Chapter 0111 East Asian Interest Settlement! Foreign fruit! Shell the Manchu Qing!!

"What deal?"

Wilson was slightly impatient.

Having suffered such humiliation here, now after enduring the resentment of the diplomatic conditions.

He couldn't wait to leave!

Wilson had already thought that when he returned to Great Britain, he would tell Prime Minister Lloyd George how arrogant this damned Emperor Daming was.

How unreasonable and barbaric!?

This damn Daming Emperor must be made to pay!

"The Manchu and Qing puppet dynasties stole the Daming Kingdom more than 270 years ago!"

Zhu Houzhao snorted coldly, pretending to be angry: "Now, when you return to this world, you naturally want to reclaim your homeland!" "


Wilson's brows frowned slightly: "So His Majesty means as a veteran diplomat." "

He naturally smelled the unusual smell inside at the first time.

Zhu Houzhao smiled and stretched out three fingers.

"First, I ask you to fully support Daming and lease at least three cruisers and ten ironclad ships for Daming."

"The lease period is five years, and the cost of the lease is calculated at one-third of what Deutsche sold to the Manchus."

"Second, there are still many Westerners on the land of China today."

"If these people are accidentally injured in the war, Britain will stand up for Daming and negotiate with the Western countries."

"Third, the British State must not invade Daming in any form, and at the same time, it must give priority to the supply of Daming oil and other minerals, and the price shall be calculated in accordance with international practice."

"Emperor Daming, are you kidding?"

Wilson's face darkened for a moment.

Even if this Emperor Daming is the illegitimate son of Queen Victoria.

Queen Victoria is also absolutely unlikely to agree to such a request!

"What's the hurry, I haven't finished talking yet."

Zhu Houzhao signaled with his eyes, and the Jin Yiwei on the side handed the negotiation documents to Wilson.

Wilson took the document, and then his pupils widened sharply, a little incredulous: "Emperor Daming, is what is said above true?" "

"Of course."

"Xu and Queen Victoria are a deal, not a unilateral claim."

The smile on Zhu Houzhao's face remained unchanged.

"As long as the Manchu Qing dynasty is overthrown, the old ones are restored."

"Then Xu will separately set aside 360,000 square kilometers of land from the territory of Daming and give it to Queen Victoria."

"As a witness of the friendship between Daming and Britain."

"At the same time, all international maritime companies guaranteed by Britain can be exempted from customs duties when trading with Daming."

Two conditions.

One is 360,000 square kilometers of land.

The second is the international maritime companies guaranteed by Britain, which are exempt from tariffs.

Whichever one it is.

Inside all represent great benefits!

Is Zhu Houzhao's request excessive?

It is indeed too much.

Three cruisers and ten ironclad ships, even if only leased for five years, were enough to increase Daming's maritime military power by a large margin.

And in the event of a fight.

Damage is bound to occur.

But he didn't mention that possibility at all.

Except for this.

The remaining two requirements.

Let Britain serve as the platform for Daming, and let Britain give priority to the supply of various minerals such as Daming oil.

It's all very excessive.

It is equivalent to directly tying Britain to Daming's warship and advancing and retreating together.

Or rather.

It is to tie Britain to the bow of the ship, and Daming himself can advance and retreat!

But Wilson read the terms of the deal over and over again.

The shock in my heart did not diminish in the slightest.

The benefits of these two gifts to Britain are also too great!

Land or naming rights.

Just a little bit of operation.

It is completely capable of making the British State go one step further internationally!

In the eyes of a diplomat Wilson.

Where is this what are the terms of negotiation?

This is all an unequal treaty, right?

"These terms..."

Wilson wanted to be sure again.

However, it was only interrupted by Zhu Houzhao's hand.

"Jun no joke, no need to ask more!"

The above terms, Zhu Houzhao is indeed playing real.

But let him really suffer.

Naturally impossible!

The so-called 360,000 square kilometers of land Hehe, guess that island just meets this area?

The remaining more than 10,000 square kilometers will be counted as given to them by Zhu Houzhao at that time.

Anyway, now it is not far from the First World War, even if it is sent, it is estimated that the British country will soon spit it out.

As for the tax exemption rights in the back?

Daming spent a total of five years in this world.

Even if you are exempt from tax for five years, how much can you lose?


Zhu Houzhaote refers to maritime merchants, and when the time comes, he really wants to take advantage, and directly comes to a sentence that does not recognize him as a maritime merchant

and so on.

It can also delay a lot of time.

"Next, I will go to Manchu to collect some interest."

"It is regarded as the interest on the debt of their encroachment on the homeland of Daming."

Zhu Houzhao smiled at the two and said, "If you want to follow, come with Xuan." "

After Wilson hesitated for a moment, he also pulled John to follow.

Emperor Daming is barbaric?

Are you kidding!

This is simply a rich man!!

If this treaty can be achieved, Wilson can already imagine his future glorious career.

Himself, is the biggest hero of diplomacy this time!

Will be praised by countless newspapers and become the diplomat of glory!

As for the destruction of the steam ferry, the diplomatic corps suffered heavy casualties?


Those people died, what does it have to do with him Wilson?

"Wilson, don't you think the treaty above is too lenient?"

John frowned.

Such a horrible treaty.

Even after they launched the war against the Manchus, the unequal treaties they made were terrible.

Gave John a feeling of disbelief.

But Wilson didn't care.

"Don't worry, John, we will bring this treaty back, and it will already be a great achievement."

"The rest will be left to Queen Victoria and the Prime Minister."

After that, he smiled and ran to Zhu Houzhao

"Honorable Your Majesty the Daming Emperor, are you going to sail directly to the Braided Dynasty and attack their port?"

"It's not a secret, the contemptible people have knowledge of many places in the Manchu and Qing dynasties, and may be able to help."

John was speechless.

Was this really the chief diplomat of the British Empire?

Just now, he was still angry.

Is it like this now?

Give the bones a name, right?!

"Thank you for your kindness, Wilson."

The corners of Zhu Houzhao's mouth turned up: "However, what Xu wants to attack is not the port, but the machinery manufacturing factory in Jindi." "

"Tsuji Machine Factory?"

Wilson was stunned for a moment, and his face changed randomly.

He naturally knew that this machinery factory was the lifeblood of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

The level of protection is even better than that of ordinary trading ports!

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid that place is not easy to approach!"

Wilson suddenly sweated profusely, if he rushed over so directly, then maybe his life was in danger!

"The Jindi Machinery Factory is heavily guarded, and the port of Tsudi is also heavily armed, and that port is not set up for trade."

"It was set up for the development of machinery manufacturing!"

He hurriedly said!

The Jindi Machinery Factory represents one of the greatest achievements of the 30-year foreign affairs movement of the Manchu and Qing dynasties.

The level of its protection is definitely not lower than those of the so-called trade ports.

And this time to directly attack?

He suspected that this Daming Emperor might be crazy!

"Don't worry."

Zhu Houzhao waved his hand and closed his eyes to rest.

Wilson was anxious for a moment.

But he didn't dare to ask again.

Now his situation is more similar to hitting a stick and giving a sweet date.

In front of the Daming Emperor, he no longer dared to be the slightest presumptuous.

At this time, in Zhu Houzhao's heart, he was pondering.

"In the Manchu court today, the Westerners should have been completely suppressed, right?"

"Coupled with the fact that it is less than two months before the sixty-year-old birthday of Cixi, an old demon woman, it is necessary to organize a birthday banquet and suppress the voices of opposition in the court."

"The entire court is very busy, who estimates this machine factory?"

"Perhaps, this old demon woman Cixi is still thinking about selling this thing."

He thought.

Naturally, it was impossible for Zhu Houzhao to fight an unprepared battle.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Manchus were defenseless now.

Directly take the Tsuji Machine Factory!

The data inside, machinery, is enough for Zhengde to instantly erase the gap with this world in terms of machinery manufacturing!!

Since old demon women of Cixi are not rare.

Then don't blame him for being fast!

It's only half a day.

The cruiser fleet arrived at the port of Zindi.

And the movement here naturally attracted the attention of the Manchu soldiers on the port.

"What kind of flag is that?"

The Manchu soldiers were stunned for a moment.

The banner of the Daming is a giant explosive star with a circular pattern consisting of an orange-yellow sun and a white crescent.

As for the military flag.

It is a specially formulated dragon flag.

The Manchu soldiers in the port naturally saw the flags of various countries.

But the banner of Daming has really not been seen!

"It's really heavily guarded."

Zhu Houzhao looked at the port where many cannons were designed, and just ordered: "Shoot directly." "

"Use the fastest speed to create a way and let Jinyiwei go to the machinery factory to move things."


Liu Bujiao took the order.

To former colleagues.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly ordered the attack!

On the battlefield, the wind is unpredictable, and the soldiers are fast!

They hit speed!

If you hesitate, delay the fighter.

Then I am afraid that he will die.


Cruisers and ironclads, as well as steam treasure ships produced by the Ming Dynasty, fired at the same time!

Terrifying shells, accompanied by terrifying roars, struck the harbor's defenses.

Randomly cause a huge explosion!


Almost in just a moment, the port of Tsuji turned into a sea of fire!

That seemingly impregnable line of defense was just an instant away!

The Manchu soldiers roared, and the soldiers were ready to fight back!

But in front of the cruiser.

There is no resistance at all.

"Wait, something seems wrong!"

Wilson's eyes widened.

"Just like the shells that attacked the steam ferry before."

"The shells fired from these cruisers are too powerful, aren't they?!!

John on the side obviously found out.

"Three times! The power of these shells has increased by at least three times! "

John gasped, a little shocked.

Wilson frowned and said in a low voice: "John, you know more about the cruiser, do you say it will be because of gunpowder?" "

After all, shells are made of gunpowder, could it be that the Ming Dynasty mastered more powerful gunpowder?

That's why shells are so powerful?

"Absolutely not!"

John was extremely sure: "Because it is not only the power that is improved, but also the attack range!" "

The increase in attack range is almost tripled!

Why was the port of Zindi so well broken?

It was because those guns on the port defense line could not reach the cruisers at all!

Their resistance is useless!

You can only let Daming's cruiser fleet wreak havoc!

"This matter must be reported."

John reminded.

"I know."

A trace of jealousy flashed in Wilson's eyes.

It can be said.

This cannon is already capable of threatening the British Empire.

If it weren't for the fact that there were not many ships in these cruiser fleets, I am afraid that Daming already had the qualifications to become a great power!

"It's not in vain to bring you two over, your brain is not stupid."

The corners of Zhu Houzhao's mouth turned up slightly.

Their so-called private conversation was in Zhu Houzhao's ears.

It's basically the same as normal speech.

And he brought these two guys over, naturally to show the power of the Ming Dynasty!

National strength is always the first of all chips at the negotiating table!

"I believe that after today, Daming's status in the eyes of Western powers will be improved a lot."

Zhu Houzhao thought.

Liu Bujiao on the side also walked over: "Your Majesty, the defense force of the port has been completely destroyed!" "

"Very good!"

Zhu Houzhao smiled: "Let the army land and go straight to the Jindi Machinery Factory"

Cixi old demon mother.

The fruits of the 30 years of the foreign affairs movement.

If you don't cherish it, then you will laugh.

But don't worry, wait for next time.

I also give you a gift!

PS: After changing the plot, the writing is indeed a little unsmooth, and when the plot of the late Qing Dynasty is written, the author will burst for everyone, sorry thousands...

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