All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 832: Risking yourself

She remembered that her grandmother had mentioned earlier that not long after the late emperor ascended the throne, he sent his clan members to Shanxi to suppress bandits.

There were hundreds of thousands of mountain bandits in the mountainous area of ​​Shanxi. At that time, the clan members who were ordered to suppress the bandits, and after returning to Beijing after wiping out the bandits, there were courtiers who joined him in risking the killing of civilians.

Later it was found out that the civilians were not killed by him, but were weapons raised by bandits to contain the government.

The clan remained unmoved and ignored the lives of innocent people. Although the bandits were successfully suppressed, they did so based on facts and gave the late emperor an excuse to suppress the clan.

Huang Wenwen nodded: "I'm afraid so."

It was difficult to deal with it now. Yu Youyao took a deep breath: "The bandits must have kept a lot of hostages. Once they attack, those hostages will first be pulled out to sacrifice their swords. In this case, we can only outwit them and cannot attack them forcefully." .”

General Anyuan also nodded.

Yu Youyao pondered for a while: "I originally planned to let Master Li cooperate with Youjun to send troops to attack fiercely and win a quick victory. Later, I announced to the outside world that the government was short of manpower to arrange for the refugees, so it borrowed hundreds of people from King Wu Mu. The You army is one against ten, and no one else will suspect anything. If Master Li is dragged into the water, Master Li from the court will deal with it, and King Wu Mu will not be implicated."

Huang Wenxian and General Anyuan felt that this plan was very safe without hostages.

Yu Youyao sighed slightly: "However, the plan is about to change now. There are hostages in the stronghold, and the situation has become very complicated. We cannot solve it quickly. If we rush to send troops together with the government, it will easily cause complications. It is best to enter the stronghold." Find out what is true and false inside, and coordinate what is inside and what is outside."

The situation is unclear, which is very unfavorable to Youjun. If the news that King Wu Mu sent troops to suppress the bandits accidentally spreads, a good thing will turn into a bad thing.

The best way is not to mix it.

Of course, Yu Youyao doesn't have to get involved. In the future, when Mr. Li can no longer withstand the rampant bandits, he will borrow troops from the Yamen of the state government to suppress the bandits.

Prince Wu Mu's Mansion only needs to put pressure on the prefecture's Yamen and ask the Prefecture's Yamen to send a large number of manpower, which can probably solve the problem.


Just let her know that the bandits have lost their moral character and have lost their humanity. As time goes by, who knows how many innocent people will be harmed?

Just thinking about it makes me feel like I have a lump in my throat.

If you think about it carefully, there is still a solution to this matter if you plan it. There is a difference between having the ability and standing by and doing nothing, and being overly motivated but lacking in power.

At least now she couldn't stand aside.

Huang Wenwen's eyelids twitched and he had a bad feeling.


Yu Youyao continued: "I will dress up as a rich lady who went to Xiuyan to join my relatives. Yin Shi and Chunxiao will dress up as girls. They will pick a dozen or twenty people to dress up as servants or bodyguards and escort me under Anshan Mountain. I will be kidnapped by them." .”

"Yin Shi is good at disguise and spying. Then he can declare to the outside world that I was attacked by bandits on the way back to Xiangping, and the You army can legitimately suppress the bandits."

Huang Wenwen's expression suddenly changed and he objected: "No, this is too risky. Before we came to Liancheng, His Highness wrote to us to tell us that we must protect your safety."

General Anyuan also objected: "The plan is feasible, but the candidate for the rich lady can be changed. There is no need for the princess to take risks herself, otherwise we will not be able to explain to His Highness."

Yu Youyao shook his head: "After the imperial court issued the national policy, King Wu Mu was not as constrained as before, but at the same time, the imperial court monitored him more closely."

The vassal king holds a large number of troops, and he must guard against them relying on their own strength and their great achievements to shock the lord.

Huang Wenwen's expression was not good. People said that he could not allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the bed. A group of bandits were brazenly rampaging under Youjun's nose. Wasn't it that the feudal king was under the control of the imperial court and had nothing to fear?

"The matter of national policy has seriously threatened the interests of the gentry. The gentry is very powerful and cannot just sit back and wait for death. They must also be keeping an eye on King Wu Mu to take advantage of him."

"The national policy is a double-edged sword, a sharp weapon for dealing with the gentry. But if this double-edged sword is biased in the slightest, it will become the gentry's weapon to take advantage of King Wu Mu. I never like to take advantage of others and make a show. I also have to do a full set, I am the one who wants to suppress the bandits, and I cannot let King Wu Mu take risks."

Huang Wenwen's expression was not good: "If His Highness finds out..." He might go crazy.

General Anyuan also had a look on his face, thinking of the fear of being subjected to various "additional trainings": "Then, why don't we take a long-term approach and think of other solutions?"

Yu Youyao said firmly: "Even if he is here, I will say the same thing."

At the moment, the gentry are waiting to take advantage of Yin Huaixi. Even a small mistake can lead to huge disasters, although if someone else pretends to be a rich lady, no one may notice it.

But what if?

Don't leave anything to chance, just do what you want. King Wu Mu wants to use her name to suppress bandits. This "name" must be true to its name, so that it can be justified.

Huang Wenwen and General Anyuan talked earnestly and persuaded for a long time.

Yu Youyao was determined and unwavering.

General Anyuan was still making a "dying struggle" and said bravely: "I thought about it carefully. This strategy is not foolproof. What if the bandits don't fall for it?"

The bandits have to rob "Princess Shaoyi" for this plan to work.

If there is no calamity, wouldn’t it be in vain?

Yu Youyao said, "Money and silk move people's hearts, so just prepare more supplies!"

Huang Wenwen didn't give up: "If there are rumors that you were kidnapped by bandits, it will damage your reputation."

Yu Youyao smiled: "The person who was kidnapped is a rich lady, what does it have to do with me? We made the plan, and the people involved are all our own people, why are there such rumors?"

Huang Wenwen was suffocated. In this case, why did the little princess have to risk herself?

it's actually really easy!

Knowing that she was risking her life, Yu Youyao couldn't push others to take risks, but she hid behind others, killed the bandits, and enjoyed the fruits of their risk.

The one who insists on suppressing the bandits is herself.

No matter who she pushed, she couldn't feel at ease.

Of course, the main reason is to do a complete show to avoid falling into the trap of others.

Yu Youyao continued: "If someone wants to use this matter to cause trouble, even if it is found out and I am kidnapped by bandits, what will happen? Shouldn't King Wu Mu suppress the bandits more?"

No one would say that King Wu Mu was inappropriate.

General Anyuan was also speechless. The gentry in the north was too powerful and their methods were powerful. The gentry had persecuted King Zhou Li before. The little princess was very wary of the gentry and did not dare to leave any clues.

On the surface of this plan, she was attacked by bandits, and it was logical for Youjun to suppress the bandits.

If someone doesn't give up and wants to investigate this matter and find out that she was kidnapped by bandits, it will be more natural to suppress the bandits.

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