All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 872: Nobility

Only in this way, the words of praise are inevitably a little lacking. It's okay to be polite to others, but if you want to have friendship with others, it's a long way to go.

Yu Youyao smiled: "Thank you, madam."

The Yu family and the Ye family are one in the north and the other in the south. They are two powerful families, one in the north and one in the south. Since ancient times, there has been "Northern Yu and South Ye". By the end of the previous dynasty, the reputation of the Yu family once surpassed that of the Ye family and became the The first powerful person in the former dynasty.

It's a pity that Lord Zhonglie succeeds and he is loyal to Lord Lieutenant when he fails.

In this dynasty, although the Yu family was favored by the court, every time a descendant was promoted to an important position in the court, he was not fully used, which led to the gradual decline of the Yu family.

This decline lasted for hundreds of years.

When it comes to the long history of the family, Ye and Yu are both superior and inferior, but when it comes to their background, the Yu family cannot compare to the Ye family, which has numerous talents and party members in the court.

Therefore, anyone can use the Yu clan to praise Yu Youyao.

Only Ye can't.

She wouldn't think too much about it, but it wouldn't be possible for someone else.

Xiaoyue mentioned the Yu clan, and if Yu Youyao replied, she would definitely be humble. She took the Ye clan into consideration and replied with a humble and complimentary word.

If we are humble, if we put them on equal status, that is humility and politeness. If they are not on equal status, and humility becomes humility, the relationship will be divided into superior and inferior.

From Xiao Yue's point of view, wouldn't it be obvious to embarrass Xiao Yue?

Tell people clearly that you just said the wrong thing!

Sure enough, when Xiao Yue heard her thank you and said nothing else, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, then she realized what she was doing, her face turned pale, and she felt a little embarrassed.

The etiquette of interactions between people is often very subtle, and must take into account the family background, identity, and status of both parties.

Fortunately, Yu Youyao quickly changed the subject and said with a smile: "I studied under Mr. Ye Nu. I was taught by her in the past and taught her carefully for many years. I regard her as my mentor. Speaking of which, I have some connections with you, the Ye family." edge."

Mrs. Xiaoyue suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "Thanks to your house for taking good care of Qiuniang over the years, Qiuniang's life can be more peaceful."

No matter how talented this Heli woman is, others will inevitably point fingers.

She was also a member of the Yu Mansion, Mr. Ding, and Mrs. Yu had the reputation of being a chaste woman. Mrs. Yu had taken a liking to Qiuniang, and even others wanted to look up to her.

Xiaoyue changed the topic and said with a smile: "A few days ago, Qiuniang sent a letter to my master. She mentioned in the letter that the princess was her favorite disciple and asked my master to take more care of the princess. "

In her letter, Qiuniang praised Princess Shaoyi a lot.

The master didn't say anything else.

However, just from the fact that he held the letter and pondered it for two quarters of an hour, he knew that he had gleaned many other things from this letter.

The master had served as the prefecture government in Liaodong for many years and never interfered in the fights between the gentry and the vassal kings. However, after Princess Shaoyi came to Xiangping, the master's attitude obviously changed.

Not only is the Xie family aware of the interests, but more importantly, Princess Shaoyi's words and deeds are in line with the interests of the government. It is true that she belongs to the vassal line.

But who in this world would be an enemy of a truly smart, visionary, well-organized, and ambitious person?

Yu Youyao was very moved and asked quickly: "After I came to Xiangping, I sent a safe letter to Mr. Ye Nu, and also sent some Xiangping specialties. I haven't received a reply from Mr. Ye Nu yet. I wonder how Mr. Ye is doing. ?”

After leaving Jingzhao, whenever she went to a place, she would send a safe letter to her relatives, friends and teachers, and also send some local products. This has become a routine.

After coming to Xiangping, in addition to settling Yu Yuan, she also dealt with these trivial matters.

It was only in the past few days that it stopped.

Xiaoyue smiled: "Qiuniang is very good. Because of the princess's reputation as a saint and her mentor, her reputation in the capital is even better than before. Countless people come to her door to ask for pens and advice. .”

Yu Youyao felt relieved. She arranged for someone to take care of Mr. Ye Nv in Beijing. If there was chaos in Beijing in the future, if Mr. Ye Nv was willing to come to the north, she would also arrange for someone to escort him.

After chatting with Mr. Ye, the rest of the conversation also started, and we got a lot closer.

After that, several ladies came one after another to say hello.

After a while, the living room was filled with people.

Yu Youyao said politely: "I grew up in Beijing. The etiquette and rules in Beijing are different from those in the north. I have just arrived here and don't know much about the customs and customs in the north. This time I was under the influence of King Wu Mu." I have just come to the north, you are all members of King Wu Mu’s vassals, you are older and more knowledgeable than me, so please forgive me if I am negligent."

All the ladies present quickly expressed their disapproval.

Before meeting Princess Shaoyi, they might have had some scrutinizing and testing thoughts because Princess Shaoyi was young.

Seeing that Princess Shaoyi was wearing a dark-colored long-sleeved shirt and a true purple Xiapei, the colors and patterns were all regulated by the clan. Ordinary married women often used Zhai patterns according to their rank, such as long-tailed pheasant, peacock, magpie, etc. Princess Shaoyi used a seven-tailed phoenix to hang on her shoulders, showing her noble demeanor.

No one dared to treat her as a thirteen- or fourteen-year-old girl and look down upon her.

At this time, Princess Shaoyi took the initiative to show her kindness, how could it be unreasonable?

The atmosphere immediately became lively.

The wives from all the families gathered together, and the topic of conversation was definitely the prevention and control of the epidemic, which Princess Shaoyi was concerned about. Someone proposed that they want to raise funds. The money raised from the donation would be used to purchase spices and medicinal materials related to the epidemic prevention, and handed it over to Princess Shaoyi’s incense workshop makes incense needed to avoid epidemics.

This proposal won strong support from all the ladies present.

Next, we need to discuss how to arrange the donation, who will take the lead, how much money each family will contribute...

For a moment, several ladies looked embarrassed.

Yu Youyao also knew that all the ladies and ladies present were all subordinates of King Wu Mu, and they all relied on the salary from the court, and their lives were relatively tight.

At least from her point of view, except for a few ladies present, whose clothes looked more exquisite, most of them, including Mrs. Huang and Mrs. Ning, wore old styles that had been worn many times.

It is not difficult to guess that this is the best clothing for them. Whenever they go out, they usually rotate through several outfits.

Yu Youyao closed her eyes lightly, feeling a little bitter in her heart.

If you put this in Beijing, even the family members of an ordinary seventh-grade Zhima official would not be so shabby.

"Leave it to Mrs. Huang and General Ningyuan's wife to take the lead in raising donations. Donating any amount is entirely voluntary. It's very rare for everyone to have this kind of intention."

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, with real smiles on their faces.

It can be seen that we sincerely want to donate, but life is not easy for everyone, and it is inevitable that there will be some difficulties.

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