All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 847: Bing Xuejing is smart

Who in the whole court knew about Concubine Xu, Duke Xu's mansion, and the plans of Prince Rongjun's mansion?

I'm afraid they never dreamed that Miss Yu would become the princess of Shaoyi County who would be sued all over the world.

The world praises her: Thunder is an elite, Bingxue is smart.

Dao Jin is one of the few virtuous women in the world who has noble character, both talents and virtues, and is not inferior to her husband.

Marquis Zhenguo suddenly remembered what his mother had revealed earlier and patted Yu Zongzheng on the shoulder: "Brother Yu, you really gave birth to a good daughter!"

Mr. Qi is deeply convinced: "Your Yu clan, this generation has given birth to Princess Shaoyi, who is pure, intelligent, saintly, kind and virtuous. She has also given birth to an upright person who has learned from the sages and upright people. For the virtue of morality and virtue, the integrity of the family, the prestige and reputation have been established, and the restoration of ancestral merits and virtues is just around the corner."

When a family goes from decline to prosperity, in addition to the emergence of talented people in the family, there will also be role models. Only Yang cannot be born, and Yin cannot grow alone. They have both internal and external virtues, so they are usually one man and one woman, acting as yin and yang to each other. .

Men tend to rule the world and people.

With a woman who can serve as an example, other sisters in the family will naturally imitate her, her character will not be worse, others will look up to her, and her status will rise accordingly.

Only when we discuss marriage in the future can we choose a good family that is in the best interest of the family.

Not to mention, there were several brothers of the right age in Qi Mansion. When it was time to get married, the old lady first took her fancy to the girls of the right age from the Yu clan.

The rest of the people also praised Yu Youyao.

This should be a very honorable thing for Yu Zongzheng, but his family knew about his family affairs, and the father-daughter relationship between him and Yu Youyao had long been in name only.

Yu Zongzheng twitched the corner of his mouth, wanting to laugh but unable to do so, but he couldn't help but continue: "My little girl is a prostitute, but she doesn't deserve your praise like this." At this point, he quickly changed the topic: "Mingzhao decentralized It has been almost two months since I went to Dehua. Although Dehua is a good place, the decentralization is not as stable as Jingli. Dehua suffered from Japanese invasion earlier. I wonder how he is now?"

The interests of the royalists are closely linked. Song Mingzhao is a rising star of this generation, whom the royalists have vigorously cultivated in the court. Everyone is very concerned about this matter.

The Marquis of Zhenguo frowned slightly: "I only sent a message to report that he was safe after arriving in Quanzhou. During this period, no news was sent back. I don't know how he is doing now."

His mother supported Mingzhao's decentralization, and he had to agree. Thinking that Dehua was often troubled by Japanese invaders, he arranged for Mingzhao to have thirty guards with strong martial arts skills, and five secret guards to protect him.

Under heavy protection, Mingzhao's safety is not a problem.

When encountering difficult situations, there are people at your disposal who can help you.

However, Ming Zhao had been gone for so long and no news had come back. He was still worried. He secretly sent someone to inquire about the news, but nothing came of it.

He vaguely felt that something was wrong in Quanzhou, and he had sent additional manpower to find out the news a few days ago, just waiting for the news to be returned.

Yu Zongzheng said quickly: "Don't think that the magistrate is only a seventh-level county, but the things involved are complicated and complicated. Dehua is still a large county. It suffered from Japanese invasion earlier. The previous magistrate was mediocre and did nothing. This is why the imperial court has dismissed his duties. Maybe it was because I went to Dehua Mingzhao and was too busy doing the handover and adapting to the new environment."

Mr. Qi also said: "Earlier, Quanzhou sent an urgent report, saying that a group of Wangyang thieves secretly sneaked into Quanzhou two years ago, killing people and setting fires in Quanzhou city. This incident caused quite a fuss, and even the city was under martial law. The ban has not yet been lifted. , It’s not easy to find out the information. Ming Zhao is outstanding, so there’s nothing wrong with him. It’s hard to beat him.”

Everyone else agreed.

The Marquis of Zhenguo was worried: "Quanzhou is close to the sea, and shipping is accessible in all directions. The thieves who have entered the city are either pirates or Japanese pirates. Only then can they cause such a big commotion in Quanzhou City and make the government so afraid. The situation in Quanzhou is unclear at the moment." , I think the government hasn’t caught anyone yet, so I’m really worried about Ming Zhao.”

Earlier, Japanese pirates colluded with pirates to invade the southeastern coast, causing Mr. Ye to flee in panic. Because of this, these people held a grudge and quietly came ashore to kill people and set fires. This kind of thing has happened in the past dynasties.

Therefore, the comprehensive martial law in Quanzhou did not arouse the suspicion of the court.

Several people also felt sad.

At this time, Song Mingzhao, who was worried about his family, had been in office for nearly two months.

Two months was enough for him to read through the Yamen's many case files, records, accounts, account books, etc., understand the basic situation of the entire Dehua, and start to deal with the many backlogged affairs in the Yamen.

Because the previous county magistrate was mediocre and inactive, there was too much official work backlogged in the yamen, and the things he had to deal with every day were also very complicated.

In just two months, he has accumulated a lot of prestige in Dehua. This is because he is strict with the law and diligent in government affairs.

Quanzhou is divided into eight mountains, one water and one land. Due to the prosperity of porcelain, most local people are engaged in this fortification, so food is relatively scarce. Last year, there was another Japanese invasion, and many people lived a very hard life.

He encouraged local people to open up wasteland and plant sweet potatoes.

The Zhou Dynasty had a clear stipulation that the land reclaimed by the people on their own initiative belonged to themselves, and the income was not subject to tax, but they had to pay mu tax for five consecutive years.

Due to the influence of Princess Shaoyi last year, Xie Mansion also planted a lot of sweet potatoes in Quanzhou, and sweet potatoes spread in Fujian.

Song Mingzhao came forward to contact some wealthy households in Quanzhou who grew sweet potatoes. In the name of the government, he purchased a batch of sweet potato cubes and distributed them to the people for free.

This move won over the people and he quickly established a foothold in Dehua.

However, Song Mingzhao did not have an easy time in Dehua.

He had arrived in Quanzhou by boat earlier, intending to go to the Yamen of the prefecture to meet with his superior, the prefecture official of Quanzhou, Jiazhou Prefecture, to complete the paperwork for appointment as magistrate of Dehua County.

However, he was told that there were gangsters in Quanzhou who committed murder and arson, and that total martial law had been implemented. A letter was sent from Jiazhou Prefecture, asking him to go to Dehua to take office on his own, and a document was then sent to him.

What kind of robber was he committing? What kind of heinous crime was he committing that was so severe that the government officials in the state were so afraid that even the appointed officials were not allowed to enter the city?

Is this really pirates or Japanese pirates causing trouble? !

Song Mingzhao noticed something was wrong, but kept silent and went to Dehua with his cronies.

Song Mingzhao has always been thoughtful. When he came to Quanzhou to take office, he felt that being surrounded by a group of guards would be too annoying. These guards were the team prepared for him by the Marquis of Zhenguo. They were his foundation in Dehua and should not be exposed to others.

So before setting off, he ordered his guards to disguise themselves and go to Jin County first, and then ordered his guards to go to Quanzhou ahead of him.

After arriving in Dehua, Song Mingzhao discovered that no big or small news in Quanzhou could be spread out, and naturally news from outside could not be spread in.

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