All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 891: Counterattack

Yin Huaixi nodded: "Of course, there must be conflicts. You must always remember that what we protect is the territory, and it is also the tens of millions of people on this territory. Since the victims have arrived in our territory, no matter their accent Why, he is the one we need to protect.”

Luo Huai's face was shocked: "Although I retired from the army, once I was a ghost army, I will remember the ghost for the rest of my life."

Yin Huaixi finally felt relieved: "The matter in Anshan County has come to an end, and the victims in Liaodong have been settled properly. I will return to Xiangping tomorrow."

Luo Huai couldn't help laughing: "Are you worried about the little princess?"

Anshan and Xiangping are adjacent to each other. During this period, news about Xiangping kept coming to Anshan and reached His Highness's ears. His Highness acted with obvious urgency and had not slept a wink for three days.

Yin Huaixi did not deny it: "She is young and new here. She doesn't know whether Xi is used to the life in Xiangping."

When Luo Huai heard this, he was surprised: "Zhang's complaint has caused an uproar in just a few days. The Han family is coming fiercely. Aren't you worried about her suffering?"

As the White House publicly admitted that Jimintang sold inferior medicinal materials, the White House carried out a series of activities such as price reductions, discounts, free medicines, and free clinics in order to restore its reputation damaged by selling inferior medicinal materials, which gave the Han family a hard time. Caught off guard.

However, the Han clan is not vegetarian either.

After the initial plan was disrupted, a counterattack was launched immediately.

First of all, it was exposed that someone took the medicine seized by Jimintang and killed someone, which pushed the White House to the forefront and caused the White House's reputation to plummet.

Obviously, it was disrupted, and Commander Shaoyi's plan to help Bai Mansion was obviously disrupted.

Yin Huaixi laughed: "She has never lost in scheming. If the Han clan is honest and doesn't behave like monsters, there is nothing she can do against the Han clan."

Scheming is often closely related to a person's vision, knowledge, and mind, and a person's vision, mind, and knowledge are often closely related to a person's family background, talent, knowledge, and status.

He taught Yu Youyao talents and learning, which made her mentally strong and polished her character;

The upbringing of the aristocratic family gave Yu Youyao a higher starting point. He knew how to understand people's hearts and human nature very early, and he was familiar with the set of rules and games among famous families;

Xie Mansion and Yu Youyao are very close relatives. Although they are not as close as the old lady in terms of closeness, in terms of family affection, they are far better than the rest of the Yu Mansion. Xie Mansion never interferes in anything that Yu Youyao does, but he sets an example and subtly influences her. Yu Youyao was influenced by his sophistication and dexterity.

This makes Yu Youyao better at observing the development and changes of the situation, taking advantage of the situation without thinking about it, taking advantage of the situation, and often looking at things to the point.

He is good at planning things, and Yu Youyao is even better at planning people.

Han Liugongzi was put under house arrest in disguise, and the magistrate of He County was in Zhuangzi, a relatively remote place in Xiangping, and knew nothing about what happened in Xiangping.

The Zhang family belongs to the people under the jurisdiction of Xiangping County, and the Xiangping County government cannot escape the connection. On the same day that Hezhi County, Princess Shaoyi left the prefecture government office, she was summoned to the prefecture government office to "assist" in the investigation of the case. body.

Due to a "major" case in Xiangping City, martial law began in the city. Letters were backlogged at the post station. The city gates were guarded by additional troops, and all persons coming and going were strictly checked.

No specific news from Xiangping City can be sent out.

The nobles didn't know the situation, so they could only send the news through the secret person arranged by Han Sixth Young Master.

Since the Sixth Master Han did not participate in the arrangement of this matter, and due to the martial law in Xiangping City, the Sixth Master Han did not take the initiative to contact the dark masters, and the dark masters did not dare to take the initiative to contact the sixth master Han. The specific information and the information transmitted were all obtained from the market, and many of them happened on the surface.

The undercurrent behind this case is surging, making it even more confusing.

The nobles had no doubts about this. As a direct descendant of the Han family, Han Liu was a key member of the clan. They sent Han Liu to Xiangping City out of recognition of Han Liu's abilities.

Han Liu came to Xiangping City quietly, and the plan to deal with Princess Shaoyi was also carried out behind the scenes. In order to prevent the matter from involving the Han family, Han Liu was cautious and did not take the initiative to contact Anzi or show up. In the view of the nobles, this was out of caution and there was no problem at all.

If there were any problems, Han Liu would definitely send a message to the clan in advance.

There is no news about Han Liu, which is the best news.

They never dreamed that He Zhixian rebelled and put Mr. Han Liu under house arrest, which would become the culprit of their mistakes.

So, the news from the undercover was that the Zhang family's lawsuit was successful, but Princess Shaoyi was not easy to deal with, and it involved King Zhou Li. He escaped and arrested eighteen people, who incited the people. Bastard, go to the state government office to file a complaint.

The reaction of the nobles was almost the same as that of Hezhi County.

Zhang's complaint was originally just to accuse Princess Shaoyi of interfering with the government and causing harm to the country and political affairs.

The plan failed, but the Zhang family openly intercepted Princess Shaoyi's car and complained in the street. This was obvious to everyone. The Han family only needed to release some unfavorable rumors about Princess Shaoyi and use public opinion to achieve their goal.

The Han clan's public opinion offensive was undoubtedly successful.

With the revelation that Liu Dagen, Zhang's husband, was killed by an ordinary cold because he ate inferior medicinal materials taken from Jimintang, various unfavorable rumors about Baifu spread.

A series of preferential activities such as price cuts, discounts, free medicines, and free clinics at Baiji Daodi Pharmacy still failed to restore the credibility of Baifu after many years of operation.

The people were so angry that they scolded the White House for being greedy for profit and disregarding human life. At the same time, they rushed to the drug store in Baiji Road and in front of the White House, throwing rotten eggs, rotten vegetable leaves, stones, etc., demanding that the White House must publicly acknowledge it. He must commit the crime and go to the Yamen to surrender, otherwise he will never give up.

The White House is mired in public opinion, condemnation and criticism.

The Han clan took advantage of this opportunity and spared no effort to suppress and slander the Bai Mansion with the help of other gentry, and even implicated Princess Shaoyi.

"It is only right to repay debts and repay life for murder. The White House must bear the responsibility!"

"What do you mean, after being inspired by Princess Shaoyi and enlightened by the Bodhisattva, I am determined to follow Yi to do good. I really want to do good. If I hurt someone, why don't you go to the Yamen and surrender?"

"Don't they all say that Princess Shaoyi is saintly, kind and benevolent? Why does she still protect the Bai Mansion?"

"The Bai Mansion must have hooked up with Princess Shaoyi, so it feels confident."

"This case has been tried for several days, but the Bai Mansion has always been in good condition. It must be Princess Shaoyi who is supporting them."

"Ask Princess Shaoyi to hand over the Bai Mansion..."


As long as human lives are involved in anything, it will become very complicated, and the nobles' counterattack will be more violent than imagined.

And all this was within Yu Youyao's expectation.

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