All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 194: Cousin, teach me how to play chess

Remember in a second【】

Yu Youyao was stunned for a moment, then her eyes widened: "It's not like what is written in the story book, you have to practice for seventy-nine days, that cousin..."

But Zhou Linghuai laughed at it: "Don't think about it, it's just a medicine pill for nourishing the body, not some kind of immortality pill, why does it take so long? At most three days, the pill will be ready."

Yu Youyao was relieved when she heard it: "It's not like what was written in the script, otherwise my cousin will have to wait for a long time, and my body will be delayed for many days."

Zhou Linghuai looked at her: "Don't read any more messy books. If you like the book, I'll give you some books some other day. You can pick and choose to read."

Yu Youyao nodded indiscriminately, not knowing if she had heard it, took a sachet from her sleeve, held it in her hand, and handed it to her cousin as if offering a treasure: "Cousin, I prayed for you in the treasure hall today. Fu, I also asked for a safety talisman for you, my cousin wears it next to his body, it can keep you safe."

Zhou Linghuai's gaze paused, he didn't look at the sachet she was holding in her heart, but landed on the white wrist of her left hand.

The light and shadow of the blood beeswax Buddha pearl flowed, without adding luster, exuding a magnificent and pure light, pure red, against the little girl's plain body, there is a kind of shocking magnificence.

Noticing the look in her cousin's eyes, Yu Youyao fiddled with the Buddhist beads on her wrist: "This is just given to me by my grandmother today. It is said that it was enshrined in the temple ten years ago, chanting scriptures day and night, and being affected by incense. Baptized, imbued with Buddha nature, and personally consecrated by Master Huineng, it is a rare Buddha treasure."

Zhou Linghuai nodded: "It's really rare," he paused, and then said: "Beeswax has three properties, spirituality, medicine, and Buddhahood. First, it is a precious treasure for nourishing the body and mind, and it has ten kinds of Buddha ties, so wear it carefully."

Yu Youyao smiled and said, "I have a golden beeswax Buddha pendant in my room, which is also very good. The golden beeswax is orthodox in Buddhism, and the color is suitable for my cousin."

Beeswax is one of the seven treasures of Buddhism. In addition, beeswax is rare. It is usually made into Buddhist beads, Buddha statues and other objects related to Buddhism, which can also be touched with Buddha nature.

Zhou Linghuai didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It's as if I changed my way to ask you for something."

Yu Youyao looked rich and generous: "I have enough blood beeswax beads from my grandmother, and I can't wear any more. It's a pity to keep such a good thing for nothing. Why don't you give it to my cousin? Some use."

Not to mention anything else, the fragrance of beeswax is natural, and you don't feel anything when you wear it on your body, but occasionally, strands of fragrance linger at the end of your nose, entangled in your heart, and it's so soothing to your body and mind.

It can be seen that the effect of this beeswax on nourishing the body and mind is really powerful.

Even if there are so many different recipes in "Tianxianglu", it can't compare with the natural birth of heaven and earth to form heavenly fragrance.

Cousin is not in good health, and only by nourishing both body and mind can we get twice the result with half the effort.

Speaking of this, Zhou Linghuai didn't say anything, anyway, he couldn't refuse.

Yu Youyao took the sachet over again: "Cousin, quickly put on the peace amulet I asked for you."

Under the bright eyes of the little girl, Zhou Linghuai took the sachet and slowly put it in his chest, sticking to his heart, he felt his heart beating: "Thank you, cousin."

Yu Youyao smiled, and even the dark room brightened up.

Zhou Linghuai took a sip of tea, lowered his eyes, and asked, "I just saw Prince Zhen Guohou, so I came out of your small courtyard."

The two stood side by side, and the picture was extremely dazzling.

He went to Baoning Temple quietly, and there were many inconveniences in doing things. He didn't plan to see the little girl, but when he passed near the little girl's wing, he couldn't help but make a detour, and suddenly changed his mind.

Yu Youyao said "Oh", and her attitude was a little cold: "I just came to say hello to my grandmother, and by the way, thank you for the gift of Mrs. Song's prescription and herbal tea. My grandmother asked me to give it to him."

Zhou Linghuai nodded, then asked more questions, but just twisted a sunspot and placed it on the chessboard.

Even if Yu Youyao didn't know how to play chess, she could vaguely see that the chess was played dangerously, like a long sword hitting a yellow dragon, with a lot of momentum, and suddenly said: "Why don't you teach me how to play chess, my cousin, when I learn it, I will play chess in the future." You can play against Yi with my cousin, so my cousin doesn’t have to play chess with himself.”

When she went to her cousin's study room, she would occasionally see her cousin sitting alone on the chess table with white pieces in one hand and black pieces in the other, and the left and right hands were confronting each other.

At first, I felt surprised.

But after a long time, it is inevitable that such a cousin is too lonely.

Such a delicate and undisciplined person wants to learn chess just to play chess with him. Zhou Linghuai was taken aback: "Chess is not as easy to learn as piano, it needs to be studied..."

When Yu Youyao heard it, she waved her hand: "Cousin, you think highly of me too, so I'll just learn it casually and play with you. I don't have time to delve into it."

"Just teach you." Zhou Linghuai couldn't refuse, and checked the black and white pieces on the chessboard into the chess box one by one.

Yu Youyao also helped, and suddenly said: "I still have a set of high-quality Yunzi in my room. After returning to the mansion, I will send it to my cousin's yard together with the golden beeswax Buddha pendant and the torreya wood chessboard. Saying that Yunzi is compatible with this is called Shuangjue."

These were sent by my grandfather. It was a pity that she didn't know how to play chess, so it was a pity to put it on the shelf. It was used by my cousin, which also complemented the "sword for a hero".

The little cousin has a lot of money, and if she disagrees with her, she wants to give something away. Zhou Linghuai is also helpless: "Just listen to it."

Yu Youyao stuck out her tongue and stopped talking.

Zhou Linghuai said: "The chessboard is square, the pieces are round, and the pieces cover the board.

^0^ Remember in a second【】

It means "round sky and place"; subdivided into black and white, implying yin and yang; a total of 361 points on the chessboard, which coincide with the number of days in a year, and one point of Tianyuan means that everything starts from one; 9 astrological positions coincide with the number of nine palaces, and the astrological positions divide the chessboard into four There are four quadrants, implying the four seasons of the year, and each quadrant has about 90 points, implying the number of days in each season; there are 72 points around the chessboard, implying 72 seasons in a year. "

While explaining, he gestured and pointed on the chessboard.

Yu Youyao originally thought that the small squares on the chessboard could not be seen in any way, and there was nothing special about it, but she felt ignorant and ignorant when she asked her cousin to draw and point out.

No wonder Mr. Ye Nv asked her to dabble in some chess painting, it really increased her knowledge.

This meeting really brought a little bit of interest, so I followed my cousin's gestures and carefully observed the chessboard, and gradually I felt a sense of unity and boundlessness.

Zhou Linghuai explained, and then said: "The chess circle moves while the square is quiet. It's for the chess game."

The rules of looting are very simple. After Zhou Linghuai explained it once, Yu Youyao memorized it. After playing for a while, she basically mastered the rules of loosing, but only for loosing.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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