All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 1056: The fall of the Zhou Dynasty

On this day, another urgent report came from the front line. King Wu Mu led his troops to attack the Liaoxi Corridor and entered the Hetao area. They killed King Radha Khan and more than 100 generals from the four tribes, annihilated more than 70,000 enemies, and captured more than 40,000 people. .

Hamon of the Hada tribe fled with his troops, and King Wu Mu took advantage of the victory to pursue them, marching more than 2,000 miles north until they reached the Di people's hometown of Monan.

For a time, the whole world was in an uproar.

Beidi was ambitious to break through the Jinzhou defense line, enter Shanhaiguan, and take control of the Central Plains. Unexpectedly, King Wu Mu broke through the Loop first and broke into the North Grassland.

It's unbelievable.

After that, good news came frequently from the front.

In mid-September, King Wu Mu captured Hamon and carried out a bloody massacre among the tribes in Monan. Except for the old, weak, women and children, all the strong men in Beidi were slaughtered.

King Wu Mu's reputation for cruelty, cruelty and bloodthirsty spread out.

After this battle, Youjun achieved great success.

The army has not returned yet, and is still staying in the grassland to clean up, looking for and annihilating the main force of Beidi. Seeing the situation, the other tribes have fled to Mobei.

At this moment, bad news came from Jingzhao.

Zhen Guohou, who integrated the troops and horses from Beijing and Tianjin and used the natural defenses of Beijing and Tianjin to hold 300,000 Liang troops at the Beijing-Tianjin defense line for more than three months and severely damaged the main force of Liang troops several times, died in the battle.

The Liang thieves broke through Jingzhao, took the imperial city, and ordered that all descendants of the Yin family be massacred.

Jingzhao was bleeding like a river.

The Great Zhou Dynasty was completely destroyed!

When the news reached Xiangping, Yu Youyao felt a blockage in his heart. The Liang thieves massacred the Yin clan in order to extinguish the Tian family bloodline. However, in fact, most of the clan members had already fled south to Beitou after the fall of Henan. Most of those who could escape were unwilling to leave, or some idle clan members who were completely in despair.

Her fingertips touched the line of small characters on the phoenix hairpin, and Yu Youyao was stunned for a long time.

It's time for Yin Huaixi to come back.

Xia Tao walked into the room: "Miss, Princess Liyang is here."

Yu Youyao put the phoenix bead hairpin back into the box, stood up and straightened her clothes before leaving the inner room.

Princess Liyang came to Xiangping, and she had a full year.

In the past year, she and Princess Liyang lived together in Prince Wumu's Mansion, but they didn't have much contact with each other. This was because she deliberately avoided it and didn't want to make false promises and cause more troubles.

She was also too busy and really didn't have time to perform a sisterly scene with Princess Liyang.

Of course, Princess Liyang knew the situation well and she stopped provoking her after she tried to find her several times but was excused by her because she was too busy.

The two sides maintained the subtlety of not crossing the river.

Because of this subtlety, Yu Youyao almost forgot that there was such a person in Prince Wu Mu's palace. When he suddenly saw Princess Liyang, he suddenly felt like the dust had settled.

What is supposed to come will always come.

Although Princess Chang has a high status and a great reputation, to this day, there is actually nothing worthy of the attention of Princess Liyang and the Empress.

There is really no need to deliberately pretend to be friends with her.

It is not difficult to infer that she came for Yin Huaixi.

Seeing Yu Youyao coming over, Princess Liyang chuckled: "Princess Chang, do you have time to take a walk with me in the palace? Speaking of which, I have been in Xiangping for a year, and I haven't even taken a tour of Prince Wumu's palace. I don’t have a chance to talk to the princess.”

How can a visitor come to your door and ask to take a look at someone else's home?

The mentality of overestimating the guest and taking the host is clearly revealed.

Yu Youyao lowered her eyes. In fact, she was not a legitimate mistress in Prince Wu Mu's Mansion.

I just took advantage of the situation and moved in. After a year and a half, I became accustomed to it and forgot to move out.

It is really inappropriate to say that Princess Liyang takes over the throne.

She said slowly: "The princess came here specifically to look for me. She probably didn't want to hang out and talk with me."

As soon as the two parties met each other, before the polite words were finished, they got straight to the point.

Princess Liyang punched the cotton and had to say: "I heard that the old princess of Long County personally came forward to secure a match for you and King Wu Mu. The three books and six etiquettes were all due to the clan's thoroughness. If you want to come to Wu Mu, Now that King Mu has returned from his victory, it’s time to arrange your marriage.”

As soon as he opened his mouth, he fell into disgrace.

The two of them were not familiar with each other, and it was a taboo for them to talk lightly and be polite. Princess Liyang mentioned Yu Youyao's marriage, but it was a bit abrupt and rude.

But Princess Shao Yichang made it clear and straight to the point, and even thought about it, she couldn't bear to chat with her politely.

I have to open this mouth after all.

"The tea is a little cold." Yu Youyao put down the tea cup, and the bottom of the cup touched the table lightly, making a slight "clang" sound, neither light nor heavy, but it seemed abrupt.

Children of wealthy families have learned etiquette since they were young. The sound of tea cups touching the bottom is generally not allowed in the way of hospitality.

However, if a guest is rude or abrupt, it can be used as a warning to remind the guest to speak carefully, lest words come out of his mouth and hurt each other's harmony. The host will be disgraced and the guest will be embarrassed.

It can also save each other's dignity.

Princess Liyang's refusal to accept this incident made Princess Liyang a little embarrassed, but no matter what, the scene today had to be finished, and it didn't matter whether it was embarrassing or not.

Princess Liyang had no choice but to say: "I was the one who was rude. It's just that the Queen Mother is very concerned about your marriage with King Wu Mu. Now that the war in the north has calmed down, she asked more questions."

Taking advantage of Empress Ning, as if everything was outrageous and disrespectful, she became righteous and confident. Yu Youyao closed her eyes and said, "I want the princess to know that marriage matters are decided by the elders. How can you say it yourself? As long as you know better You must not be ashamed of yourself, the princess's words really put me in a difficult position, and I don't know how to answer."

She didn't say clearly that she didn't understand the rules and was not ashamed, but a girl who had not yet left the court blatantly talked about marriage.

No matter how well-educated Princess Liyang was, she couldn't help but blush. She was so choked by these words that she couldn't even say what she had planned for later.

Princess Liyang forced a smile and said: "I haven't liked reading the Fourth Book of Women since I was a child. My mother always taught me that I had no rules, but she always indulged me. After I grew up, my mother asked me to marry me. , what kind of husband I wanted to choose, I told my mother to choose one from the clan, so as not to go to other people’s houses and always feel that I have no rules, and most of the descendants of the Yin family are affectionate, and I am dignified. Princess Zhou, with such a noble status, she deserves someone who will treat me wholeheartedly."

Princess Liyang seemed to be chatting with her, her voice was smiling but cold.

Yu Youyao's whole body felt cold. Princess Liyang made it clear that she wanted to finish singing today's scene, and there was no way she could stop her with her mouth.

Princess Liyang turned to look at Yu Youyao, and said word by word to her in an ups and downs tone: "But after the queen mother heard this, she said that I was too naive!"

The word "too innocent" was pronounced with a strong emphasis, and even the speed of speech was deliberately slowed down, as if for fear that others might not hear clearly, or not understand, or not care.

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