All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 209 End (515)

Chapter 209 The End (5/15)

In this land shrouded in darkness, the breath of terror runs through the sky and the earth, as if even the air has become thick and oppressive, and the violent scarlet power surges in the darkness, like a giant dragon awakening from its slumber. , disrupting the dark realm maintained by the incarnation of divine power.

"Jie hahaha, what a powerful force! Come on, devour me, become stronger, and then destroy everything!" An alliance demigod who was fighting with the empire general felt the sound coming from the direction of the city. With a terrifying aura, he laughed wildly, his body turned into light, and he rushed away according to the pull regardless of everything.

"Damn it, stop him, don't let him pass!" The empire general also realized the seriousness of the problem and wanted to stop the alliance demigod, but it was not that simple.

When a demigod disregards everything, even life and death, it is too difficult to intercept them.

What's more, he himself is rushing to die.

The remaining demigods, without any hesitation, burned everything they could.

Their auras surged, and they turned into streams of light and rushed towards the scarlet vortex.

Bang bang bang——

With the integration of a demigod, the blood vortex expanded, and the scarlet realm continued to expand until it competed with the dark realm, forming a confrontation between red and black.

"This is really bad!"

Han Ming was no longer as relaxed and comfortable as before, and his face became more gloomy, "Regulate the army and prepare to fight against the powerful enemy."

"This aura alone is far superior to ordinary demigods. I'm afraid we won't be able to handle it!" Feeling the aura coming from far away, the general with the ninth-level holy realm said.

"Can't handle it? You have to deal with it even if you can't handle it. At worst, we will come too. Do you really think they are the only ones with the trump card!" The imperial general beside him said in a cold tone with a trace of blood on his face.


The Eternal Night Empire has never been defeated in reality.

This time, in order to destroy the Hundred Nations Alliance, they can be said to have mobilized their elites, so no matter what enemy they face, no matter what price they have to pay, they must win the final victory.

The king is watching us!

How can you dedicate failure to the king! ! !

"Bang! Bang!! Bang!!!"

In the center of the city, under the scarlet vortex, a giant bloody cocoon hundreds of meters high appeared. There was a violent heartbeat in the body, affecting the hearts of all living creatures present.

"I really underestimated them! I didn't expect these guys to be so ruthless. Judging from their posture, they must have had this plan for a long time." Ye Zhan's face was very solemn, and even he felt a fatal threat from it at this moment.

He had not felt this way for a long time since the king came to the tribe and received the favor of the gods.

Unexpectedly, after growing up and becoming stronger, he would actually feel threatened again, and it was still a threat that he could not fight against.

Yes, even with the power of a demigod, Ye Zhan didn't think he could fight against the monster in the city.

The monsters that are being nurtured in the city possess strength that is far beyond the reach of demigods.

Just when Ye Zhan was thinking about how to deal with it, Han Meng's voice came to his ears: "General Ye Zhan, I will integrate the army later and give blessings to the Eternal Night Paladin. You try to combine the power of the legions and see if you can bring them together." Destroy the monster!"


Ye Zhan hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Soon, under Han Yan's operation, the power of the imperial army was integrated, and the incarnation of the divine power above also lowered his eyes and looked at the position of the Evernight Paladin.

The next moment, the darkness around the Eternal Night Paladin became thicker, and the power of darkness merged into every warrior's body like a stream. Their momentum began to rise. Ye Zhan's face turned red, his body began to swell, and his momentum surged all the way.

High demigod, powerful demigod.


Roaring angrily, Ye Zhan held a long knife, soared into the air, and struck the giant red cocoon with his knife: "Die!!!!" The warriors of the Evernight Paladin behind him also roared and slashed with their swords at the same time.

Then with the help of a mysterious force, all the forces condensed instantly and integrated into a black sword.

The thousand-foot-long black sword slashed out, shattering the space, and instantly arrived in front of the giant cocoon.

This sword is enough to kill a demigod.


The bloody giant cocoon seemed to be aware of the crisis. The red light on its body became deeper and turned into a shell, wrapping it around the outside. When the knife struck the giant cocoon, it was like two meteors colliding, making a deafening roar.

The sword light reflected a dazzling light on the giant cocoon, but it could not penetrate the hard shell.

At the point of collision, the space shattered.

The aftermath rippled across the city, with sturdy houses overturned and destroyed, and everything visible to the naked eye was in shambles.

The shell of the giant cocoon was cut open, and the knife cut into the body of the giant cocoon.

At this moment, there was only a loud noise, and the giant cocoon exploded instantly. A pair of scarlet, scaly arms stretched out and intercepted Dao Mang. Then, a roar spread across the entire battlefield: "\u0026¥* !" Throwing his arms upward, Dao Mang rose into the sky, shattered several layers of space, and flew towards the void outside the sky.

The terrifying roar made all the warriors on the battlefield feel as if their spirits had been hit hard and they fell into a brief state of dizziness.


Before everyone could see the monster's appearance clearly, dark clouds covered the sky, and countless thunderbolts struck down, blasting towards the scarlet monster.


The tall monster roared, and the scarlet energy instantly penetrated the thunder net, directly destroying the invisible will that gathered.

At this time, people could see the appearance of this monster clearly. It was a super monster with a height of more than a kilometer, covered with scales, a pair of sharp horns on the forehead, wings on the back, and eight arms.

After solving the obstructive will of the sky, absorbing the blood of more than ten million creatures and devouring the will of millions of creatures, the last weapon left in the world by the Hundred Nations Alliance turned its attention to the army of the Eternal Night Empire.

"Prepare for blood sacrifice."

Han Ming made a prompt decision and chose the safest way.

"Beyond the power of demigods, even if only the energy level has reached the true god, there is absolutely no creature present who can kill him." The people watching the battle above were also frightened by the strength of this scarlet monster at this moment.

The energy level of the scarlet monster has surpassed the demigod and reached a realm that all players have never entered, the true god.

Even if only the energy level has been reached, even if this scarlet monster has no reason, it is still a super monster that is extremely terrifying.

"Do you need me to come and help?" Looking at the monster below, Guanghui frowned, hesitated for a moment, and asked.

"If you need, I can come too," said the Blood God.

A super monster at the level of a true god, even if they are extremely confident in Su Xingyu's strength, they don't think he can easily solve it, so they all proposed to come to help in person.

"No need."

Su Xingyu shook his head and said confidently: "It's just an unintelligent monster, I have my own way to deal with it."

After that, he didn't wait any longer, and his figure disappeared instantly.

At the same time, on the battlefield below, there was only a sound of glass breaking, and the entire sky exploded and collapsed instantly, and a vast and boundless figure appeared.

The gods appeared.

"Eternal Night!"

"Eternal Night!"

"Eternal Night!"

All the Eternal Night warriors became fanatical, as if they had forgotten that they were still in danger, and began to shout loudly to show their loyalty to the gods.

If the gods hadn't specifically told them, they would have knelt down and prayed immediately.

"My Lord, Han Ming has disappointed you. He has not been able to completely resolve the Hundred Nations Alliance." Han Ming felt guilty and prayed to the gods.

As the commander of this army, he brought so many Eternal Night warriors with him. In the end, the king had to come to the world and personally take action to end it. This was really not right.

"It's okay."

A cold voice came into his ears.

Su Xingyu was also a little surprised by the appearance of the scarlet monster. He could sense that the alliance still had a trump card, but he did not expect that the other party would create a super monster at the level of a true god.

True God.

A true god with an endless lifespan!

No matter where he is placed, a true god is not a simple existence.

So it is normal that Han Ming can't handle it.

Well, it's not completely unsolvable.

After all, this is just an unintelligent monster, not a real god. Even if the energy level reaches the level of a true god, it does not mean that he has the combat power of a true god.

Wanting to overturn this million-strong army with an unintelligent monster is a bit too contemptuous of the Eternal Night Empire.

Whether it is to build a suppression magic circle based on humans, or to sacrifice creatures with blood and integrate into the incarnation of gods, the scarlet monster in front of them can be solved.

It's just that the method is a bit bloody and the loss is a bit heavy.

This is a meaningless loss.

It is for this reason that Su Xingyu chose to descend in his true body and prepare to deal with this monster personally.


Looking at the dark god standing in the void, the mindless scarlet monster roared horribly, and seemed to have sensed the strength of the opponent. For a while, he did not act rashly.

But soon, the tyranny and destruction filled his mind again, turning him into a mindless monster again.

So, the scarlet monster, acting on instinct, shrank the surrounding scarlet area, flapped the wings behind him, soared into the sky, and attacked the dark god.

The dark god snorted lightly, and swung the black long sword in his hand casually, slashing down.


The sword light flashed, occupying everyone's vision, and the dark sword energy slashed directly at the scarlet monster.

The scarlet monster roared, and a layer of blood and energy shield emerged around its body. The red and black energies collided, bursting out with amazing momentum, but it was only blocked for a moment, and the red energy was suppressed.

The dark sword energy broke through the energy shield and cut the scarlet monster in half, and then penetrated His body and fell to the ground.


The earth began to crack, and the thousands-meter-long cracks extended all the way to the edge of the city and deep into the ground.

"This is the power of our Lord, how vast it is!"

"Hahaha! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"My Lord's divine power, covering all realms!"

Seeing such a terrifying blow, the dark believers cheered and jumped for joy, feeling proud, confident, and crazy for the strength shown by the dark god.

Su Xingyu, who slashed with a sword, was not happy. Looking at the scarlet monster that fell to the ground and turned into two halves, His brows frowned slightly, seeming a little dissatisfied.

The body of a true god is not so easy to destroy.

Sure enough, the next second, the two halves of the scarlet monster began to merge, and it became like an elemental body, without a trace of wounds.

The scarlet monster, which had recovered from its injuries, had an even more terrifying aura.

Su Xingyu just watched, without stopping him, and let him recover from his injuries.

The fearless scarlet monster rose into the sky again and killed Su Xingyu.

"If we were in the void, I would definitely play with you slowly, but it's a pity that this is a plane." Looking at the charging scarlet monster, Su Xingyu whispered to himself, the voice was so low that only he could hear it.

Immediately afterwards, He put away the long sword, and a large millstone rose behind him. The millstone began to rotate, and eventually turned into a black hole, and the terrifying suction force moved towards the scarlet monster.

At the same time, His right hand reached out and grabbed the scarlet monster. Around the scarlet monster, countless chains condensed by the laws of darkness appeared out of thin air and wrapped around his body in an instant.

The scarlet monster struggled violently, and the whole space shook, but it had no effect.

Chains kept breaking, but more chains would appear immediately.

After a while, the scarlet monster was wrapped tightly.

The black hole behind him instantly expanded and rushed forward, and the scarlet monster was directly swallowed up.

Within thirty seconds, the scarlet monster that had just shown its world-destroying power was dealt with by Su Xingyu.

"I'm very satisfied with this battle." Looking at the fanatical believers below, Su Xingyu chuckled, and then waved his hand, countless divine sources turned into rain and fell, integrating into the bodies of each warrior.

"My Lord is eternal!"

"My Lord is eternal!"

"My Lord is eternal!"

Being commended by the gods, even just one word, is enough to make all believers crazy.

After dealing with the scarlet monster and giving another compliment to the believer, Su Xingyu didn't stay long and immediately disappeared.

The gods should be kept far away from the believers, so as to maintain a sense of mystery and awe in their hearts.

This is the experience summed up by the players.

After returning to the sky.

Looking at the crowd, Su Xingyu took the lead and said before they could speak: "I still have some things to deal with, so I won't let you have dinner. Let's meet again next time we have a chance!"

Everyone was not a fool, so they naturally heard the intention of expelling guests from Su Xingyu's words.

They were not angry, and still kept smiles on their faces: "It just so happens that I have something to deal with over there, so let's get together next time."

After that, in front of Su Xingyu, everyone opened the portal, walked into it, and left this plane.


Su Xingyu breathed a long sigh of relief, his eyes became deeper and darker, feeling the violent power coming from the space, and said to himself: "It's really troublesome, but from now on, I have enough time to spend with you."

After saying that, he stretched his hand forward, and a dark crack appeared. A terrifying roar came from inside. A red light flashed past, and Su Xingyu walked into it.

A big war broke out.

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