All Hail Cousin Brother

Extra 8: Sang borrows gifts

The people watching were all used to farming, so they couldn't help but talk about it:

"Not to mention, the emperor is really good at holding the plow and doing the work himself. He is really no worse than us old farmers who are used to farm work."

"Isn't that right? You can see that he has a certain skill at first glance."

"I heard that when the emperor was guarding the northern border, he often worked with the soldiers to clear wasteland and grow food because of the difficulties in the army."


The emperor plowed the plow with his own hands, but some courtiers were so panicked that they went to plow the fields despite the pointing eyes of the common people.

"I don't have any grip on my hands, and I can't even hold the plow firmly."

"The good land has been ruined, as if it was dug up by dogs. It is not as densely cultivated as our emperor."

"It's really a mess. The land is thinly cultivated and has a poor backbone. It doesn't store fertilizer or water. It won't survive even if the seeds are planted. Even if they can barely survive, they will definitely not grow well and there will be no harvest..."


The censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate took the booklet, personally consulted the people nearby, and recorded the performance of the officials in their fields.

Each and every one of them was like a mirror looking into a demon, with nothing to hide on the spot.

The ministers are not as good at farming as the emperor, which is enough to leave a strong mark in the history books.

Yu Youyao also wore coarse linen clothes, wrapped her hair in a scarf, carried a basket, and followed Yin Huaixi to clear the weeds from the plowed ground.

Weeds are tenacious and cannot be fertilized. If left in the ground, they will compete for nutrients from crops.

The queen went to work in the fields herself, and these well-dressed ladies could not sit still anymore and hurriedly followed her to the fields.

“You don’t even know how to shake the soil from the roots when picking up weeds. If you do this all the time, the soil in the soil will become thinner.”

"What are you stepping on? The ground that was just plowed is now flat."

"There is such a big weed at hand, and everyone is blind, and it seems that there is no life in their eyes..."

"Don't waste the ground..."


The people around were filled with indignation and wanted to rush into the fields to teach them what to do.

The scene had an oddly comic feel to it.

In late February, the temperature rose with the height of the sun. Before five o'clock, there was news in the field that someone had fainted from the sun. The accompanying imperial doctor quickly carried the person away.

The common people looked at it and couldn't help but chew it: "Bah, the emperor has been plowing for a long time, and he can't even breathe. Are they all more valuable than the emperor?"

Yin Huaixi worked until noon.

The courtiers could only grit their teeth and follow along. Even if the emperor started plowing, they could not leave immediately. They had to plow for another two-quarters of an hour before they could leave.

At noon, the emperor gathered all the officials and had a simple meal together. The coarse food cakes were mixed with sorghum poles and wheat bran, and a plate of green vegetables was not oily.

How have ministers ever experienced such suffering? They have been tired and hot after working all morning, and they have no appetite. How can they eat something that cuts their throats and is difficult to swallow?

But not only did the emperor and empress eat without changing their expressions, but they also remembered the bitterness and sweetness: "In the army, they eat six parts of grains and four parts of bran. They are roasted in the stove and eaten. It is hard and irritates the throat. This is what we eat." , only two parts of bran were added, and enough oil was added, so it tastes pretty good.”

You mean, you still think they’ve eaten enough?

The ministers quickly stuffed the pancakes into their mouths, not daring to show that they tasted bad.

Yu Youyao chuckled: "Don't think that whole grains will cut your throat and taste bad, but they are good for digestion and good for the stomach. It is best for scraping the intestines after eating big fish and meat.


As soon as she finished speaking, Yin Huaixi's eyes passed over the ministers below one by one.

The ministers were startled, and they all lowered their heads and ate the whole-grain pancakes. The fatter ones were still holding their breath and quickly retracted their fat and oily bellies, so as to calm down their stomachs. Being so big before, although this doesn't work, it is their strong desire to survive.

Yin Huaixi chuckled playfully: "Since I came to the throne, I have eaten a bowl of coarse grain porridge every day. All the ministers are ministers in the court. They are usually busy with state affairs, so they should also pay more attention to health. They always eat big fish. How can you do this with big meat? How about this, from now on every morning in the morning, why don’t all the ministers and my family eat whole grains with me to keep healthy?"

He has always had the habit of eating whole grain porridge in the morning. Yu Youyao said that it can speed up intestinal transportation, enhance gastric motility, make the intestines smoother, avoid food accumulation and obesity, and also fill the stomach with nutrients.

How can ministers dare to say "no"? !

After the emperor ascended the throne, he dismissed many palace officials one after another. When the ministers saw this, they became worried and quickly sent away concubines from their homes. They arranged concubines strictly according to their grades. They did not dare to go beyond the line of pampering concubines and destroying wives. Even worse;

They did not dare to ignore the emperor's reduction in harem expenses, and quickly followed suit in reducing household expenses;

The emperor wanted them to understand the sufferings of the people so that they could serve the people wholeheartedly and abandon the extravagant and hedonistic style of the previous dynasty. Since the emperor set an example and wanted to establish a clean and diligent style, they could only follow it.

Not only in the morning, they eat rough food with the emperor, but also at home.

For fifteen days in a row, Emperor Zhaoyong plowed the fields and worked hard every day, eating only simple meals.

The officials were miserable. Not only did they have to work together, they also had to do more than the emperor.

The emperor plowed five acres of land that day, and they had to plow more than six acres. It didn't matter if they couldn't finish the plowing. They kept the lights on at night and had to finish plowing as fast as they could. They couldn't let the emperor do more than they did.

Therefore, after the initial war and chaos, the ministers all paid attention to the "field cultivation ceremony", and those who were not doing well in farming quickly sought advice from the old farmers.

The back looks similar.

Yin Huaixi felt sorry for Yu Youyao. He let her go to the ground for half an hour every day and then refused to let her go to the ground again. Yin Huaixi took over all her work.

So Yu Youyao gathered the migrant women together and taught them silkworm rearing, silk reeling, weaving, printing, dyeing, etc. Even farm girls from nearby farms came to listen to the lessons.

How could a foreigner dare to neglect it? Not only did she learn it with the empress during the day, but she also found someone who was proficient in it and learned it from behind at home.

After fifteen days, the emperor and the empress returned to the palace.

All the people send each other from afar.

The history of Da Zhao Tongjian records: "On the Jihai day of the second month of the second year of Zhao Yong, Emperor Zhao Yong performed the ceremony of cultivating the fields, plowed the plows himself, and Empress Zhao Yi accompanied him, performed the ceremony of borrowing mulberry trees, and personally taught silkworm breeding and silk weaving. "Exhortation to teach farmers and mulberry trees, thousands of people rushed to watch the ceremony and learn from it, the king and the people rejoiced together, and the love between fish and water was deep. It was the first time that the king and the people had the love between fish and water, and the world has returned to its heart since then."

On the second day after returning to the palace, Emperor Zhaoyong became famous and was exempted from taxes for two years.

The farming system was issued.

Rejoicing for all. uuread a book

At the same time, the emperor indeed dismissed a group of officials who had performed poorly during the "Yutian Ceremony".

There are also some migrant women who did not perform well during the "Sang Borrowing Ceremony" period, which also caused the men in the family to be demoted.

The emperor said: "Only by cultivating one's character and keeping one's family in order can one manage the country and bring peace to the people. If one cannot even keep one's family in order, it will be difficult for him to hold a big position."

At the same time, a number of officials with good performance were promoted.

Then an edict was issued to reopen Enke in the golden autumn of August.

Students all over the world were overjoyed and praised the new emperor's benevolence.


Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty especially liked to let ministers farm. Agriculture in the Han Dynasty was very developed. . . It is said in history that Confucianism is internal and Taoism is external, the country is governed by internal Confucianism, the people are governed by external Taoism, and Taoism is the way to recuperate and recuperate. This is a model of Confucianism and Taoism combined, which created the foundation of a strong Han Dynasty and future generations, making the Han Dynasty produce seven wise kings in a row. The Tang Dynasty was also a model for internal Confucianism and external Taoism. By the way, Taoism and Taoism are completely different concepts. Taoism has existed since the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors period. Taoism is a sect established on the basis of Taoism. So don’t take the time of Taoism’s origin There is no long talk about Buddhism, and there is no comparison between the two! Taoist thought can be said to be as long as our Chinese heritage. . In the Song, Ming, and Qing dynasties, Confucianism was emphasized over Taoism. China's orthodox culture began to decline and was deeply influenced by foreign countries. The most obvious one was weddings. Under the influence of the Mongolian people, there was no orthodox and solemn Chinese culture and it became lively. , it shows that men are superior to women, so their lives are not long in the three dynasties. . .

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