World."

Torrebol was not angry, and directly invited him. Then, without waiting for Vinsmoke Judge to speak, he hung up the Den Den Mushi.

He believed that Vinsmoke Judge would definitely come to the banquet, so he took the tied-up Germa 66 fighters and the batch of goods and returned to the Don Quixote family's residence.

"Beehive Island……"

"Could it be that……"

Looking at the hung-up Den Den Mushi, Vinsmoke Judge frowned, and the anger on his face disappeared, replaced by confusion and solemnity.

How could he not know what Beehive Island was? He was even more familiar with the name of the Evil Pirates. Since the other party said that, it was very likely that he had met with members of the Evil Pirates, or even had some relationship with them. He couldn't help but think about it.

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