All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 202: Surround without attacking, rogue tactics

As soon as the two sides fought, there was a shocking movement.

This kind of attack, even if it is placed at the level of the empire, is enough to be called a strategic strike.

If it is used well, this one can defeat an army.


The falling meteorites were blown up one by one, without any skills, just the simplest head-on collision, forcibly blown up by force.

Although the meteorites that were blown into pieces still have considerable power, they have lost their due lethality for the Eternal Night Warriors.

The super-large magic circle that consumed a huge amount of resources to set up.

Dozens of ninth-level warriors and a demigod were sacrificed, and such a huge price was paid, but in the end, not to mention severely damaging the Eternal Night Legion, not even a soldier was injured.

Even the generals of the alliance did not pin their hopes on this attack, thinking that with just one move, the army of the Eternal Night Empire could be severely damaged.

After all, there is a saying: respect your opponent, is to respect yourself.

The Eternal Night Army had previously swept all the way, beating the army of the Hundred Nations Alliance into a panic. If they were weak, then what would the Hundred Nations Alliance that they defeated be?

But even so, it was a bit too much that all the members were unharmed.

"Hahaha, is this your trump card? Sacrificing a demigod and dozens of ninth-level soldiers, only to get such an outcome. To be honest, I feel it's not worth it for them to have such an outcome. It's better to rush out and fight head-on. Maybe they can take one or two away from us." A legion commander who reached the ninth-level holy realm looked at the city wall, and through the dust in the air, he seemed to see the generals on the city wall, and laughed loudly and wantonly.

Seeing this, the Eternal Night Army also laughed, as if they were all mocking the Hundred Nations Alliance for overestimating their own capabilities.

"If it really doesn't work, you should surrender." Another general also laughed and said, "This world is the world of the strong. Now the army of the empire is at the gates of the city. It is normal that you can't beat us. It's not shameful. It's your honor to believe in my Lord. Why resist so much!"

At this point, the two sides have irreconcilable contradictions.

Surrender is even more impossible.

Those who want to surrender have already surrendered before. Now those who are left are all the most determined resistance factions.

But this does not prevent the generals of the Eternal Night Empire from taking this opportunity to shake their fighting determination.

He recognizes the will of the alliance generals to resist, but what about others?

Even in this extraordinary world, the main force that makes up the army is still those seemingly ordinary warriors.

After losing so many games and facing opponents that are almost impossible to defeat, are the wills of these warriors really that firm?

It's not that he looks down on the warriors of the alliance.

It's a very realistic problem. They can't win. They really can't win.

This is a battle with a huge gap in strength. The alliance can't win at all.

Facing a future of inevitable failure, as long as he is still human, he will waver, it's nothing more than more or less.

"Damn bastard!"

The general of the alliance was annoyed, his eyes were as sharp as swords. If eyes could kill, the general of the Eternal Night Empire would have died a hundred times.

"Everyone, I won't say any more nonsense. You can see the current situation. We have almost no chance of winning."

He turned to look at the silent soldiers and said in a deep voice: "But if we can't win, do we have to surrender? We are the most noble warriors on this land. The masters of this land have always been us. Why should a group of barbarians let us submit to them?"

The army of the Hundred Nations Alliance is different from that of the Eternal Night Empire. The most essential point is the issue of belonging.

If the Eternal Night Army belongs to the Empire, then the Alliance Army belongs to the nobles.

The elite warriors of the Empire Army can be nobles, civilians, or even servants.

The elite warriors of the Alliance Army are definitely not civilians. They are most likely nobles.

This is not discrimination, but a very realistic problem.

The Empire has a large area of ​​land and multiple channels to obtain resources. They are not short of resources, so even if it is a servant, as long as they show the corresponding talent for cultivation, the Empire will train them.

The Alliance cannot do this. Not to mention that they do not have such abundant resources, even if they really have them, they will not give them to others, because in their opinion, this is a waste.

In other words, most of the elite warriors nowadays are actually aristocrats.

The general of the kingdom looked at them and shouted loudly: "Brave warriors, are you willing to bow down to a group of barbarians, or are you willing to fight them to the death? Even if you die, you have to bite off a piece of meat."

After he said this, the soldiers who were already a little bit excited suddenly became excited and shouted in unison:

"Fight to the death."

"Fight to the death."

"Fight to the death."

The enthusiastic response resounded through the sky and spread throughout the battlefield.

"Lao Li, it seems that your trash talk is useless. The shouting on the opposite side is even louder!" An imperial general teased.

The imperial general who had spoken earlier snorted and sneered, "I never thought that I could make them surrender with just a few words. Besides, we have gathered so many legions here. If they surrender directly, wouldn't it be boring?"

"That makes sense. A war of this magnitude is unprecedented. Even during the previous 'Trial of God', it was not as exciting as this. I don't know if there will be another war in the future. If they surrender directly, I will be a little unhappy!"


The trash talk between each other did not interfere with the continuation of the battlefield. After a gust of wind, the dust was dispersed, and the two sides continued to bombard each other.

One after another, the magic cannons were activated, and the high-quality crystals burned as if they were free.

The energy cannon that was enough to shatter everything bombarded the city, but it could not shake the city's defense at all.

But it was normal. As the top power in the northern continent, the Royal City of the Kingdom of Lennisa, which had been operating for hundreds of years, was so easily breached that it would be a bit too much to underestimate them.

The Eternal Night Empire was not in a hurry at all. It did not organize the legion to launch a siege, but continued to use cannons to consume the city's defense system.

The Eternal Night Warriors were indeed not afraid of death, but they could not die in vain.

Before breaking the city's defense system, sending the warriors to attack the city was no different from sending them to die.

Since they want to consume, then consume.

Let's see who can outlast the other!

Although it is a large-scale expedition, the Eternal Night Empire is fully confident of its logistics. At least it will be no problem to spend a year or two here.

The Alliance did not have the idea of ​​taking the initiative to go out of the city to fight, but just used the defense system established before to resist the attack of the Eternal Night Army.

After all, they are not stupid, the Eternal Night Empire has so many elite warriors.

If it really comes to a head-on battle, there is no chance of winning on their side. Instead of this, it is better to continue to consume.

So, the two sides with their own ideas started the bombardment.

Although it sounds simple, in fact, the scene is very terrifying.

Forbidden spell strikes, legion aggregation strikes, meteorite strikes

Any one of them is enough to be called a strategic strike, with the ability to reverse the situation on the battlefield.

At least for foreign friends who are watching the battle.

It's crazy.

They don't understand it at all.

The Eternal Night Empire is so powerful, why can this indigenous force without the favor of the gods be so powerful!

How did they develop? This is too outrageous!

Looking at the scene below, they were a little crazy.

"Eternal Night, why don't you help? Looking at the situation, it is estimated that your believers alone will not be able to take down this city in a short time." Looking at the situation on the battlefield, the martial artist chuckled.

"No need, just watch, and I will take action when it is really too late." Su Xingyu glanced at him, shook his head, and rejected his proposal.

From the beginning to the end, unless it was absolutely necessary, Su Xingyu would not interfere with the power of the clan.

Even if his actions could reduce a lot of troubles and allow the empire to develop more smoothly, Su Xingyu still didn't like to take action. He just watched from the side and let the Eternal Night Empire do it on its own.

This is very different from other players.

Most players attach great importance to the power of the clan. If their actions can reduce the casualties of the clan, then they will not hesitate.

It is also hard to say who is right or wrong.

After all, everyone is an individual and has different views on how to develop the power of the clan.

Su Xingyu didn't know how other people viewed the clan forces. Anyway, for him, the clan forces were not glass balls, but his right-hand man who could grow with him.

Since they were his right-hand man, they naturally had to be strong enough.

How could they grow up without going through some hardships?

So unless it would cause major losses, Su Xingyu would not help them even if they died in front of him.

And it was obvious that it was far from the standard of major losses.

The two sides fought each other for nearly seven days, and the alliance side finally couldn't hold on.

Although this was their home ground, defending the city would be relatively easier than the Eternal Night Army.

The Eternal Night Army needed to consider when the army in the city would come out, but they didn't need to, because even if the Eternal Night Army launched a surprise attack, they had to solve the city's defense system first.

But for a while, even if the Eternal Night Army was very powerful, it would not be able to break the defense system they had built for many years, so they could be more stable when they rested.

However, this is only a theoretical situation. In fact, the Alliance army was besieged in the city, facing the bombardment of magic cannons at all times, and the huge black-armored warriors were watching from below, and they didn't know when to launch an attack.

And there was a dark future that could be seen at a glance.

It can be said that every day they spend now is so tormenting.

The pressure in their hearts is too great.

They can't live, and they can't die.

One word to describe it is aggrieved.

In this atmosphere, some Alliance soldiers are almost crazy, and they can't wait to rush out and fight with the Eternal Night Army.

The worst thing is death.

Anyway, according to the current situation, they are dead, so why should they suffer this torture?

It can be said that as time goes by, the morale of the Alliance soldiers drops by one point every day.

It has to be said that the human race is really a magical creature.

Sometimes, relying on a passion, they will do some incredible things that will make them feel scared when they think about it.

For example, fighting to the death.

The current alliance soldiers are still willing to continue fighting the Eternal Night Army, but as time goes by, when they calm down, they may not be willing to do so.

The generals of the alliance naturally discovered this, but there was no good way.

The temporary meeting hall.

"Everyone, whether to fight, surrender, or break out, there must be a result today. We can't drag it on any longer, otherwise the soldiers will not be able to hold on before the Eternal Night Army attacks the city." Bell, an important general of the alliance, looked at everyone and said with a firm look.

"Damn it, they have so many troops and continue to use magic cannons every day. How can they maintain the consumption?" A great noble cursed, and he really couldn't understand why he and others were the first to fail after defending the city for so long.

"What's the point of saying this now? Make a decision quickly. The army has begun to be in turmoil. If it's a few days later, we won't even have the right to choose." Another great noble said unhappily.

"It's really cruel, the bastards of the Eternal Night Empire, I thought they would attack violently, but I didn't expect it." A general's face was extremely gloomy. The Eternal Night Empire's fighting style this time was completely different from before.

If they continued to attack, no matter how fierce it was, the alliance was not afraid. As mentioned before, the worst case scenario was death.

As a result, they are now surrounded but not attacked, slowly wearing down the will of the soldiers in the city, which is very disgusting.

Even the most determined soldiers, facing this situation, will inevitably be shaken after a long time.

"Surrender is impossible, I would rather die than surrender. If anyone of you wants to surrender, then wait until I die in battle." A ninth-level peak man looked at everyone with cold eyes. Even if these people were his companions, he was not polite at all: "Before I die, whoever dares to surrender, I will take his head as a sacrifice!"

"I would rather die than surrender. It has come to this point. If you surrender again, won't the previous sacrifices be in vain? It's just a death, fight with them!" Another ninth-level general responded immediately.

"You." A great noble looked at them with a pale face.

"Grand Duke, what do you think?" Someone looked at the noble, his eyes cold, and asked softly.


The noble felt cold all over, and he realized that things seemed to be beyond his expectations. "I don't understand military affairs, I will listen to you."

"Thank you for your support, Duke."

Everyone retracted their gazes, looked at each other, nodded slightly, and seemed to have reached some kind of agreement.

"Let's fight."

"Let this city become our cemetery!"

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