All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 831: Suppressing Bandits

Mr. Li took a deep breath and lowered his head. Princess Shaoyi just meant that the Yamen could not stay out of the matter.

Yu Youyao raised her eyes and looked at Master Li: "What do you think, Master Li?"

Mr. Li only felt that when Princess Shaoyi looked at him, there was a ray of coldness in her eyes, which made her scalp numb and made her whole body break out in cold sweat. He quickly lowered his head: "Yes, yes, yes, Princess Shaoyi is right. .”

After the imperial court issued the national policy, the Empress Dowager also issued another edict: King Wu Muding of the North must protect the safety of Princess Shaoyi. Princess Shaoyi must comply with the etiquette and the courtesy of the legitimate princess of the dynasty, and must not be ignored. If foreign military orders are not accepted, it is related to the affairs of Princess Shaoyi. King Wu Mu should be careful and take it seriously.

This imperial edict seems to be only aimed at Princess Shaoyi, but after breaking it apart and analyzing it, it turns out that using the name of Princess Shaoyi, King Wu Muding of the North can do more.

Princess Shaoyi had great righteousness and benevolence, and came to the north for the sake of the thousands of victims of the Zhou Dynasty. It is logical to act in the name of Princess Shaoyi, and it will not be true.

For this reason, Huang Wenwen also brought a deputy general from the army to escort Princess Shaoyi together.

The highest-ranking general in the army is the commander-in-chief, who is served by the chief or vassal king who guards various places.

Under the commander-in-chief, there is also the hussar general, who was created to fight against foreign enemies and resist invasion. He is a second-grade official and can be awarded the title of General Jinwu or General Longhu. His status is second only to the commander-in-chief.

Earlier, the Marquis of Changxing was captured and returned to Beijing, and the one guarding the northern border was the Hussar General.

There is also a special title, which does not have a post in normal times and is appointed by the emperor when necessary, that is, the Expeditionary Army (Conquering the East, South, West, and North), which is responsible for conquests. Earlier, Yin Huaixi went to Shandong to quell the rebellion, and he was granted this title. General who conquered the East.

The size of the grade depends on the size of the conscripting army. The conscripting army is ordered by the emperor and is not subject to the jurisdiction of local military commanders.

Under the hussar there are also Fengguo generals, who are usually held by clan members.

Below it are Zhaowu, Anyuan...

They are all generals who have led troops and are collectively called lieutenants.

All generals in the army who can be promoted to deputy generals are experienced in hundreds of battles and have made great achievements. The one who came with Huang Wenwen was General Anyuan, who was ranked third in rank and was also a veteran in the army.

General Anyuan is about forty years old. He is also tall and strong. He wears cotton armor and wears two swords, one long and one short, on his waist. One is a Tang sword and the other is a saber. The long and short complement each other, and the dragon moves like the tiger. , He grows powerful every step of the way, and his aura of having experienced hundreds of battles can make people breathless.

General Anyuan said: "The bandits entrenched in the Anshan area are indeed extremely vicious people. They not only rob property and hurt people's lives, but they also don't spare old women and children. They also rob good-looking women. In just four to three months, hundreds of crimes have been committed, and more than 200 murders have been committed.”

Yesterday the little princess came to him and mentioned the matter of suppressing bandits, so he sent someone out to inquire about the news.

"In addition, I also inquired that during this period, children between the ages of five and ten were often missing in areas adjacent to Anshan. The cases were reported and verified by the Yamen to be true and recorded. There were eleven cases, but none were recorded in the There must be some who committed the crime, and if there is no accident, it should be their fault."

Yu Youyao's face was not very good, and his chest felt like a stone was blocked. The bandits were extremely vicious. What were they doing to arrest children? Killing for fun, or raising for fun?

In years of famine, hungry people eat each other, and tragedies such as exchanging children for food often occur.

If that's what she guessed, then...

She suddenly pursed her lips.

There are also thieves, and bandits also have righteousness. There are varying degrees of banditry in various regions. The court will not send troops until it reaches a certain scale. The government's capabilities are limited, and not everyone has the ability to suppress bandits. As long as they do not commit crimes frequently, they can only Robbery of property does not harm people's lives, and the government basically turns a blind eye.

For more aggressive cases, the government will also intervene.

The bandits are all looking for money. They may not be afraid of the government, but if the trouble is too big and the government has to intervene, it will be very troublesome for them.

Some local officials even cooperated with bandits.

By specifically targeting the rich and profiting from it themselves, the bandits can spend a long time with their money, and the local area can live in peace for a long time without causing too bad a negative impact.

Mr. Li is eager to suppress the bandits, not only because these bandits are large in number and very troublesome.

Ultimately, the bandits have lost their morals.

The government cannot come forward to negotiate or cooperate. If it is not resolved as soon as possible, they will only become more rampant and cause too much trouble. Mr. Li's future is almost over.

Huang Wenwen laid out a map of the Anshan area and analyzed: "The spies sneaked into the Yamen and read the case files about bandits. Based on the information they found, as well as the bandits' modus operandi, time, location, scope, etc., many situations were analyzed. It can be basically inferred that they will be at approximately," he glared slightly and stretched out his finger to point somewhere on the map: "This location."

The little princess did not explicitly agree to intervene in the banditry. The case files are government secrets and cannot be easily accessed, but they cannot guard against military spies.

The bandits, who seemed very troublesome to the government, had no escape for Huang Wenxian, who had experienced hundreds of battles.

General Anyuan looked at the map and said: "It's very close to the position I calculated."

After fighting for so many years, what kind of terrain have you never fought? As long as you look at the map, it will be clear at a glance where is suitable for hiding, where is suitable for ambush, and where is suitable for resting.

Yu Youyao looked at it for a while and saw some clues: "Send someone to find out first. We will discuss the specific situation later."

General Anyuan and Huang Wenxian nodded.

On the second day, the scouts who went to inquire about the news came back with news: "There is indeed a bandit camp in the mountains, with about 400 people, equipped with good weapons. There are strict sentries inside, and the terrain is very complicated. It is easy to defend. It's difficult to attack, but if we take action, we can capture it in half a day with a quick attack."

Another scout said: "My subordinates found a village in a remote mountain in Anshan, but there were only old people and children in the village. So I went to the Yamen to inquire about it. There were about thirty households in that village, and they had been living there for generations. place."

Therefore, the bandits cannot come from the village.

So where have all the young adults in the village gone?

General Anyuan and Huang Wenxu moved their eyes slightly and looked at Yu Youyao. Do you want to suppress this bandit? How to suppress it? Will His Highness be implicated? It all depends on what Yu Youyao means.

Therefore, they will not make decisions easily.

Yu Youyao frowned and said thoughtfully: "Have all the people in the village become hostages of bandits?"

Usually the bandits support the villagers. If the government wants to suppress the bandits, they will pull out the hostages. The government will use the rat weapon to prevent them from rashly attacking. Many vicious bandits use this method to contain the government.

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