All Hail Cousin Brother

Extra 7: Yutian Ceremony

But because of the contents of the box, Duke Ning's mansion went from prosperity to destruction.

Now, because of the contents in the box, she has gained some favor from the emperor, giving the Ning family hope of recovery.

The ups and downs of life are truly not up to anyone at all.

Mrs. Rong Guo held the box, slowly knelt on the ground, held the box high, and shouted: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live."

Princess Qiuli was startled and quickly knelt down on the ground with a plop.

Eunuch Zhu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He solemnly took the box and handed it to the attendant. He quickly stepped forward to help her:

"Mrs. Rongguo, please get up quickly. Our family will definitely report your intentions to the emperor truthfully."

The emperor had long known that Mrs. Rong Guo had this edict. Although it was not a very important thing, the emperor did not pay much attention to it. However, such an edict with no content or details was in the hands of a person with too many calculations. There were too many places to take advantage of, and it was always inappropriate, so he tolerated Mrs. Rongguo.

Everyone in this world is a smart person. When they don’t know the bottom line, they can’t help but push further, test step by step, and jump repeatedly.

Once you know the bottom line, you know how to advance and retreat.

Know the trade-offs.

Eunuch Zhu finished his errands and quickly returned to the Qinzheng Hall with the edict to resume his duties.

Without even looking at it, Yin Huaixi ordered Eunuch Zhu to burn the edict to ashes on the spot.

On the first day of February, the news of Yu Shuangbai's death came to the clan. Yu Shuangbai was a girl who had not left the court, and her identity was sensitive, so the matter was not made public.

Two days later, my grandmother mentioned in a letter that Yu Shuangbai had boarded the merchant ship and went to sea with the merchant ship.

The big stone in her heart finally settled. Yu Youyao took the handwritten letter that Yu Shuangbai handed over to her grandmother and handed it over to her. She felt both happy and sad at the same time.

This farewell, I don’t know when we will see each other again.

On the second day of the second lunar month of the second year of Zhaoyong, Emperor Zhaoyong officially issued an edict to the whole country, saying: "Farmers are the foundation of the world. On the twentieth day of the second lunar month, on the auspicious day of the second lunar month, the fields will be opened and I will personally lead the plowing." , work hard to persuade the people. Under the reign of Zhao Dynasty, all those who have a good reputation will be allowed to cultivate ten acres of land for fifteen days. During the period of farming, they will live with the people and feed themselves with coarse grains. The imperial court will send people to inspect the fields according to the inspection history. Those who are negligent will be punished as deceiving the emperor..."

"Yutian" originated from Fuxi. Fuxi "emphasis on farming, mulberry, and plowing the fields." Every year on the second day of the second lunar month, the royal driver personally plows the fields. Therefore, the second day of the second lunar month is also known as the "dragon raises its head". By the time of King Wu of Zhou Dynasty, it was still used on the second day of the second lunar month every year. A grand ceremony was held to call on all officials, both civil and military, to go to the fields and work the fields themselves.

Later emperors rushed to imitate it.

But it was the Han Dynasty that really left a strong mark on the history of the "Yu Tian Li".

Since Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty, everyone from the king to the officials has held a "field cultivation ceremony" every year. The emperor not only plowed the fields himself, but also went to the plowing platform to observe and patrol the plowing.

The emperor paid great attention to it, and none of the officials below him took it lightly.

The first ‘Tian Tian Ceremony’ after the new emperor ascends the throne must be paid enough attention to in order to be majestic and spread the world. Anyone who is smart will not cheat on it.

Over the years, the founding emperors fought hard on the battlefield to gain power, and none of them were merciful. Their founding emperor also had a reputation for being bloodthirsty and violent.

The court and palace began to prepare intensively for the ‘Yutian Ceremony’.

On the day of ctian, Emperor Zhaoyong, wearing auspicious clothes and Queen Zhaoyi, went to the "Xiannong Altar" with the accompanying civil and military officials under the guidance of the Fajialu Book to worship the "Xiannong God", and then changed Wearing farming clothes, we went together to the fields in the suburbs of Beijing to perform the 'gong plowing ceremony'.

Officials from all over the capital accompanied them and plowed the fields themselves.

There were huge crowds of people all around Yutian, and people came to watch and admire Tianyan one after another.

Mr. Qi turned his head and looked at Mr. Yu Ge: "I heard that when the emperor was in the northern border, in order to alleviate the dilemma of lack of supplies, he promoted the military farming system in the northern border. During the busy farming season, the soldiers in the border areas defended the city in three parts. Seven-divided farming, each soldier was given a share of wasteland, and the Wumu Palace provided cattle, farm tools and seeds, and collected grain according to the share. It is said that the northern military camp has about 50,000 to 60,000 hectares."

The wasteland is barren and thin, and the harvest is not good.

After spending 120% of the effort, we can only harvest 23% of the grain. The hardship is unimaginable.

But it is also a way to survive.

"In addition to a large number of military camps, after Princess Shaoyi went to Liaodong, she also implemented a merchant garrison system in the northern border, encouraging merchants to recruit people to cultivate wasteland and pay grain in the border areas to supplement the military grain. The amount of grain paid by the merchants would be reduced or reduced. It was this law that exempted various taxes and drove the development of agriculture in the entire northern border.”

The farming system is divided into military villages, merchant villages, and civilian villages. It originated from the Cao Wei Dynasty. Because Cao Cao "brought the emperor to order the princes", he was called a traitor, which was shameful. Few people respected the farming system.

The evaluation of the farming system in the almanac also has a derogatory meaning: it was Cao Wei's selfish way to monopolize military power and make Cao Wei's rule highly centralized.

It's okay to have a derogatory meaning, but it's also true.

But the farming system does have many advantages. When the You army was in the most difficult time, it became the only straw for the You army.

Mr. Yu Ge nodded: "Our emperor not only implemented the farming system, but also went to farm with the soldiers in the farming every year. He is a good hand in holding the plow and doing the farming himself."

Therefore, as soon as the edict of "Tian Li" was issued, officials and students from all over the country who needed to use their fields were all panicked. They quickly went to the fields to learn farming before the "Tian Li" started.

The "Tian Li" was such a big move. Not only did the emperor personally lead hundreds of officials, but also officials and students from all over the country had to work in the fields on the specified days. It was difficult for Mr. Qi not to think too much:

"Do you think the Emperor wants to implement..." the farming system throughout the country?

After the Liang thieves and King Dongning were imprisoned, all their soldiers surrendered to the imperial court. The Zhao Dynasty had a million-strong army. Military expenses were a big expense. The focus of the farming system was in military villages. The emperor used agriculture to support the army, so that The army is self-sufficient, and the government is above the military camp, which opens the door to convenience. Fields, seeds, farm tools, cattle, etc. are all provided by the court and are no longer held hostage by the court.

Whether in government or military power.

These ministers have become veritable "workers" for the emperor. Their rights belong to the emperor. The rights in your hands are all assigned to you by the emperor. Once the emperor is not happy, you can easily take them back.

Mr. Yu Ge was silent for a while: "80% yes."

The Queen Empress founded the Xixin Chamber of Commerce in Hebei. How similar is the operation model of the Chamber of Commerce to the current situation of the imperial court?

The emperor has the military and political power in one hand, leaving all the work to his subordinates.

Well done and of course.

Doing it poorly is dereliction of duty.

The two looked at each other and turned their heads silently.

The old farmer arranged by the Ministry of Rites quickly pulled a strong ox into the field and set up a wooden plow.

Holding the plow requires strength. The oxen walks forward and drags the wooden plow. Yin Huaixi needs to push the wooden plow and turn over the solid soil, which is a very hard job.

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