All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 203: Opening the city to fight, the gap between the two sides (215)

Chapter 203: Opening the city to fight, the gap between the two sides (2/15)

The next day, daytime.

It was early morning.

Unlike normal troops who attack the city during the day and rest at night, the Eternal Night Army, as dark believers, has a completely opposite schedule. They like to launch fierce attacks at night and reduce their intensity during the day.

Such an abnormal combat time really caught the Alliance Army off guard when they first encountered it.

But now it is much better.

The Alliance has adapted to this abnormal combat time.

After all, they are not ordinary people. Not to mention just adjusting their rest time, even if they don’t sleep for ten days or half a month, there will be no big problems. At most, their condition will decline.

The Eternal Night Army is just like usual, carrying out boring bombardment and consuming the reserves inside the city.

The roar is endless and the explosions are continuous.

After many days of bombing, both sides have adapted to this situation.

At this moment, the direction of the city suddenly changed, the terrifying light shield suddenly expanded, and a dazzling beam of light rose from the center of the city, shining with endless light like the scorching sun, instantly dispersing the dark fog arranged by the Eternal Night Empire.


At the same time, countless thunder spears attacked from the sky, carrying terrifying lightning, falling like a rainstorm and shooting at the Eternal Night Army, not seeking to kill the enemy, but to disturb them for a moment.

"Holy Light Purification!"

The scorching sun in the sky burst into holy light, dispelling the dark elements, and the dazzling light made all the dark believers feel disgusted from the bottom of their hearts.




With a fierce counterattack, the Alliance temporarily suppressed the firepower of the Eternal Night Empire

The towering city gates opened wide, and then in a shout of killing, countless kingdom knights swept out and killed the Eternal Night Army.

"Finally you can't hold it anymore. I thought you could hold on for a few more days, but you couldn't hold on so soon." Han Ming, who has the strength of a legendary realm, would not have any problems even if he stayed awake all the time, so he reacted the moment the city changed and began to mobilize the army to block it.

Breakout or fight to the death.

No matter what your purpose is, don't think of achieving it in my hands.

Looking at the alliance army coming out in a line, Han Ming's eyes became sharper, like an eagle soaring in the sky, looking down at the prey running on the earth.

"The cowards of the kingdom are finally willing to leave your turtle shells. I thought you would stay in there forever!" Seeing the kingdom army rushing out of the city, the heavy infantry corps at the front sneered, raised their shields, and prepared to meet the impact from the enemy.

The soldiers were all in high spirits, without any fear of war.

"If you want to break through our defense line, then come on, let me show you our true strength!" Chen Ding, the commander of the heavy infantry, was relatively calm, but at this moment, he couldn't help but feel excited when he saw the kingdom soldiers rushing over.

The two armies fought together in a blink of an eye. Both sides had a tacit understanding and stopped all kinds of field attacks directly. They held the long swords in their hands tightly and prepared for a close fight to decide life and death.

"Die, you bastards of the Eternal Night Empire!" The kingdom knight had red eyes and a grim smile on his face. He drove his warhorse and rushed towards the distant enemy at an extremely fast speed.

He didn't even need to attack. Just relying on his own weight and speed, he could have a huge impact.

The kingdom knights in the front row were unstoppable and rushed directly to the black-armored warriors who had just built the defense line in a suicidal way.

"Stop them!"

The heavy infantry soldiers, who were generally two meters tall, extremely strong, and dressed in black heavy armor, looked like iron lumps. They raised their shields expressionlessly.

They stood in front of the Kingdom Knights like a thick metal wall.

Elite warriors who were not afraid of life and death, luxurious heavy armor equipment, and a fighting will that would rather die than retreat, the combination of the three, this is the most difficult wall in the world to cross.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if a real seventh-level legion came, it would be extremely difficult to break through this line of defense head-on.

And for ordinary legions, this is a wall of sighs.

But what can it do?

The Kingdom Knights did not hesitate at all, tightened the reins, and crashed into it with the horse.

Bang bang bang——

Accompanied by a dull loud noise, blood splattered, and the warhorse wailed in pain.

The warhorse fell with a bloody head, and the warrior on it flew forward.

The heavily armored warriors were still strong, with a firm look in their eyes, without any change, as if the impact just now had no effect on them.

But if someone looked closely, they would find that their feet had already dug deep into the ground and plowed two furrows backwards.

Even they, faced with such a terrifying impact, could not avoid retreating.

There was no way to deal with this.

After all, no matter how powerful they were, they had to abide by the rules of power.

However, this was just the beginning. More and more kingdom knights rushed over, like moths to a flame, all abandoning life and death, choosing to show their value in the most violent way.

More and more kingdom knights fell, and then a steady stream of knights came up to fill the gap.

There was no surprise. Even though this Eternal Night Heavy Infantry had two defensive characteristics, it was super elite in terms of defense alone. Facing this death charge, a gap was instantly opened.

"Hahaha, this is the Eternal Night Warrior, and it really lives up to the name of being powerful. But the impact of our lives is not so easy to stop! Let's fight!" The Kingdom Centurion rushed in from the gap, laughing wildly on his face, burning his blood in the most brutal way in exchange for a short burst.

The long sword slashed down.

The cold light flashed.

The head of a black-armored warrior flew up, and his tall body carrying heavy armor slowly fell backwards, and fell heavily to the ground with a bang.


Another Eternal Night Warrior rushed forward to fill the gap, make up for the vacancy after the death of his companion, and blocked the Kingdom Knight.

The Kingdom Centurion swung his sword again, and the arc flashed. The blood-red long sword wrapped in blood and qi tore the heavy armor and the body of the black-armored warrior. From the shoulder to the waist, the whole body was almost cut in half.

"Really capable."

Spitting out a mouthful of blood foam, the Kingdom Centurion looked down at the torn armor on his body.


The next second, with a wail from under him, the front legs of the warhorse were cut off, and the Kingdom Thousand Captain immediately fell off the horse. He saw a cold light flashing in the corner of his eyes, and a long sword was slashing at him. He rolled on the ground and narrowly avoided the fatal blow, but there was also a thin blood mark on his waist, and the dark power attached to it began to erode his body.


Three black-armored warriors rushed up and started to surround and kill.

After dozens of rounds, three bodies fell in a pool of blood.

The eighth-level legendary Kingdom Thousand Captain died without causing any waves.

The surviving black-armored warrior completed the promotion, with a fierce face, holding the long sword in his right hand and holding the shield in his left hand, and killed the rushing Kingdom Knight again.

The Kingdom Knights who can survive to this day can be called elite no matter where they are. Their fearless impact is indeed powerful. If it were an ordinary legion, I am afraid they would have been pierced long ago.

But unfortunately, the opponent they met was the Eternal Night Legion.

It's just death, nothing big.

You are not afraid of death, so are we afraid of death?

The attack launched at the cost of life was intercepted by the Eternal Night Warriors with their flesh and blood.

When both sides are not afraid of death and their wills are equally firm, the only thing to compete is hard power.

Fight until death.

Soldiers fell one after another, and then other soldiers filled up.

In just a short while, thousands of soldiers on both sides died in the battle, which was very terrifying.

You know, these are at least sixth-level extraordinary warriors, but now they are dying like ants.

When the cavalry lost its speed advantage, it can only rely on its own strength.

In this regard, the Eternal Night Legion is fully confident.

The Eternal Night Warriors who survived the cavalry's attack gathered in groups of three or five, and under the leadership of officers at all levels, they launched a siege against the Kingdom Knights.

The Kingdom Knights trapped in the enemy's formation were powerless, and more and more soldiers fell.

At the same time, as time went on, the two armies began to contact on a large scale and launched a bloody contest.

"Hahaha, this is how we should fight. Warriors of the kingdom, show us your strength and let us fight with all our strength. The winner lives and the loser dies. It is not a loss for you or me to die on such a battlefield." The general of the empire laughed wildly and fought with the generals on the opposite side. Every blow was bloody and extremely brave.

Even in a life-and-death fight, the generals of the empire also expressed their recognition of the courage and force of the soldiers of the kingdom.

It's strange.

Although the two sides have fought for decades and the casualties are not small, the generals and soldiers of the empire are not really hostile to the kingdom.

As mentioned before, this is just a normal expansion.

There is no hatred between the two sides.

It can only be said that the Eternal Night Empire wants to continue to expand and become stronger, and the Hundred Nations Alliance just blocks their way.

When encountering obstacles blocking the road, the easiest way is to clear them away.

In the eyes of the Eternal Night Empire, the soldiers of the Hundred Nations Alliance are such obstacles.

So although the two sides are hostile, the empire still recognizes their will to resist.

Of course, the Empire has this attitude, but the Kingdom is not. They are eager to destroy the Eternal Night Empire.

However, recognition is recognition, and when it is time to kill the enemy, the Empire's soldiers will not hesitate.

Living in the Eternal Night Empire, they have always admired brave warriors, and the best way for the Empire to appreciate the enemy is to kill them.

"If you want me to die, you will have to pay a painful price." The Kingdom soldiers were also ruthless. They no longer held the fluke of being able to survive in their hearts, and began to exchange their lives for their lives.

Each legion has found its own opponent. Under the command of the Empire's commander, relying on more abundant legions, the Empire's army has steadily suppressed the attacking Kingdom's army.

There is restraint between the legions, which is beyond doubt.

So when the number of legions reaches a certain level, the competition is nothing more than two points.

The commander's command ability and the diversity of the legions.

Some powerful commanders can mobilize the corresponding legions to the most suitable position through their own command, so that they can suppress the enemy legions by relying on their attributes.

The diversity of the legion is also very simple to explain.

Just like playing cards, friends who have played cards know that no matter how good the card skills are, if you don’t have any useful cards in your hand, it’s useless.

The same is true for commanders and legions.

No matter how powerful a commander is, you still need to have the right legions to mobilize.

Otherwise, if you are given a bunch of low-level legions and asked to fight against the mid-level legions, they can't even break the opponent's defense, then no matter how powerful your command ability is, there is no room for you to play.

If we compare the command ability of the commanders of the Alliance and the Empire, the Evernight Empire is slightly stronger, but the gap is not big, they are all at the same level.

Whether it is the Empire Commander Han Ming or the Alliance Commander Wallis, they are super geniuses selected from billions. They are natural commanders, and after decades of battlefield training, this talent has been developed and utilized to the extreme.

According to the system classification, the commander command value of both is above 95.

What does a commander command value of 95 mean?

This means that after stripping away the auxiliary command abilities such as the sound transmission secret technique and the mental communication "network", the two can still command millions of troops.

The commander command is about the same, so we can only compare the number and strength of the legions.

In this regard, the Alliance really can't compare with the Empire, the gap is too big.

Therefore, the overall battlefield situation is very clear. The Empire has the advantage. Even if the Alliance explodes, the soldiers are determined to die, and they cannot make up for the gap in hard power between the two sides.

For this situation, the Alliance commander Wallis has no way.

If you follow rational thinking, then in his opinion, this battle should not be fought, because it is a battle that is bound to be lost.

As a qualified commander, it is more painful to let him lead his soldiers to fight a war that he knows is bound to lose than to kill him.

After all, no matter how strong your city is or how many magic circles you have, it is still people who dominate the war.

As a top general, Wallis had fought with the army of the Eternal Night Empire many times before, and there were wins and losses, so he was very clear about the gap between the two armies.

There are gaps in equipment strength, soldier strength, and organizational cooperation. As a result, the number is not as large as the other side. If you can win, it would be a real hell.

"Condesson, lead the third legion to attack."

Seeing that the situation was getting worse and worse, Wallis had to flip a trump card in his hand.

"I obey your orders."

A middle-aged strong man roared, and the surrounding soldiers burst into a terrifying bloody aura instantly. The aura of the soldiers soared all the way to the seventh level, almost crossing the threshold.

The third legion, a quasi-seventh-level legion that has completed half of the transformation, is very powerful.

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