All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 195: Smelly Chess Basket

Remember in a second【】

Yu Youyao was in high spirits: "It's not difficult to play chess, cousin, I'll play chess with you."

Seeing that she was happy, Zhou Linghuai couldn't beat her anymore, and nodded: "Okay!"

The two play chess back and forth, and the picture is quite beautiful.

"Cousin, isn't it here?" The little girl is holding a white chess piece, the jade piece is transparent and flawless, twisted on her fingertips, making her tender and delicate, complementing each other.

The smile on Zhou Linghuai's lips was a bit forced, and he didn't want to continue pointing: "Cousin thinks it's good, so it's good!"

He probably didn't expect that the little girl is good at learning everything, but she has no talent in chess. In a game of chess, he has a little finger, plus guidance, and the game is ready for her, but she just plays a good game of chess with her own skills. The game became a bad game, during which he saved countless times, and only then did he revitalize the game, so as not to force the game, otherwise the little girl would have killed herself countless times.

It can be regarded as teaching a bad chess basket.

Yu Youyao scratched her ears and cheeks, bit her lip again, a little undecided, so she played tricks: "I don't care, my cousin is not allowed to eat my son."

Zhou Linghuai nodded weakly: "Okay, don't eat."

The little girl smiled and put down the chess piece, raised her head, looked at her cousin with bright eyes, and reminded: "Cousin, it's your turn."

Zhou Linghuai looked at the chess game that had just come to life, and told the little girl to run wildly on the verge of death with this move.

Not only that...

After walking a few steps, the little girl regretted it, and with her tender little fingers, she took the white piece off the chessboard and hid it shamelessly behind her: "Cousin, cousin, I made a mistake just now, this doesn't count, let's start over... ..."

Zhou Linghuai reminded: "If you lose a chess game, you will not regret it, you are a real gentleman."

The little girl is just learning to play chess, but no matter what kind of chess she is, she purses her mouth in a well-behaved way: "Oh, I forgot, I will remember it next time."

So, forget it this time.

After a while, the little girl regretted the chess again. Zhou Linghuai was so well-mannered, but the veins on his forehead couldn't help twitching: "Cousin, I don't regret the chess..."

He hadn't finished speaking when he heard the little girl's cheerful voice, plausibly saying: "A real gentleman! I'm not a gentleman, I'm a woman, and I'm still a half-old child.

So, it's okay to regret the game. "

While regretting the chess, the little girl looked at her cousin, her eyes were shining brightly, as if there were twinkling stars, Zhou Linghuai was powerless to refute immediately.

The words are the words of this person, but the truth is not like this.

Forget it, it's common for a little girl to learn how to play chess for the first time, and she doesn't know how to play chess.

Next, Zhou Linghuai knew that he was too naive, some things like chess were innate, and he couldn't change it.

"Cousin, I'll change places..."

Zhou Linghuai reminded again: "Cousin, it's settled!"

The little girl picked up the white piece and said plausibly: "This doesn't count. My hand is still on the piece and I haven't moved it. It's not considered settled. You can change it."

That's all for it...

Zhou Linghuai only took a sip of tea when he caught sight of the young girl's white fingers, quickly hit the chessboard, took a few black stones and hid them under the chessboard, and sat up straight guiltily without looking around. He looked at the chessboard intently, as if he was really watching chess seriously.

It's really ridiculous.

After playing a game of chess for a while, it ended with Yu Youyao losing miserably.

The little girl pouted, and turned her mouth up to Lao Gao: "Cousin is too much, I am learning to play chess for the first time today, and I don't know how to let me win once."

Zhou Linghuai didn't want to talk anymore.

It's because he didn't want her to win, it's because the little girl can't be carved, after a game of chess, he sent countless chess pieces, but the little girl can always kill herself.

But this game of chess is over.

The little girl was annoyed for a while, and said again: "Cousin, playing chess is so interesting, let's come again..."

Zhou Linghuai just picked up the tea and drank it. Hearing what the little girl said, he almost choked a sip of tea into his throat and almost swallowed it, but it was also a sip of tea choked in his throat, and his white jade-like face flushed red for a while Only then did I catch my breath.

Dare to say that he not only taught a stinky chess player, but also a chess idiot.

So, for a long time, Zhou Linghuai was deeply involved in playing chess with his little cousin, until he proposed that the little girl teach Chunxiao how to play chess.

The little girl claimed to be good at chess, mainly because her cousin gave her this illusion. When she heard that she could teach others how to play chess, there was no reason to be unhappy, so she immediately left her cousin and took Chun Xiao to the study to play chess. From then on, the person who played chess with the little girl became Chunxiao, and he was relieved.

Yu Youyao stayed in the meditation room for more than half an hour, then happily took Chun Xiao out.

Chunxiao also heard the commotion outside, although he wondered why Master Biao came to Baoning Temple, and why he didn't go to pay his respects to the old lady, but met the young lady alone.

Miss clearly knew that Young Master Biao was in Master Hui Ji's meditation room, but she didn't say anything explicitly, only that she wanted to come to listen to Zen.

No matter how you look at it, how strange it is.

Yu Youyao said indifferently: "You don't need to tell outsiders about my cousin's visit to Baoning Temple. If anyone asks, just say that I came to Master Huiji's meditation room to listen to Zen and pray for my grandmother."

Chunxiao didn't think too much, and didn't ask too much: "Miss, please don't worry."

Among the maidservants, Chunxiao and Dongmei are both family-born children. Chunxiao has been serving her since she was a child, and Dongmei has been in her grandmother's house all the time. Although she is not in front of her, she has always helped take care of her. .

^0^ Remember in a second【】

Qiu Xing was picked from Zhuangzi and served for many years. Xia Tao was sold from outside the house. The rules are not as good as the others, but the service is also dedicated.

Chunxiao has the most honest heart and is the person she trusts the most. She always takes Chunxiao with her wherever she goes. Dongmei is shrewd and steady, and she is the most dependable. , she had to bring more belts, Qiu Xing was cautious and said little, and she was more thoughtful, which was also very effective.

As soon as she left, the meditation room fell silent.

The room was quiet, Zhou Linghuai said calmly: "Come out!"

The man in black suddenly flew down from the beam, knelt in front of Zhou Linghuai on one knee, and clasped his fists: "Young master."

"When will King Ping enter the capital?" Zhou Huai frowned, and picked up the messy pieces on the chessboard one by one and put them into the chessboard.

The man in black replied lowly: "I set off at the end of March, but King Ping fought with the Nanman a few years ago and was seriously injured by a sneak attack. The severe old troubles in the body, the body has not recovered, the southern border is farther away from the northern border, this journey is slow, and it is estimated that the capital will not be reached until the end of the palace examination."

Zhou Linghuai chuckled, "It's really affordable."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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