All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 1030: A woman turns 15 with haircut

They wandered around the grassland for several months. Every time they visited a tribe, they would secretly capture a few lone Beidi people and interrogate the topography of the area to learn more about the grassland conditions.

When being chased by Beidi soldiers, they would not immediately order an attack. Instead, they would deal with the Beidi soldiers first, presumably to observe the Beidi soldiers.

These words were very convincing, but the soldiers were still unwilling.

Huang Wenwen also said: "Do you know how Qi Jiguang defeated the Japanese pirates?"

What the soldiers loved to hear most were some of the heroic figures in history. They all immediately shouted for Huang Wenxian to speak quickly.

Huang Wenwen put on the air of a restaurant storyteller: "In other words, Qi Jiguang inherited his ancestor Meng Yin and inherited the command of the Dengzhou Guard. At that time, Shandong was invaded by Japanese pirates. The Japanese bandits burned, killed, and looted along the coast, committing all kinds of evil. "

The soldiers all listened attentively.

"When Qi Jiguang saw this situation, he wrote the poem "The title of Marquis is not my intention, I hope the sea will be peaceful" in grief and anger. From then on, he began his great cause of resisting the Japanese."

"Qi Jiguang had no experience in maritime combat, and the Navy's maritime combat capabilities were not as good as those of the Japanese. Faced with this situation, Qi Jiguang did not feel depressed. He led his troops to patrol the sea. Whenever he encountered Japanese, he would retreat with his ships. Over time, The Japanese became more and more rampant and frequently harassed the coastal areas. Qi Jiguang was often defeated and fled."

Immediately some soldiers were unconvinced and jumped out to refute, not believing that Qi Jiguang would be defeated by the Japanese pirates and flee.

"Why are you so anxious? I haven't finished speaking yet? Let me continue." Huang Wenwen calmed the soldiers and then continued: "At that time, there were many people like you who doubted Qi Jiguang's ability. For a while, in a battle, Qi Jiguang led the navy and killed the Japanese pirates to pieces, leaving them unable to fight back."

Many soldiers showed thoughtful expressions.

Huang Wenwen continued: "It was only then that the soldiers understood that every previous rout was just Qi Jiguang's plan. He was using the pursuit of Japanese pirates to train the navy's maritime combat capabilities and adaptability. At the same time, he was also using every battle with Japanese pirates to Contacted and observed the weaknesses of the Japanese pirates, and based on the weaknesses of the Japanese pirates, he invented the Qijiadao and the matching Yuanyang Formation, which eliminated the Japanese pirates along the coast."

The soldiers showed shameful expressions.

They were a little unwilling to retreat when His Highness wanted to retreat. In addition to plundering the Di people and letting them taste the sweetness, the main reason is that only the Great Zhou Dynasty was plundered by the Di people. The soldiers finally fought back. One Everyone's eyes were red with bloodshed, and they were unwilling to give up.

After listening to Military Advisor Huang's words, I realized that His Highness had good intentions.

Yin Huaixi smiled. At this time, the role of the military advisor was revealed.

General Anyuan smacked his mouth with the koumiss while drinking: "I always feel that Beidi's koumiss tastes fishy and sour, but it is still far behind the Shao Daozi of our Zhou Dynasty."

They had done some cleaning of the battlefield in the past, and most of the soldiers couldn't get used to the taste. However, the army was short of supplies, and no one would waste the resources they didn't have.

Huang Wenwen laughed: "It's good if you can taste the wine, but you're still picky."

Yin Huaixi also couldn't get used to drinking this, and preferred the medicinal wine made by Yu Youyao: "Mare kumis is warm in nature and has the effects of dispelling cold, relaxing muscles, activating blood, and strengthening the stomach. It is called Yuan Yujiang and is one of the eight treasures of the grassland. Di people The reason why he is tall and strong, and his physique and strength are better than those of Zhou Liang, is because the people of Di like to drink kumiss."

Huang Wenwen looked ignorant: "Is this possible?"

The food customs of the Di people are very different from those of the Zhou Dynasty.

The brewing of mare's milk wine is also completely different from that of the Zhou Dynasty. Because I don't understand it, I don't know its value.

Yin Huaixi nodded: "After the first battle, when the soldiers were cleaning the battlefield, they searched for a lot of kumiss. Princess Shao Yichang read the medicinal diet and medical books carefully and discovered the records of kumiss. Only then did she know the functions of kumiss."

There are related records of kumiss in "Ding Shi".

At that time, Yu Youyao also expressed emotion that if the milk brewing technology could be learned and promoted in the military, the physical fitness of the soldiers would be greatly improved.

General Anyuan suddenly felt that he had swallowed a mouthful of fine wine, a mouthful of mare's milk, stuck in his throat, neither swallowing nor swallowing, which made him blush all the time.

There was a roar of laughter from the army.

General Anyuan swallowed, and a mouthful of kumiss suddenly entered the depths of his throat, causing him to cough loudly.

Yin Huaixi laughed loudly and slapped General Anyuan on the back: "These koumiss should be brewed by the branch clan and presented to the Beidi army, but it is an advantage for us. Everyone can drink it to their heart's content. There is no need to save."

General Anyuan coughed a little softer. Hearing that kumiss was good for the body, he was reluctant to drink it and wanted to take this good thing back to his wife.

Many soldiers in the army had similar thoughts to him.

Yin Huaixi smiled and said: "In the north, horses and sheep are also herded and cows are served. Milk-based brewing does not cost food. I have obtained the brewing method from the Beidi tribe before. When the time comes, I will learn their milk-making technology and we will make it ourselves."

When Yu Youyao mentioned the benefits of kumiss, he became interested in this matter.

When attacking the Beidi tribe, he found that the tribe brewed a lot of milk wine, so he arrested the people responsible for brewing, tortured them, and found out their milk brewing technology. Volumes, etc., were looted.

Thinking of Yu Youyao, Yin Huaixi lay down on the ground, resting his arms on his head and looking at the sky. The grassland sky was high and the clouds were light, and the horizon was endless, which made him feel an emotion called "missing" in his heart.

In a few days, it will be Yu Youyao's fifteenth year.

A woman... will have her hair cut every fifteen years!

If Mrs. Yu is still alive and she is still in the capital, the Yu clan must hold a very grand hairpin ceremony for her, and invite the most virtuous and respected women in the clan to come and praise her and insert the hairpin. At that time, the nobles in the palace will also give her a hairpin. The reward was sent out to congratulate Princess Shaoyi and Princess Ji. How grand and solemn should it be? !

After you get your haircut, you can get married.

It's a pity that Yu Youyao is still in her filial piety period, so the haircut ceremony has to be postponed.

Yu Youyao, who was worried about Yin Huaixi, finally ushered in the most important moment in her life.

Although a woman's age, unlike the horoscope of Gengchen, cannot be told to anyone except the elders in the family, it is still a very private matter.

So that day, Yu Youyao didn't say anything. Chunxiao and Xia Tao borrowed the military kitchen early in the morning and cooked a bowl of longevity noodles for Yu Youyao, with a poached egg in it.

A bowl of noodles with clear soup and little water, with a few oily flowers floating on it. Even the taste is not very delicate, but it is a rare fine grain, which is also very luxurious in the army.


In addition to being resourceful and resourceful in the army, ancient military advisors also mainly did some work such as modern "political commissars". They also mainly did ideological work for soldiers. Ancient military concepts and thoughts will never go out of style. In this regard, China is leading the way. After thousands of years in foreign countries, the Han Dynasty and the undefeated Roman Empire in the West were in the same period. At that time, the land area and even the number of armies of both sides were. One had Huo Qubing and the other had Emperor Caius. Their strength was almost equal. So the problem Here we go, the Han soldiers face the Roman dynasty, who will win? At that time, the Han soldiers had already developed steel soldiers and armor. The Roman Empire was still in the Bronze Age and used bronze weapons. The crossbows of the Han Dynasty had a range of up to 300 meters. Rome still used trebuchets. Haha, it’s clear who is stronger and who is weaker!

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