All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 1029: Arrogant soldiers will be defeated

Someone immediately raised an objection: "This can only be done by fighting within to pacify the outside world, and the Liang army can't..." In the Wenyuan Pavilion, pairs of eyes looked over, and they moved their lips again. After all, they couldn't say any more. .

Yu Zongshen waited for a while, but did not wait for a reason to come, and said warmly: "Xu Guogong is guarding the court, and he also knows that the national treasury is short and difficult to replenish. In terms of materials, there will be no backup, don't worry, things have priorities. Compared with Beidi taking over the Central Plains, Thief Liang can take a breather."

In the case of Ning Guogong's Mansion, in addition to the foundation accumulated by Ning Guogong's many years, it was decided by the Queen Mother and sent to Yikun Palace, and half of the property fell into the hands of Xu Guogong.

Over the years, relying on the tolerance of the emperor, Xu Guogong formed a party in the court for private gain. Together with Mr. Xia Ge, he controlled the capital of Zhejiang and controlled the water trade in Zhejiang. Even though Mr. Xia Ge fell, Xu Guogong was still safe and sound. Despite his rich family wealth, , I'm afraid Quanzhou Xie Mansion will have to retreat.

The army of Defeating Liang set off from Rehe and passed through important grain-producing areas. Along the way, they collected grain and military supplies, recruited troops and buried horses. There would be no shortage of military supplies in a short time.

In a blink of an eye, March is here.

Zamoh couldn't stop the You army's strong attack and finally retreated.

Yin Huaixi took advantage of the victory to pursue him.

When the news reached the court, some people denounced King Wu Mu for being arrogant and arrogant. He should not pursue the enemy when he was in poverty. He should take advantage of Beidi's retreat and retreat to Xiaoyu Pass to reorganize the army and recuperate in order to prepare for the war.

The cabinet issued an order ordering King Wu Mu to return.

General Lin thought that the generals were out and his orders were not dismissed.

Rumors in the Zhou Dynasty that King Wu Mu despised the court and was bound to be defeated by his arrogance became more and more intense, and everyone was worried about the war on the border.

At this moment, another good news came from the north.

King Wu Mu led a thousand-man heavy cavalry deep into the grassland, attacked several Beidi tribes in the grassland, and plundered war horses, armor, and some grain and grass.

The Mo Dao Shou is the king of land warfare, and the heavy cavalry is the undisputed king of field battles on the battlefield. They are good at expeditions and raids. The physical requirements of the heavy cavalry are no worse than those of the Mo Dao Shou. The whole body of the heavy cavalry weighs more than sixty kilograms and is armed to the teeth. The horses under him are all carefully selected and excellent horses. Not to mention running thousands of miles in a day, running four to five hundred miles in a day when carrying more than two hundred kilograms of heavy armored soldiers is already very amazing.

Heavy armored soldiers are good at spears and spears. With one strike, men and horses can be knocked down.

He is a master at siege cities and territories.

This news undoubtedly slapped the courtiers in the face.

It also inspired people's hearts.

The courtiers suddenly realized that since the war between Dazhou and Beidi, they have usually defended passively and rarely taken the initiative to attack. After all, the grassland is vast and the map is complicated. Beidi is a hunting tribe, living in no fixed place and going deep into the grassland. There is no doubt that In order to send sheep into the tiger's mouth, Yin Huaixi defeated several Beidi tribes with one move, reducing Beidi's strength. It can be seen that Yin Huaixi had a premeditated plan. He had already figured out the details of the grassland tribes.

The reason is that only Beidi plundered the Zhou Dynasty.

King Wu Mu's move in turn to plunder Beidi was very popular. At that time, many literati wrote poems and compositions to praise King Wu Mu.

However, this is just the beginning.

As King Wumu of the Great Zhou Dynasty attacked several tribes in Beidi, the news spread in the grassland. Some small tribes in Beidi who made a living by herding began to move deeper into the grassland for fear of being attacked.

All this had been expected by Yin Huaixi. He quietly followed the migration route of the tribes to further improve the topographic map of Beidi and understand the distribution of the tribes in Beidi.

More and more clans were attacked and plundered.

It wasn't until Zamoh discovered that the army's main military supplies of war horses, cattle and sheep, koumiss, kumiss, and glutinous rice wine had been greatly reduced at some point, that he finally realized that the tribes that had been robbed were actually tribes that made a living from herding in Beidi. They make a living by herding horses, herding sheep, and serving cattle, and deliver necessary military supplies to various tribes in Beidi.

This robbery made the Beidi army, which was already short of supplies due to drought, even worse. Zamoh's army suffered heavy losses.

Zamohe broke out in a cold sweat: "This is a premeditated attack. King Wu Mu of the Zhou Dynasty may have mastered the topographic map of the grassland and the distribution of the Beidi tribe."

As soon as this statement came out, the Beidi generals subconsciously retorted:

"This is impossible. The grassland is vast and the territory is vast. The warriors of the Zhou Dynasty have never set foot on the grassland. It is impossible to understand the terrain of the grassland and the distribution of our tribes."

"Back then, even Emperor Gaozu of the Great Zhou Dynasty almost died on the grassland. How could a young boy like Yin Huaixi do it? This must be a coincidence."

"It is very possible that there is a traitor in our army who betrayed our army's military information to the Zhou Army..."


The theory of a traitor was unexpectedly unanimously recognized by all the generals. Harmon was also surprised. He had doubts and uneasiness in his heart, and felt that this matter was not simple.

It is a pity that the grassland is the place where Beidi tribes depend on for their survival. From generation to generation, countless grassland children have been born. They relied on the complex terrain of the grassland and the various dangers hidden inside the grassland to block the Zhou army from the grassland. The border towns of Dazhou became the back garden of Beidi, allowing them to attack and plunder.

They would rather believe that there is a traitor.

Nor do they want to believe that the grasslands where they have lived for generations can no longer become the capital they rely on.

By April, more than a dozen tribes had been attacked by the Zhou army. Everywhere the Zhou army went, except for the old, weak, women and children, they all were slaughtered. uuread a book

Beidi finally had the taste of being able to see every household in plain clothes and everyone holding up white flags.

Affected by the drought, only a few areas on the grassland could still be grazed, and material supplies were already in short supply. Zamokh had no choice but to send troops to intercept and kill.

This move played into Yin Huaixi's heart and achieved the goal of dividing the main force of Beidi and defeating them one by one.

Yin Huaixi took advantage of the grassland terrain to appear and disappear, which not only left Zamoh helpless, but also lost troops and generals. The morale of Beidi's army was getting lower day by day.

However, just when Beidi couldn't help but begin to doubt whether King Wu Mu of the Great Zhou Dynasty really mastered the grassland topography map and the distribution map of the Di tribe, the Great Zhou army retreated.

This guess once again marked "?" in their minds and became an unsolvable mystery.

The soldiers had tasted the sweetness of plundering the Beidi tribe and having wine and meat every day, and they were unwilling to retreat.

Yin Huaixi said: "Although we have mastered the map of the grassland and understand the distribution of the Beidi tribe in part of the grassland, the terrain of the grassland is complex and dangerous. It is our first time to go deep into the grassland and have no experience in fighting enemies in the grassland. This time we will explore Focus on road and troop training, secretly observe and learn from Beidi soldiers, the advantages of fighting on the grassland, further understand the situation on the grassland, avoid advantages and dangers, cut off Beidi's material supply as much as possible, know yourself and the enemy, and then you can win every battle."


I’m going to the Writers Association on the 18th to hold a representative meeting. When I come back, I will try my best to write out the updated chapters~

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