All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 1055: Ruoshuishanyuan

However, when masters compete with each other, one and a half moves can be enough to determine life or death. Yin Huaixi gave Meng Duo three moves, but Meng Duo took advantage. Regardless of victory or defeat, Beidi naturally had nothing to say.

Mundo did not accept easily and turned to look at King Radha Khan.

King Rada Khan recognized Mundo's strength, and it was indeed Mundo who took advantage of the three moves. Mundo had a great chance of winning this battle. In addition, King Wumu of the Great Zhou Dynasty talked about this. If Mundo didn't fight, what would happen? If you become Beidi and don't dare to challenge, wouldn't it mean that you will only enhance the ambition of others and destroy your own prestige? !

Where is the Beidi army?

Where is morale? !

This battle cannot be refused.

King Khan La Khan looked at Mundo: "Just play with King Wu Mu!"

Meng Duo's breathing was slightly stagnant, he clamped the horse's belly, and drove the horse to the place where the two armies were facing each other. In the open space in the middle, Yin Huaixi was already waiting in the open space.

As soon as the two sides met, Mundo swung his sword to hit the vital point.

Yin Huaixi raised his knife and blocked it.

The two men rode back and forth, the shadows of their swords intertwined, and there was a clanging sound. Each sword collided with each other, sending out a burst of sparks.

Yin Huaixi said slowly: "Three moves have passed, it's my turn to use the sword."

Meng Duo is extremely powerful and can open and close his swords in large and small ways. It is the great clumsiness that leads to cleverness. Each sword and every move can be used across the battlefield to fight out from thousands of troops. It is infinitely powerful.

Yin Huaixi was not inferior in the slightest. He used sword skills to attack in order to gain advantage. He was as fast as lightning and as powerful as thunder. In an instant, he fought with him for more than ten rounds.

For a while, the fight was evenly matched.

Both sides cheered and shouted incessantly.

Yin Huaixi looked at its weaknesses and soon discovered that there was something wrong with Mengduo's left arm, so he guessed the arrow that year. Although Mengduo escaped by chance, the arrow was tempered and smeared with black poison. Even if the injury was healed, it would It left a dark scar.

This hidden injury is usually not obvious, but on the battlefield of life and death, it can be fatal.

So, when Mondo struck with the sword, he pretended to be knocked back by the sword, revealing his flaw. Mondo took advantage of the victory and pursued him. Yin Huaixi made a feint move and drew the sword from the left. Mendo subconsciously turned sideways, and Yin Huaixi flipped his wrist and slashed. Cut off his head.

The outcome has been decided.

The Beidi army screamed and cursed loudly.

The You army is as powerful as the sky.

The sound of war drums and horns intertwined in the wind, and a full-scale war broke out.

This battle was fought from sunrise to sunrise.

Di's army retreated steadily, suffering heavy casualties.

However, the You army became more and more courageous as they fought, and they continued to kill each other.

In late March, good news came from the front.

King Wumu led his army at Xiaoyuguan, beheaded Mengduo, avenged General Mingwei, and captured Zamohe, the leader of King Zamo's tribe, and more than 30 generals from the four tribes, and more than 30,000 Di army soldiers. After wiping out more than 50,000 enemies, King Lada Khan was defeated and retreated to Xiaoyuguan. King Wumu led his army to pursue him.

As soon as the good news came out, the entire Northern Territory was in a state of excitement.

This battle with great disparity in strength finally became clear.

Yu Youyao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

June arrived in a blink of an eye, and the Nushan Academy was finally completed. Yu Youyao personally found Mr. Xianyun and Mr. Hushan and asked them to name and inscribe the academy.

After discussing with Mr. Hushan, Mr. Xianyun said: "The best thing is like water. Water benefits all things without fighting. There is no one in the world who is softer and weaker than water, and no one who attacks the strong can win. This is the virtue of gentleness, so it is like the water of Shanyuan."

Yu Youyao was very satisfied: "Sir, I think women should be like water. The nature of water is soft and benevolent. They should not be high or low. They should follow the shape of things, calm their minds, clean their bodies, and soften their texture.

To be clear about his temperament, he should live lowly without being humble, be at ease without striving for superiority, and be content without fighting for anything. "

When it came to the inscription, the two of them laughed and refused: "The name of Princess Chang's virtue is widely spread, and she is a role model for women all over the world. Ruoshuishanyuan was founded by Princess Chang. It should be named after Princess Chang. Show his virtue and everyone will imitate him, so he is a model."

By July, Ruoshuishan Academy officially started recruiting students.

The first batch of 300 female students were admitted, of which 100 places were given to the gentry who funded the establishment of the academy.

The remaining 200 places, regardless of origin, only recruit female students with a certain foundation.

Once the news came out, it attracted a lot of people's ridicule.

Yu Youyao didn't care about this.

The people are supportive, but life has just improved, and not many people are still willing to spend money to send their daughters to academies to study. Even if the family has enough money, they must first take care of the men in the family, and then the daughters.

The national situation is such that the concept needs to be slowly changed.

Ruoshuishanyuan has only taken the first step.

It just announces to the world that women can also read and write.

When the first and second batch of female students complete their studies at Ruoshui Academy and gain a good reputation and a bright future, more and more women will be eager to study and change their destiny.

At that time, various girls' schools would bloom everywhere.

It will become the norm for women to read and write.

Yu Youyao built more than ten thatched cottages at the foot of Ruoshui Academy. Women from ordinary families could go to the thatched cottages to study and learn calligraphy by paying ten cents.

The thatched cottage is only for enlightenment.

The sarcasm gradually subsided, and everyone understood Princess Shao Yichang's good intentions.

However, what Yu Youyao didn't expect was -

The establishment of thatched cottages had a profound impact on the northern border. Some women who were literate but not from very good families secretly set up enlightenment girls' schools in the courtyards to earn money for their families.

All this is done in private.

In the golden autumn of August, Liaodong ushered in a bumper harvest, and Ruoshuishan Academy officially started classes.

The female students left home filled with excitement and excitement and came to Ruoshui Academy. They looked up at the grand gate of Ruoshui Academy and looked at the inscription above.

It was inscribed by Princess Shaoyi herself.

The four words "Ruoshuishanyuan" convey the majestic spirit of water, with an uninterrupted momentum, as graceful as a swimming dragon, and the end of the attack is still full of meaning. It seems soft but strong, which is quite the style of everyone.

I didn't expect Princess Chang's calligraphy to be so excellent. Her skill in regular script would put many men to shame.

The students' hearts became agitated.

On this day, they met the Ye family, whom they had admired for a long time.

Her student, Princess Shao Yichang, was famous all over the world for her virtues. People also called her "Master Ye". No one paid attention to her anymore. She was once a married woman.

Both men and women should lead the world with virtue.

Mr. Ye is a model of virtue.

They also saw the admired Princess Shao Yichang. She gently rolled up her sleeves, holding a pen in her slender hands, and her pen moved like a dragon or a snake.

Quan Yang's brush strokes are soft and sharp, which is far more shocking than the inscription I just saw at the mountain gate.

"Like water, one has a soft nature and is good at being down. He calms his mind, cleans his body, clears his nature, understands his mind and sees his nature. He is humble but not humble. He is at ease and does not strive for strength. Therefore, he does not fight but does not fight for anything. This is the virtue of meekness. .”

On this day, Yu Youyao planted a seed of independence in the hearts of these female students with one stroke of paper.

Be humble but not humble, don't fight but fight for everything.

Establish your mind and your character.

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