All Gods: Lord’s Conquest

Chapter 210 Post-War Events

"it's over."

The sky has become bright again, the sky has returned to its previous appearance, and the broken space is constantly being repaired.

Looking at the place where the gods disappeared, the dark believers still maintained their postures and prayed again for a while before the enthusiasm on their faces gradually dissipated.

Looking at the battlefield where even the terrain had undergone huge changes, Han Yan couldn't help but feel a little emotional. He didn't expect that this war to destroy the country would go to such an extent. In the end, even the king was alarmed.

"It was really a cruel war! Demigods, Sanctuary, and I don't know how many strong men have fallen this time. We seem to have underestimated the Hundred Nations Alliance. Fortunately, this time the preparations in all aspects were sufficient, otherwise it would not have been possible. We will definitely be able to stop them!" An empire general looked at the miserable situation and felt a little scared. Before this, the Evernight Empire had been victorious in the battles with the Hundred Nations Alliance, which made him look down on the Hundred Nations Alliance.

I thought that even if they got together, it would be just a useless alliance. Not only does it not have the effect of strengthening, but by gathering them together, it also makes it easier for the Evernight Empire to catch them all in one fell swoop.

I didn't expect these guys to be able to gather so many powerful legions, and in the end they even managed to create monsters at the level of true gods.

This scene is really scary.

If it were an ordinary imperial force, facing the alliance's final counterattack, if they were not careful, they might actually overturn! Even if they don't overturn, they will probably have to pay a heavy price to capture them.

At least in the eyes of the imperial generals, if King Yongye had not come to take action in the end, their losses would have at least doubled this time.

After all, it is a super monster at the level of a true god. It is already very powerful to be able to deal with it. It is absolutely impossible without paying a price.

"It's just that the last scarlet monster exceeded expectations. The rest are still under control." Another empire general chuckled.

"After all, it is an alliance with hundreds of millions of people. Even if they were relatively loose in the early stage and even hindered each other, the group of guys who finally gathered together are without exception the elites of this alliance. Selected from hundreds of millions of people The elite, can’t they be awesome?”

"But if they had this move, why didn't they use it earlier? This would lead to the destruction of the country, so what's the point of using it!"

"Nonsense, don't look at how many strong men were sacrificed in the end, and then a true god monster was created. Even if they want to use it, there are no conditions. Do you think that normal demigod monsters cannot reach the level of true gods? , is it useful to us? What's more, I doubt that this monster was developed by them at all. Looking at the scarlet energy, I definitely don't believe it without the involvement of the Blood Empire!"

"Fuck, why do I always feel something is wrong? There is an indescribable weird feeling. It turns out to be the Blood Empire's method."

Someone suddenly realized it and said angrily: "These blood-sucking guys are really annoying. When I have my hands free in the future, I will definitely deal with them."

"Okay, the fight is over. Even if you want to review the game after the war, just wait until you get back."

Han Hao spoke up, interrupting everyone's protest. He looked in the direction of the city and said softly: "Let's go to the city and harvest our spoils. The Hundred Nations Alliance has accumulated thousands of years of accumulation. It's amazing to think about it." It’s a bit heartwarming.”

Over the years, the Eternal Night Empire has destroyed countless countries and harvested many treasures from them.

Those subjugated countries are naturally not as good as the Eternal Night Empire in all fields, but since they can still exist to this day, they more or less have some trump cards.

These trump cards may not be powerful enough, but they can also be of great help to the Eternal Night Empire.

It can be said that it is cultural integration in another sense.

Therefore, Han Ming was still looking forward to this city where the last essence of the Hundred Nations Alliance was gathered. Maybe there was something in it that could solve the current predicament of the Eternal Night Empire.

Looking at the somewhat dilapidated city, and thinking about the scarlet monster before and the crazy performance of the alliance soldiers, an empire general said without any expectations: "I don't have any high expectations. As for the last crazy behaviors of the alliance, I I don’t think they will leave anything good for us. They are fighting with us with the mentality of subjugating the country. Everything that can be destroyed in the city has probably been destroyed by them! "

"Is there any? We'll find out if we go in and take a look. Let's discuss it here and see what we can come up with." Ye Zhan, who had just recovered, was still a little pale and said speechlessly.

As the forces of the Eternal Night Empire entered Tamisari, the last remaining place of the alliance was completely destroyed, and the Hundred Nations Alliance could be directly declared destroyed.

If nothing unexpected happens, in a hundred years, people in this land will not even know what the Hundred Nations Alliance is.

At the same time, the battle at the junction of the Northern Continent and the Western Continent also came to an end.

The Eternal Night Empire is going to destroy the Hundred Nations Alliance, and the Blood Empire will naturally not stand by and watch. They also sent a large army over, preparing to cause some chaos to the Eternal Night Empire.

Of course, if you really can't, you can still make a fortune from it. The Hundred Nations Alliance is so large that the Eternal Night Empire can't eat it all in one breath.

The size of this vampire army reached 300,000. It was composed of the vampire regular army and the vampire servant army. The regular army was all members of the sixth level, and there was even a real seventh-level army among them, which was extremely powerful.

It is no exaggeration to say that this vampire army alone is enough to destroy many kingdoms.

However, such a powerful army had no impact on the final battle of the Northern Continent. It can even be said that they did not really set foot on the land of the Northern Continent until the Hundred Nations Alliance was destroyed.

Because the Eternal Night Empire had already sent an army out, waiting at the edge junction to block the vampire army and prevent them from interfering with the battle.

With 200,000 black-armored warriors, the imperial commander Calcoro who was stationed here looked at the blood commander opposite and sneered with cold eyes: "Tamisari has fallen, the Hundred Nations Alliance has been destroyed, everyone of the Blood Empire, Do you want to continue fighting? If you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end, but I don’t know if the Blood Empire can withstand the attack of millions of soldiers!”

After the Hundred Kingdoms Alliance was destroyed, the commander of the Blood Clan had also received the news from that side, but facing the Eternal Night Empire, he naturally would not show weakness and coldly replied: "You can try it, it doesn't matter if the gods come to the world, noble The Vampires are never afraid of challenges! Even if a god dares to invade the Western Continent, we will still make it impossible for him to come back!" He was very arrogant, even if he knew that there were gods in the Eternal Night Empire, he would still dare to say this.

But having said that, the fear in the eyes of the vampire commander could not be hidden.

The scarlet monster at the true god level was actually solved like this. This King of Eternal Night was actually so powerful. It was really...

"Blasphemer, you deserve to die!"

Hearing the words of the vampire commander, the imperial soldiers who had just separated were instantly furious. They were about to rush forward and continue to fight with these blasphemous vampires, letting them know that they can eat whatever they want, but they can't talk nonsense.

"Be patient and don't be impatient."

Calcoro was also a little angry on his face, but he still remained calm and reassured his soldiers that now was not the best time to start a war with the Blood Empire.

"Just retreat now. The Hundred Nations Alliance has been destroyed. Even if you pass, you won't get anything you want."

Calcoro looked at the blood clan commander and said in a calm voice: "If the Blood Empire continues to entangle itself, it will not be so easy to retreat later. The Eternal Night Empire has no plans to be an enemy of you for the time being, and it is not our full-scale plan now. When the war begins."

The vampire commander's face was a little solemn. He knew that what the other party said was right, but he was a little unwilling to retreat like this.

This trip brought so many soldiers out, but he didn't catch anything, so he retreated in despair. How will the elders of the empire view him in the future?

Seeing that the vampire commander was hesitant and had no intention of retreating, Calcoro looked coldly and directly mobilized his army to press forward: "Since you don't want to retreat, let's fight again!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

The Eternal Night warriors shouted loudly and enthusiastically. They liked war and killing.

The celestial phenomena reversed.

The sky grew dark.

The atmosphere at the scene became tense again.

"Hmph, we have won this time, but don't be complacent. The shame you suffered today will be repaid twice as much in the future!"

The vampire commander snorted coldly, "Retreat!" The Hundred Nations Alliance has been destroyed. Now even if they can break through the Yongye Empire's defense line and enter the northern continent, it will be of no use.

Rather than hastily starting a war, it is better to retreat temporarily and preserve the strength of the army.

With the reintegrated army, the vampire commander quickly withdrew and returned to the Western Continent.

The war that was about to ignite here was extinguished in an instant.

The Yongye army did not make any move. They just stood there and quietly watched the vampire army retreat. After the vampire army withdrew, they also withdrew not long after.

The two armies faced each other across the bank, just looking at each other.

"I heard that the battlefield over there was very fierce. There were even several seventh-level legions. In the end, there were even super monsters at the true god level." A general felt regretful and said to his companions that such a fierce battlefield, It was such a shame that he couldn't participate in person.

"Really or not, there are only a few demigods in the empire now. Where did the true gods come from in the alliance? The evil gods from outside the territory have invaded?" Some people didn't believe what he said and questioned.

"I also think it's unreliable. If there was a true god-level existence in the alliance, how could we be pushed all the way in the early stage." Someone agreed.

"Fuck, what did I lie to you for? A true god-level monster really appeared. In the end, the king came and solved the monster." Seeing that no one believed it, the person who spoke before immediately said: "I thought... I swear to the king that what I just said is true.”

If a believer swears by his faith, then what he says cannot be false.

"You kid, you are so cruel."

"Damn it, if I had known it was so exciting over there, I wouldn't have come here even if I killed myself."

"I thought I just missed a decisive battle, but I didn't expect that even the king would come and lose blood!"

"It's all the legion commander's fault. Why is he so unlucky? He just got the lottery to come here to stop the Blood Empire."

The soldiers were filled with regret. As devout believers in the dark gods, they actually missed the opportunity to worship the Lord of Night. This was such a pity.

Time flies.

Soon, three months passed.

With the deliberate propaganda of the Eternal Night Empire, the news of the fall of Tamisari and the demise of the Hundred Nations Alliance quickly spread throughout the northern continent.

Even before that, everyone realized that the demise of the Hundred Nations Alliance was inevitable.

But when the Hundred Nations Alliance was really destroyed, everyone was still worried about gains and losses.

Too fast, too fast.

In just a few decades, the dominant power that once dominated the northern continent was gone.

Everyone knows what the collapse of the Hundred Nations Alliance means.

The ruler of the continent under their feet has changed.

The era of the Hundred Nations Alliance will become a thing of the past, and the next will be the era of the Eternal Night Empire.

At the same time, the collapse of the alliance also brought some unrest.

Many rebels suddenly emerged in various parts of the north. They tried to raise a flag again, but it was meaningless. The Eternal Night Empire was well prepared and directly implemented a bloody suppression, defeated all these rebels, and then sent them to the half plane to reclaim wasteland.

In extraordinary times, extraordinary things should be done.

Now the northern continent is in ruins, and anyone who wants to disrupt the order in it will be waiting to eat the iron fist of the empire.

During this period, the Eternal Night Empire and the Blood Empire continued to send troops to the junction of the two continents. The scale of the troops reached a huge one million, and it seemed that there was a trend of another battle, but in the end it did not happen.

Neither side had the idea of ​​starting a war at this time.

The Blood Empire was worried. After seeing the performance of the Eternal Night Empire in the final battle, they really didn't have the confidence to start a war.

Even though they knew that the Eternal Night Empire would become stronger and stronger in the future after absorbing the "legacy" of the Hundred Nations Alliance, they didn't want to start a war at this time. There was no way. The strength of the Eternal Night Empire was indeed beyond their imagination.

In particular, they actually had gods.

True God, the one with infinite power.

Even if they also had a trump card, they didn't know whether they could deal with the true God.

The reason why the Eternal Night Empire didn't start a war was very simple.

It's not easy to fight.

It's really very difficult to fight.

The Blood Empire is a highly centralized empire. In terms of strength, it will only be stronger than the Hundred Nations Alliance. It is very difficult to defeat them.

What's more, the two places are tens of thousands of miles apart.

With such a long distance, no matter how powerful the Eternal Night Empire is or how good its logistics are, it will have no chance to destroy the Blood Empire.

In the end, the two sides signed a peace agreement and continued to trade.

Both sides know that peace is only temporary, and they will definitely go to war one day in the future.

The Eternal Night Empire is determined to unify the plane, and they will never sit on two continents.

But that is all in the future.

For now, let's develop peacefully.

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