All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 830: Transgression

She smiled deeply: "After all, the yamen can mobilize a lot of manpower. The yamen servants must be selected by the county yamen. Most of them are strong and strong, and know some boxing and kicking skills. There is also a martial arts institute in the yamen, with a general yamen office. The coach, who is responsible for their daily training, is he any worse than a bunch of rabble?"

Mr. Li was suffocated and somewhat speechless.

Although there are many yamen servants in the yamen, there are still only a few who are really powerful and can fight with others. The rest are responsible for daily patrols and errands. Although they look majestic, they are actually not very useful.

It's just that it's hard for him to say this.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Yu Youyao said again: "Although it is now the time to arrange the refugees, the government is indeed a little overwhelmed, but there is always time to squeeze in, and manpower is not a big deal. The government can still post a list and offer a large reward to the bandits. There must be brave men below, and I can gather enough manpower to suppress the bandits."

Many Jianghu people like to accept rewards from the Yamen.

The reward money was also large, but Liancheng was a large county, and the gentry controlled the sericulture industry, which had both advantages and disadvantages. At least the tribute tax revenue was stable, and there was no shortage of money in the yamen.

At present, many silkworm farms have been opened up in Liancheng. The forest land sales are higher than the ordinary land sales. 70% goes to the treasury, and the yamen can get 30%, which makes them extremely rich.

Speaking of this, Mr. Li also broke out in cold sweat on his forehead: "This northern territory is under the jurisdiction of King Wu Mu. The future development of Liancheng will also depend on you, the princess. If Liancheng's sericulture develops, it will be Shao Princess Yi is saintly, kind and virtuous, and she is also a good official in governance. The word "excellent" is indispensable in the evaluation of the official department."

Yu Youyao's plain smile finally became a little more genuine, and she felt it was reasonable.

Mr. Li also said with a sincere face: "Xiaguan's future future depends on the princess and King Wu Mu. Just tell me directly, what should I do with Xiaguan?"

Princess Shaoyi is such a smart person, how could she not understand what he meant?

She neither agreed nor refused, but the words she spoke were sharp. In just a few words, he was forced to reveal his true colors, leaving nothing to hide.

He is not a fool either.

Princess Shaoyi really wanted to take care of the bandit's affairs, but it was a hot potato, and she would not take it hastily, lest she tell the truth and bring trouble to King Wu Mu.

He didn't agree at all, just to force him to express his position.

After all, it was inappropriate for King Wu Mu to intervene in the suppression of bandits. As a local official, he was not qualified to ask King Wu Mu to send troops. After all, he needed the cooperation of the government.

If something goes wrong, the government should take care of it and ensure that King Wu Mu is not implicated.

But in this case, all risks should be borne by him.

It’s not that Mr. Li doesn’t understand this.

People say that wealth can be found in danger. He has already boarded the nobleman's carriage. The benefits are close at hand and the future is at his fingertips. Wouldn't he be stupid to get off the carriage again?

The suppression of bandits was related to his political performance, evaluation, and future. It also coincided with Princess Shaoyi's desire to vigorously develop the sericulture industry, and was also in line with King Wu Mu's interests of peace at home and abroad.

The manpower was provided by King Wu Mu, and the person who provided the strength was King Wu Mu. In other words, he was just sitting back and enjoying the results.

It's okay to make a statement and take some risks.

Princess Shaoyi and King Wu Mu are such powerful people. They act impeccably. If they argue like this, there is almost no risk.

Mr. Li added another sentence: "As for the suppression of bandits, the subordinates are entirely at the mercy of the princess."

Yu Youyao really took a new look at Mr. Li. Although Mr. Li was not a good official, he was not a bad person without a conscience. He was smooth in dealing with people and knew the current affairs. What was rare was that he was not weak in ability and arranged the affairs of the refugees. As soon as I responded to the problem, I did it in an orderly manner and didn't make any big trouble.

Know how to seek benefits for yourself, but you don’t just take benefits and don’t work.

Such people are very effective when used well.

If you don't use it well, it will change.

From the current point of view, Master Li's interests are consistent with hers and Yin Huaixi's. As long as he does not move away from Liancheng, Master Li will always be in her hands.

Even if he has a bright future one day, he cannot afford to offend her and Yin Huaixi.

But the more anxious he is to suppress the bandits, the more problems there will be.

After weighing it secretly, Yu Youyao had already made up his mind: "Although I am the Princess Shaoyi who was personally granted the title by the imperial court, I am only a female prostitute. The suppression of bandits is the government's responsibility. If I interfere, wouldn't it mean that I am interfering with the imperial court?" Since I have inherited the emperor's great kindness and been honored by the Queen Mother, I should set an example by observing etiquette and obeying the law, and should not overstep my duty."

She didn't believe in Mr. Li's character. She only needed him to express his position, so she had a plan in mind and would not confide in Mr. Li to avoid exposing the matter.

At present, it seems that Mr. Li is a sensible person and his interests are consistent with theirs, but how can there be any eternal interests in this world? People's hearts are unpredictable, and she has no habit of taking advantage of others.

A thousand-mile embankment collapsed in an ant nest.

Sometimes, even a trivial little excuse can lead to catastrophic disaster.

Mr. Li was speechless for a while. Among the recent major events in the government and the public, which one did not have the shadow of Princess Shaoyi behind it?

She did not personally interfere with Chao Gang, but she could force the Yu clan behind her to interfere with Chao Gang.

But after talking about this, if he continues to force it, he will become unfamiliar, ignorant, and annoying.

Princess Shaoyi seemed to be a gentle and generous person, and she was decent when dealing with others. But looking at what she did after coming to Liancheng, could it be as simple as it seems?

He is a small person, and he does not dare to bet on the character of the superior. Mr. Li quickly stood up from his chair, walked to the hall, bowed to Princess Shaoyi: "I understand the princess's difficulties, today It was also the lower official who was worried about the development of Liancheng, and for a moment he did not think carefully, so he offended the princess and put her in a difficult situation, so please forgive me."

Yu Youyao sighed slightly: "Master Li also has Master Li's difficulties. Well, this matter is of great importance after all. Let me think about it carefully."

I didn’t say it to death, but there was still room left.

"The princess is holy and kind." Although Mr. Li's goal was not achieved, it was not far away, but he did not feel happy. He only felt exhausted mentally and physically, as if his body had been hollowed out.

He wanted to take advantage of Princess Shaoyi's emphasis on the development of sericulture, and instigated Princess Shaoyi to drive King Wu Mu to suppress the bandits. He also expressed his stance on the spot and was willing to cooperate fully.

This matter was in the interests of all three parties. Princess Shaoyi didn't explicitly refuse, but she didn't do what he wanted. She stripped off his "clothes" and played with him.

He finally understood that his little thoughts were just a joke in the eyes of those in power.

"However," Yu Youyao smiled and changed the subject: "Suppressing bandits is always a matter for the government. Providing advice and helping Mr. Li solve his problems can be regarded as doing his part for the local people."

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