All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 887: Show me

The prefectural government will first find out the culprit behind instigating Zhang to intercept the princess's car, shouting injustice in the street, and instigating the second-rate men to incite the people.

Only when all the people involved are arrested and brought to justice can further in-depth investigation be carried out, which will inevitably involve the death of Zhang's husband, Jimin Hall who took the medicine, and the Bai Mansion after Jimin Hall's school.

After the Yamen interrogates Zhang, it is determined that the case is related to the Baifu. The government will issue relevant documents, prohibit the freedom of movement of everyone in the Baifu, and will send people to keep an eye on every move of the Baifu.

No matter how to destroy the evidence or escape, it is impossible.

Master Bai was heartbroken: "Bai, the Bai family is at the mercy of the princess."

Although the Bai Mansion has done many unjust things, there are also merits. Yu Youyao said quietly: "I want you to accuse the Han family in court of unscrupulous means to frame Jimin Hall. The Han family's motive for doing this is because of the Bai Mansion." I unintentionally obtained evidence of the Han family’s corruption and perversion of the law..."

"This, this is not openly related to the Han clan..." When Mrs. Bai heard this, her head was dizzy, her eyes were spinning, and she almost fainted on the spot.

Master Bai's body was shaking like chaff, and he gritted his teeth: "Please give me your instructions, Princess."

Yu Youyao was very satisfied with Master Bai's knowledge: "It's a long story, so let's sit down and talk about it."

Mr. Bai was exhausted mentally and physically, his legs were as soft as noodles, and he staggered. He had to be supported by Mrs. Bai beside him to prevent him from falling. The couple helped each other and sat on the chair.

The maid quickly served tea and snacks.

Yu Youyao held the tea cup in her hand, but did not drink it: "I heard from the maid in the side courtyard that the dinner prepared in the house seems to be unpalatable. You two have not eaten the dinner." She slightly curved her lips. , said in a warm voice: "My mother's family is from Quanzhou, and her taste follows her mother's family, preferring salty and fresh food. The cooks in Yuyuan are also good at Fujian cuisine, but I didn't treat them well."

The conversation seemed to be just casual chatting, but after hearing this, the Bai family couple felt as if they had been granted amnesty.

Princess Shaoyi's maternal family, Quanzhou Xie Mansion, is also a merchant. These words undoubtedly show that Princess Shaoyi is very close to her maternal family, and it also indirectly shows her attitude towards merchants.

This is her sincerity.

Mrs. Bai quickly spoke out: "The county, the princess has spoken harshly, it's because we, the couple, have no appetite..."

Yu Youyao nodded slightly, and then said: "Don't let people talk about things hungry. I ordered people to prepare some more exquisite pies and pastries from Liaodong area. You guys should eat some first to fill your stomach."

As soon as the Bai family couple relaxed, they felt thirsty and hungry. After simply drinking some tea and snacks, their spirits improved a lot.

Yu Youyao then said: "What the Bai Mansion is most worried about right now is that the sale of inferior medicinal materials in Jimintang is a way for the Han family to take advantage of you."

Master Bai regrets that the price of medicinal materials in the Northern Territory is 20 to 30% higher than that in other areas. Even if the price of inferior medicinal materials is reduced by 30 to 40%, it can still be sold at a good price. Bai Mansion has more than 20 merchants in the entire Northern Territory. Mintang, without any cost, is indeed very profitable.

Those who are in the business of medicinal materials will inevitably cause human lives. The Baifu family has a great business. As long as there is no problem with the medicinal materials themselves, spending more money will solve the problem.

But the person behind the Zhang family's incident was the Han family, which was a disaster for the Bai Mansion.

If I had known it now, why bother in the beginning? It would be too late to regret.

"However," Yu Youyao changed the topic: "This is not impossible to solve."

Mrs. Bai's eyes couldn't help but light up, and she quickly asked: "Is there anything the princess can do?"

Yu Youyao didn't show off: "Do you still remember the content of the message I sent to you when I was at Longfeng Temple in the morning?"

Mrs. Bai was stunned for a moment and then came to her senses.

——There is an ancestral motto of my maternal grandmother, Xie Mansion, that the talents in the world should be taken from the people and used for the people. Seventy percent of the ten percent of the money will benefit one party, and the other third will be kept for yourself. Do not make ill-gotten gains. Do not do unjust things, this is the way of business. This princess was taught by her maternal ancestors and has always admired these businessmen Jia Shen who are dedicated to doing good.

This is what Princess Shaoyi sent to her, as well as the family members of the wealthy gentry headed by Bai Fu, which coincides with Bai Fu's previous plan.

Yu Youyao continued: "You take the initiative to admit that the medicinal materials sold by Jimin Hall are all inferior medicinal materials. You and your wife are deeply interested in this and have decided to represent the northern gentry and first step forward to donate to the government, Youjun, and Victims of the disaster, take retreat in order to advance, and the government, the army, and the people will be grateful for your kindness."

Mr. Bai hesitated: "But, if this happens, the reputation of Bai Mansion will be damaged, and the foundation of its business over the years will probably be damaged..."

Yu Youyao said calmly: "Sooner or later, this matter will be exposed. If you take the initiative to admit your fault, you can avoid being led by others. At the same time, you can take a preemptive strike, which will make your opponent unable to do anything and fall into passivity."

Mrs. Bai immediately reacted: "The Han family will definitely expose Jimintang's sale of inferior medicinal materials at the best time. By then, Baifu will be completely passive. If Baifu himself stands up and admits it, it will disrupt the situation." The Han clan’s plan caught the Han clan by surprise, and the Bai Mansion still has room for maneuver.”

Yu Youyao nodded: "Inferior medicinal materials do not mean that they are ineffective. The price of medicines in Jimintang is low. This is also true. Although Baifu's reputation will be affected, it is not uncontrollable. The medicinal materials in Baiji Daodi Pharmacy, Selling to the common people at reduced prices, half-selling and half-giving of inferior medicinal materials, there is an old saying that eats people softly, and takes soft hands. As long as the people actually take advantage, they will not be too harsh on it. "

Having said that, Baiji Daodi Pharmacy has a good reputation.

Jimin Hall has been in operation for many years, and it has indeed brought some convenience to the people, and its reputation is not bad.

Ordinary people will fall for this.

The White Mansion did many unjust things, but he did not lose his conscience. In the end, he found a way out for the White Mansion.

"This is a good method. Just do as the princess said." Mrs. Bai nodded repeatedly. Although the Bai Mansion will suffer a lot of losses, as long as the foundation is still there, the family business can still be earned back.

However, Mr. Bai still has doubts: "But once the case of Zhang's husband's death spreads and Jimintang is involved in a human life lawsuit, the people will probably not buy it."

The princess's method is good, but the premise is that the Bai Mansion does not involve human lives in lawsuits.

Yu Youyao said: "This is the second question."

Mr. Bai was stunned. Hearing what he meant, this meant that Princess Shaoyi had taken all this into consideration?

Yu Youyao then said: "Although the disasters in the Baifu are the result of many unjust actions and the bitter consequences, they are also somewhat related to me. The Baifu has been charged with unwarranted charges for nothing, and I cannot stand by and watch. The old saying goes: You can correct your mistakes if you know them. , There is no such thing as good. Since the Baifu has the intention to do good, I am naturally willing to help. Since the death of Zhang's husband has nothing to do with Jimin Hall, the Baifu will not be charged with this crime. "

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