All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 201: War Begins, Ten Thousand Stars Fall (115)

Chapter 201: War Begins, Ten Thousand Stars Fall (1/15)

Tamisari, the capital of the Kingdom of Lennessa, one of the three top kingdoms of the Hundred Kingdoms Alliance of the former Northern Continent.

Since the fall of the entire territory of the Kingdom of Saint Ansa, the fall of the capital of the Kingdom of Kohorn, and the exile of the royal family, the Kingdom of Lennessa has become the last backbone of the resistance organization of the Hundred Kingdoms Alliance.

Naturally, the capital of the Kingdom of Lennessa has become the last place for the upper class of each kingdom to stay.

It's ridiculous that there are not many places in the world with hundreds of millions of square kilometers of land that can accommodate them.

After all, the entire land can be simply divided into three continents, East, West, and North. The East Continent belongs to the Eternal Night Empire, the West Continent belongs to the Blood Empire, and the North Continent is now almost the same as the Eternal Night Empire.

There are really not many places in the world suitable for them to go.

Back to the point, as the army of the Eternal Night Empire began to gather, the people of the entire Northern Continent, whether they belonged to the Empire or the Alliance, felt that a storm was coming.

The final decisive battle is coming.

A few months later.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, as if foreshadowing the coming storm.

Outside the city wall, the endless black-armored warriors, like a steel wall, surrounded the entire city. Their armor reflected a cold luster in the dim light, bringing a solemn atmosphere to this quiet land.

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder and dust. Occasionally, the wind blew, bringing bursts of low and long horn sounds, as if the mockery of the god of death, echoing in the ears.

On the towering city wall, the soldiers guarding the city looked nervously at the enemies outside the city, their hands tightly grasped weapons, ready to fight at any time. The general stood at the highest point of the city wall, his eyes passed through the heavy dark clouds, and cast towards the dark shadow that was getting closer and closer in the distance, his heart full of worry and determination.

The whole city seemed to be shrouded in a dark cloud, and people were silently waiting for the coming storm. They knew that this war would change their fate and determine the future of this land.

The combined number of the regular army and vassal army of the Eternal Night Empire exceeds one million. Their steps are in unison, and their iron hooves hit the ground, making a deafening sound. The flags are fluttering, and the drums are rumbling, as if they are going to tear the earth apart.

Just from their momentum, it can be seen that this is an elite army that has experienced the baptism of war and blood, not those random troops that are randomly captured to make up the numbers.

Such a large-scale elite army has never existed in this plane before.

Even the Eternal Night Empire would not gather them together under normal circumstances. The last time they gathered like this, tracing back to the second qualifying round.

At that time, facing the endless trial monsters, the Eternal Night Empire piled everything on.

However, that time happened in the shadow world, even if they died, nothing would happen.

But this time is different... This time it happened in reality.

Seeing such a magnificent army under his command, Han Ming, the commander of the Eternal Night Army, felt indescribable excitement and pride. His heart was filled with lofty ambitions, as if he had already seen the scene of the imperial army breaking through the city in front of him and destroying the Hundred Nations Alliance.

When he thought that such a feat would be accomplished by himself, Han Ming felt a sense of blood boiling and could not suppress his emotions.

The foreign friends who followed him to watch the battle were also shocked to see such a powerful army.

Even though they had settled in the Eternal Night Empire for many years and knew that it was an extremely powerful super empire and that they had many top legions, they had even seen the top Eternal Night Legions from afar some time ago.

But compared to the oral accounts of others and the descriptions in books, seeing it with one's own eyes was more shocking.

If it was said that when they saw those invincible legions in the Eternal Night City, they envied them, but they still felt that they could catch up.

Then when they saw the elite army of millions in front of them, all the foreign friends, who had a little common sense, felt a sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

All the members were level six, whether they were regular soldiers or servants, all reached the standard of the level six legion.

"How is this possible? How did they do it? Millions of elite warriors of at least level six, even if the population of the Eternal Night Empire is large, this scale is too exaggerated! In just less than a hundred years, how could they accumulate so many level six warriors!"

"Is there no threshold when they practice?"

"If we really encounter such a powerful army, I'm afraid we can only wait for death!"

"This is probably not all the troops. With the size of the Eternal Night Empire, a million troops are probably a bit too much to underestimate them!"

Foreign friends from other worlds communicated through the spiritual channel.

"Everyone, today is the time to capture Tamisari and destroy the Hundred Nations Alliance." The voice of the commander Han Ming spread throughout the army through a special amplification secret method, making all the soldiers in the army boil.

"Destroy the Hundred Nations Alliance and unify the Northern Continent."

"Destroy the Hundred Nations Alliance and unify the Northern Continent."

"Destroy the Hundred Nations Alliance and unify the Northern Continent."

The black-armored warriors roared loudly, and their voices echoed in the empty wilderness, as if they were going to tear the sky apart. They held their weapons tightly, their eyes were firm and fiery, and all the warriors knew that the next battle would be a brutal one, and even they might die in it.

But what if? It's just death, there's nothing to be afraid of.

It is our honor to die for Eternal Night.

Their faith is so firm that even death cannot shake it even a little bit.

The kingdom warriors on the city wall looked at the majestic black-armored warriors below and listened to the fanatical shouts, their faces turned pale.

Even though they had gone through countless battles and fought against the Yongye army, they still couldn't help but feel a little trembling every time they saw this fanatical army.


Following Han Min's order, the war was about to break out.

Thousands of magic cannons stood quietly, like sleeping dragons, waiting for the moment of awakening. Each cannon is tall and majestic, with a smooth and shiny surface, full of metallic texture, as if it is cared for and repaired by dedicated personnel every day.

Following Han Min's order, these sleeping dragons woke up instantly.

They made a low and deafening roar, like the roar of death, which made people's hearts tremble. As the inscriptions on the thick cannon body began to light up, streams of icy air flowed out from the muzzle, freezing the surrounding air.

The next second, countless energy cannons spurted out, and they intertwined into a bright network of light in the air, like bright galaxies stretching across the sky.

These energy cannons carried destructive power and blasted towards the city wall at lightning speed. They drew dazzling trajectories in the sky, like the most beautiful meteors in the sky.

"Activate the defensive magic circle."

The general who defended the city made a prompt decision, and the huge magic circle covering the entire city was activated instantly. A bright light rose, and the energy cannon that was flying towards it exploded in the air before it reached the city wall.

Boom boom boom——

Deafening explosions sounded one after another, as if they were going to shatter the entire city.

Huge energy fluctuations spread in the air, like a black hole vortex, sucking everything around it into it.

"Counterattack, counterattack, blow up their cannons for me!"

"All the bastards of the Evernight Empire must die for me!"

"Aim their cannon and fire now!"

The kingdom's defenders did not suffer passive attacks, and quickly launched a counterattack. Attacks equivalent to those in the realm of the holy realm came overwhelmingly. Magic forbidden spells struck, and fighting spirit combined strikes. Attacks that could tear apart space continued to pour towards the enemy.

The sky seemed to be torn apart by these powerful attacks, with huge cracks appearing and ready to collapse at any time.

"The Eternal Night Empire, gathering its troops here is the worst decision you have ever made. If you destroy us, you can't even think about it easy!" On the star tower, the old magician looked at the dark Yongye army, His face was ferocious, like an evil ghost returning from the cemetery, extremely crazy.

He is not from the Kingdom of Lennisa, but from other kingdoms that have perished. In other words, everything he once owned has been destroyed.

Relatives, friends, students, family, kingdom, everything he owned has been destroyed by the Eternal Night Empire.

Therefore, at this moment, he has nothing to fear.

Under the kingdom's secret method, countless blood souls poured into the old man's body. His momentum began to rise, and he soon broke through the limit of the ninth level and reached the realm of demigods.

Holding the magic scepter high, the old man's body began to burn, and the spiritual spirit emerged in the world. Unlike the pure and flawless spiritual spirit of normal living beings, the old man's spiritual spirit was mixed with countless bloody fragments, and the painful wails of living beings could even be heard. Voice.

"Jie hahaha, the power of a demigod, this is the power of a demigod, what a powerful power it is!" Feeling the power he had dreamed of, the old man laughed crazily.

Seeing that he didn't take action, the middle-aged man behind him had to remind him: "Elder Eli, we don't have much time!"

The old man frowned and looked back dissatisfied. A wave of pressure came over him. The middle-aged man immediately knelt down and even breathing became difficult, "Elder, Elder."

"Huh, I know what to do, I don't need you to teach me."

The old man snorted softly, came to his senses, and put away the pressure on the man. He turned around and looked at the black-armored army again. He waved his staff vigorously, his eyes were extremely violent, and he shouted loudly: "The Great Star of the Stars" Lord, I will sacrifice this broken body and let the stars here fall!" In an instant, the sky vibrated, and the entire space trembled.

As the old man roared, the ground trembled, and an illusory magic circle emerged, expanding into the distance and covering the entire battlefield.

The next second, the old man's spiritual spirit turned into light and went straight to the sky. Dozens of blood-red spiritual spirits from all over the city followed closely and merged into the magic array above the sky.

"If you want to destroy us, you will have to pay the price with blood." The king of Lennisa watched everything happen with ice-cold eyes.

The two magic legions used their strength together, "Thousands of stars are falling!!!"


A huge dark crack appeared in the sky 10,000 meters above the ground, and countless small meteorites shining with fire followed, hitting the army of the Eternal Night Empire like a torrential rain.


"My god, is this the strength that indigenous forces should have?"

"Damn it, uncle, did I see it wrong? One demigod and dozens of powerful men from the holy realm were directly sacrificed!?"

"Awesome, it seems that this high level of aura is not necessarily a good thing. These indigenous forces have profound foundations and their development potential in a short period of time is terrifying!"

In a space between the void and reality, ten figures composed of light and exuding a terrifying aura stood in the air. They were shocked by the movement below.

The faces were familiar. Light, Blood God, and Martial Master were all veterans of the Bloody Dawn.

After learning that the Eternal Night Empire was about to destroy the Hundred Nations Alliance, the interested people applied to Su Xingyu to watch the battle from the side.

Of course, in order to avoid misunderstandings, they only sent a divine power incarnation, which was only a ninth-level incarnation.

The ninth-level holy realm, or the divine power incarnation, the combat power is actually not weak.

But in Su Xingyu's home court, one thought can almost solve it.

So Su Xingyu did not refuse everyone's request.

If you want to see it, then see it.

It's no big deal.

As long as he is not dead, the empire will continue to move forward, and the current information will be outdated in a short time.

"Eternal Night, why don't you take action? If you watch, it will be too late!" The pharmacist looked at the meteorite that began to hit the Eternal Night Legion, his face solemn, and warned.

In his opinion, such a terrifying meteorite attack, even if the army below can block it, the loss will not be small.

After all, this is a natural disaster-level attack!

Ordinary people can't stop it!

"It doesn't matter, just watch." Su Xingyu shook his head, not caring at all.

Seeing that the pharmacist wanted to speak, the black businessman beside him patted his shoulder and smiled: "The master didn't worry about it, why are you worrying about it? Just watch the battle quietly."

Although everyone said a lot, it was actually only a moment.

On the battlefield below, Han Ming looked up at the sky, only to see countless huge fireballs sweeping in.

Even if it was a demigod, facing such a terrifying attack, if he tried to withstand it, he would be seriously injured.

Of course, under normal circumstances, this kind of attack, let alone severely injuring a demigod, even a high-level extraordinary person, as long as he was prepared, there is a certain probability that he can avoid it.

But it was obvious that the army could not be avoided.


Han Ming chuckled and mobilized the legions.

The legions began to connect one after another, and countless high-level extraordinary people flew up.


The legion leader roared, gathering the soldiers behind him to slash at the sky.

Boom boom boom————

A series of loud noises like thunderstorms came, and the sky began to explode in a series of explosions.

The meteor exploded into fragments and scattered around like dust.

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