All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 846: Report to the Imperial Court

After finishing the matters in the village, Yin Huaixi went down the mountain and had lunch with Yu Youyao: "I will set off back to Xiuyan in the afternoon to continue patrolling the border and inspecting the resettlement of the refugees."

"So fast..." Yu Youyao felt sorry for him running back and forth, and felt a little reluctant to let go.

Yin Huaixi said "Yes", feeling reluctant to give up, and added: "It's still four to five days from Anshan to Xiangping. There are no inns along the way. We have to camp in the wild at night, and we have to eat and sleep in the open air along the way. We need to pay more attention to our health."

"Your foot is injured. Even if the swelling subsides, don't walk around. If it's too stuffy to stay in the carriage, let Chunxiao carry you out for some air."

"Massage three times a day, don't ignore it. You should soak in blood-activating powder in the morning and evening..."

This was an old story again. Yu Youyao didn't know when Yin Huaixi became so verbose, so she endured it until Yin Huaixi started talking about foot bathing, diet, and what shoes to wear.

"Aunt Xu will take good care of me." She couldn't help it anymore, so she interrupted him and looked up at him, her eyes couldn't help but pause.

Yin Huaixi had long eyebrows on her temples, and her eyebrows were stained with a touch of wind dust. Her narrow eyes were intertwined with bloodshot eyes, and there was also a faint green shadow in her eyes. She suddenly thought that Yin Huaixi had come all the way from Xiuyan and had not closed his eyes until now.

She fluttered her eyelashes, closed her eyes, and said softly: "It's hard for you to be busy outside all day long. You should also pay more attention to your health. Yangyuan Pills are added with spiritual dew. You should carry them with you and take them every morning and evening. The rest The fragrant medicine can be used, you lost your bones earlier, it will be beneficial to your body to take more supplements."

Her voice was gentle and every word was sincere. Yin Huaixi held her hand and saw that she was as soft as catkins in his hand. He seemed to have softened: "I listen to you."

Yu Youyao said softly: "I'll wait for you in Xiangping City."

Yin Huaixi let go of her hand: "There is a lot of rain in Xiangping City, and the climate is relatively humid and bitter. After arriving in Xiangping, you should pay more attention to your health. The house repurchased by the Xie Mansion is not too far from the Wang Mansion. If anything happens, please let Yin Shi Or Yin San, go to Prince Wumu’s Mansion and tell the news that Uncle Sun lives in the Prince’s Mansion and the people in Xiangping City are open to the public. Don’t always worry that you will alarm the people and just stay bored at home..."

Yu Youyao grew up in Beijing. The winter in Beijing was dry and cold, not as bitter and cold as Xiangping. I just wanted to remind her, but as soon as I started talking, I felt that there were many things that needed to be reminded.

After this explanation, many more words were said. Yu Youyao looked at him chattering, and the sadness of parting suddenly disappeared a lot, and she only felt funny.

After Yin Huaixi left in the afternoon, Mr. Li also took people back to the Yamen.

On the second day, General Anyuan continued to escort Yu Youyao on the road to Xiangping City, while Huang Wenwen stayed to deal with the follow-up matters of the bandit suppression.

With the cooperation of Huang Wenwen, the aftermath was carried out in an orderly manner, and the case was closed in just three days.

Huang Wenwen took the account book of the property looted by the bandits, compared it with the account book, counted the property in the treasure house in the village, and returned the property one by one based on the verified list of hostages.

There was some unowned wealth, and after discussion between Master Li and Huang Wenxian, they decided to give a small portion of it to some poor and seriously injured people.

The hostages all knelt on the ground, expressing gratitude and thanking King Wu Mu for his great kindness.

Huang Wenwen sighed: "The vassal king cannot raise troops internally. Even if he knows the existence of mountain bandits, he cannot use troops to suppress the bandits. This time, the mountain bandits acted daringly and attacked the princess's Luanjia. They were entrusted by the princess." , Youjun then took action to annihilate the bandits, if you want to thank me, just thank Princess Shaoyi!"

The hostages shed tears on the spot, knelt down and shouted: "Shao Yi is holy and kind."

There is not much remaining property looted, and Youjun has made great efforts to suppress the bandits, so it should be left to Youjun to handle it themselves.

In this way, the whole matter comes to an end.

Master Li breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately discussed with Huang Wenxian about reporting to the court.

Huang Wenwen did not interfere in this matter, and only said: "Master Li is the parent official of Liancheng, and the matter involves Princess Shaoyi. It is the duty of His Highness to protect the princess well, and it is really helpless to overstep his authority. However, we should handle the aftermath and deal with it." It’s up to the government to come forward, Huang is just assisting, and it’s up to Mr. Li to make his own decision.”

Commander Huang has his own rules for advancing and retreating. It should be the credit of the government, but it is not ambiguous at all. This makes Mr. Li who had not put in much effort but got a benefit in vain, very happy, and immediately drew up a plan to The incident was explained in detail, and all the evidence and case files related to the case were sorted out and sent to Beijing together with the folder.

The news spread to Beijing and caused an uproar in the court.

Naturally, some people took advantage of King Wu Mu's sending troops to suppress bandits to stir up trouble, saying: "As a vassal king, King Wu Mu interfered in government affairs and was suspected of exceeding the law."

A group of royalists headed by Mr. Yu Ge believed: "The bandits attacked and robbed Princess Shaoyi out of lawlessness, despised the imperial court, and disrespected the Holy Father. King Wu Mu guarded the northern border. If even a small bandit dared to attack He makes trouble right under his nose, so where is his majesty and how can he frighten the inside and outside?"

Both sides held their own opinions and argued endlessly.

In the end, it was the Queen Mother who came forward: "All the ministers care about the country and have their own opinions, but the top priority should be to resettle the refugees and alleviate the drought."

As soon as this was said, the courtiers became silent.

Princess Shaoyi went to the north to assist King Wu Mu in promoting sweet potato cultivation in the three provinces of Liaodong to alleviate the disaster.

Nowadays, most of the refugees in the Great Zhou Dynasty have gone to the north. If sweet potatoes cannot be successfully grown, where will the food for so many refugees come from?

Hundreds of millions of refugees gathered in the northern border. There was no food, there were threats of refugee riots inside, and foreign enemies were watching outside. Even if King Wu Mu was afraid, it would be difficult to deal with it.

From this point of view, the safety of Princess Shaoyi is above all else.

This group of bandits was involved with hundreds of thousands of bandits in a mountainous area of ​​100,000 miles, so it was not something that ordinary people could deal with. King Wu Mu used thunderous means to annihilate the bandits. Not only was it right, it was actually meritorious.

In addition, the case files submitted by the government are clear and clear, and there is no ambiguity in any part. The court officials only pay lip service to it. If they really want to find fault, they really can't find fault.

The matter is settled.

The royalists lamented: "Since Princess Shaoyi sealed the title and went to the north, we have really gained momentum in the court."

Everything Princess Shaoyi did and was involved in were closely related to the interests of the Royalist Party, and the Empress Dowager also trusted the Yu clan more and more.

Although Yu Zongshen and Dingyou were at home, the fame and prestige of Princess Shaoyi had benefited the Yu clan and even the entire royalist party, which would benefit from it.

Mr. Qi was convinced: "You haven't seen that when Princess Shaoyi was mentioned in the morning, Xu Guogong's expression looked like he had eaten a fly. It was really satisfying!"

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