All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 1054: The war has arrived

Of course, the main thing is that the essence of a female school is not deviant. It allows women to understand morality, etiquette and art, which is also in line with the current public sentiment.

In addition, Mr. Xianyun and Mr. Hushan made it clear that they supported him, so some of the sour Confucian students stopped talking.

All of this is within Yu Youyao's expectations. The consciousness of civilians, as well as social hierarchy and class, are gradually improving with the development of society. They have not progressed to a certain level and are forcibly instilled. It will lead to social unrest and tragic consequences, and it is the people who will suffer.

Knowledge is the primary productive force.

With knowledge, anything is possible.

Instead of struggling with some things that are not available, it would be more cost-effective to let them learn more knowledge and skills.

The money provided by the gentry far exceeded the budget.

It also greatly exceeded expectations.

After thinking about it, Yu Youyao bought a hilltop and built the Nvshan Courtyard. There was originally a large village on the hilltop. After careful repairs and layout changes, it could be temporarily put into use.

Nushan Hospital has just been established, and everything is waiting to be done.

Yu Youyao didn't plan to build it too big, otherwise it would be easy for mistakes to be made. She would wait until the Nvshan Hospital is on track in the future before considering expansion.

Mr. Ye Nv is not idle either. She is busy organizing books, lesson plans, recruiting female teachers and other matters every day.

Mrs. Huang, General Anyuan's wife and others were all roped in by her to help count the various learning materials donated by various parties.

Just when Yu Youyao was too busy working on Nushanyuan, news came from Beijing——

Yu Zongshen died of illness!

Before he died, he left his last words: After death, he would not enter his ancestral graves, but just burn them clean and scatter his ashes into the sea in Quanzhou.

After his death, he held a pomegranate flower tightly in his hand. The burning pomegranate flower became the last bright color of his life.

Pomegranate flowers bloom from the end of March to April every year, which symbolizes the pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty in life.

Yu Zongshen once went south to Quanzhou in March. During the season when pomegranate flowers were blooming, he encountered a raging fire that brightened his whole life, but also dimmed his whole life.

Along with the news of Yu Zongshen's death, there was also news that Prince Duan had died in battle, Hebei had fallen, and the Liang thieves were targeting Jingzhao.

Yu Youyao sighed softly and couldn't help but think of Yin Huaixi.

I don’t know what’s going on on the front line?

More than three months have passed since the Beidi army pressed the border in December last year. The two sides have tried to fight several times, each with casualties. Yin Huaixi did not face the enemy head-on, and Beidi did not dare to attack rashly.

For a time, the war reached a stalemate.

The soldiers were fed up with this kind of back and forth, like children playing house, and they all asked to go to war.

Yin Huaixi curled his lips and said quietly: "We are not short of supplies. What is urgent is the Di people who were affected by the snow disaster and had to kill sheep and cattle and horses. The 600,000 troops in Beidi attacked Da with a desperate effort. Zhou Dynasty is at its peak, and our military strength is not as good as that of Beidi, so it is best to avoid its advantage."

General Anyuan is impatient: "Just keep avoiding it?"

Yin Huaixi shook his head: "Wrong, avoiding its sharp edge is just a temporary measure. There is a saying that fighting requires courage. You can work hard in one go, then it will weaken again, and it will be exhausted three times. When it is exhausted, I will be full, so I can defeat it. If you want to defeat Beidi, you must first To break their momentum, Beidi is short of supplies. Seeing the depletion of food and grass, if they become anxious, the morale of the army will decline."

General Anyuan believed this: "When Wang Jian attacked Chu, because he was not sure of victory, he held back his troops and competed to see who was more anxious. Later, the king of Chu became anxious and ordered Xiang Yan to send troops, but Xiang Yan had no choice but to send troops. , so that Wang Jian could find his weakness and defeat him. When a person is in a hurry, it is easy for him to reveal his flaws."

Yin Huaixi nodded: "This is just one. Secondly, when our army is replacing old and new soldiers, many recruits have trained hard for three years but lack actual combat experience. We use this opportunity to train the new recruits and practice them. We have targeted them in the past two years." Di people’s weaknesses, various tactics formulated.”

General Anyuan's heart moved: "Is there a third one?"

Yin Huaixi did not deny it: "Although there are many large and small tribes in Beidi, the four tribes of Zamo King, Hada King, Mengdi King and Hu Qiang King are the strongest. This time the four tribes united and elected the leader who has never been revealed. Lada, the leader of the Hu Qiang tribe in Shanshui, is the Khan King. You have to figure out what kind of person this person is. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle."

An army general's style of commanding operations can often be used to infer his personality. Only by understanding his personality can we find his weaknesses and set up corresponding tactics.

Of course, Beidi is not a fool.

It was very clear that the depletion of food and grass and the stalemate in the war were very unfavorable to them. However, Beidi had repeatedly lost troops and generals. King Radha Khan might not want to find out the details of King Wu Mu.

This is one of them.

Secondly, although King Radha Khan was elected as King Khan, the voices within the tribe were still not unified.

This also caused a lot of obstacles for King Radha Khan.

Thirdly, the magical military formation of the Great Zhou Army was unpredictable and could restrain Beidi. Whenever they figured out a way to deal with it, on the battlefield, the formation had new changes, leaving them somewhat helpless.

Various reasons caused the original attack plan to be postponed repeatedly.

But no matter what, Beidi really can't afford to wait.

Three months is the limit.

The loud sound of the horn came from afar, breaking the tranquility of the early morning.

That was the Di people declaring war.

After three months of stalemate and exhaustion, Beidi finally became anxious.

"Here we come," a smile escaped from Yin Huaixi's lips. It was a sign of strategizing and the certainty of victory thousands of miles away: "Keep fighting!"

The two armies faced each other at Diyuguan.

Yin Huaixi glanced around and saw King Radha Khan first. He was wearing heavy armor and was armed to the teeth. He looked like a towering mountain on a tall horse, with a heavy momentum.

After that, he turned his attention to Mondo in the opposite army. He was still a general of the first army. Compared with the arrogance before, he was now much depressed.

Yin Huaixi pointed his sword towards each other and raised his voice: "Do you dare to fight me?"

King Wumu of the Great Zhou Dynasty openly challenged Beidi on the battlefield.

The Beidi army was in an uproar, clamoring to accept the challenge.

But Mondo's expression changed slightly, and there was a dull pain in the place where he was hit by the arrow earlier. He was carrying a Wanjun bow behind him, and this bow was a symbol of his strength.

The arms hanging by his sides were trembling slightly.

Thanks to King Wumu of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he could no longer pull this powerful bow.

Yin Huaixi stared at Meng Duo and said in a straight tone: "You are like me. You were once the commander of an army. In terms of strength alone, you are enough to fight with me. However, you may be suspected of bullying me. I will give you three moves. , after three moves, no matter life or death."

As the commander-in-chief of an army, it is indeed inappropriate to ask a general to fight.

But Mondo was also the commander of an army before, so he naturally has the strength of a commander of an army. He gave three moves to avoid winning without force and making it difficult to convince the crowd.

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