Chapter 0112 Cixi Famous Scene! Daming longs for war!!

Summer palace.

At this time, it is more than a month before Lafayette's sixtieth birthday bande.

But now everyone has begun to practice.

Trimming flowers, carving stone carvings, sweeping dust, etc.

At this time, on the lake cruise, among the crowds, Cixi's old face was full of spring breeze.

Although there was a great defeat in the Yellow Sea, under her repeated demands, her birthday banquet was still in full swing.

This made Cixi very gratified.

It seems to be just a birthday banquet.

But what this represents is its own authority!

Cixi will never make any compromises!

"Lafayette, something happened!"

The old eunuch Li Lianying came up with a nervous look and tried her best to lower the voice pipe.

Cixi's brows frowned slightly.

Xiao Lizi has always known to please her.

Such a celebration of ten minutes.

But he looked nervous, afraid that something big had happened.

"What's going on?"

Cixi stepped back and asked.

Li Lianying hurriedly said: "The Jindi Machinery Manufacturing Plant was attacked by the remnants of the Ming Dynasty, and now it has been emptied. "


Cixi's eyes widened and she was immediately furious!

Now with the defeat of the Battle of the Yellow River.

She already intends to completely abolish the so-called foreign affairs movement.

After all, thirty years of foreign affairs movement.

So much silver was smashed, but in the end, even a small Dongying Kingdom could not be beaten.

In this case, it is better to save up the silver and let yourself live a good life.

Even if it is used for reparations.

It's also better than smashing it in useless places!

Jindi Machinery Factory, in Cixi's eyes.

It really doesn't matter anymore!

If the Westerners had wrapped up the Tsuji Machine Factory, she would not have been angry.

Anyway, those Western powers.

There was enough to take away from the Manchus.

As long as it doesn't threaten her control over the Manchu Qing, it doesn't matter!!

And now.

The person who took away the Jindi Machinery Factory, but the remnants of Daming!

It's the Daming Dynasty that doesn't know where it came from!

This has completely touched Cixi's anti-scales!

Rather with friends, not with domestic slaves.

The so-called Daming remnants.

Cixi naturally saw it as part of the house slave!

But in anger.

Cixi hesitated again.

"If war is declared on the Ming Dynasty at this time, then the birthday banquet of the Wei family can not be held?"

She couldn't help but frown.

It seems to be just a birthday banquet.

But this is a symbol of his own power.

Behind the Manchu Qing.

But the Western powers are standing, and they can't do without the Manchu Qing!

Even if the Ming Dynasty wanted to make a move on the Manchus.

Western powers promised?

"Lafayette, not only the Jindi Machinery Factory, but even all the defensive measures on the port of Jindi have been broken by the Ming Dynasty."

"Now the whole port is in ruins!"

"There are countless deaths and injuries."

Li Lianying said bitterly: "With such a gesture, I am afraid that the next time will be against our Great Qing Dynasty." "

Even if he was just an old eunuch.

But you can also see clearly.

The Ming Dynasty chose to attack Jindi at the first time, taking away the achievements of foreign affairs for thirty years of the Great Qing Dynasty.

And the greatest result.

It is enough to explain the wildness and intentions of that Zhengde Emperor.

Once the Ming Dynasty digests these achievements, then the next step is to welcome the Great Qing Dynasty.

I'm afraid it's war!

However, when Cixi heard this, she was not afraid, but instead looked at Li Lianying with a frown.

Li Lianying realized a little later, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly patted her mouth.

"Lafayette, look at my broken mouth, I almost spared your Yaxing."

"It's the slave who said it wrong."

"The remnants of the Great Ming Dynasty are not worth a glance at at our Great Qing Dynasty!"

Cixi then stretched his brows.

Immediately changed to a comfortable lying position.

Li Lianying also quickly rubbed her shoulders and pinched her legs.

"Two months later, when the birthday banquet of the Mourning family is over."

"This remnant of the Great Ming can also be paid off."

Cixi said slowly.

Li Lianying also hurriedly smiled: "Lafayette is far-sighted, and the slave admires." "

Saying that, he gestured outside again.

The palace maids and eunuchs were also in a hurry.

The of the, the playing of the piano.

It's not fun.

Buckingham Palace.

Queen Victoria looked at the telegram that had just been delivered.

The frown on his face slowly changed from joy at first, and finally to doubt.

"The Daming Dynasty actually gave such generous conditions?"

"Is he crazy?"

Queen Victoria couldn't believe it.

She repeatedly looked at the telegram in front of her and the negotiating documents attached to it.

After repeated confirmation.

is to put the telegram down.

"Lease three cruisers and ten ironclad ships for five years, and pay rent at one-third of the total purchase cost of the original Manchu Qing."

"It seems that this Daming Emperor continues to expand his combat power."

"Still want to pull my British Empire into battle?"

"So sensitive to the situation in the world?"

"This young emperor is a little interesting."

Queen Victoria smiled.

It seems that the Daming Dynasty is much stronger than she originally expected.

When it comes to her position, looking at the strength of a country is never based on its combat effectiveness on the surface.

It's more.

Heritage, potential, land and more.

And the Ming Dynasty.

Apparently it is full in terms of potential.

"Your Majesty, what do you think?"

Lloyd George, who was sitting on the side, also put down the copy of the telegram and asked with a shrug.

"It's okay to invest."

Queen Victoria said, randomly smiling again: "But we can't just let us invest, we have to bring other countries in." "

"Otherwise, the risk is too great."

"Makes sense."

Lloyd George nodded.

Now after the second industrial revolution.

Although the British Empire already had a suppressive power over other empires.

But the suppressive force is far less powerful than before.

If you stand alone with the Daming Dynasty at this time, it will also be very stressful for the British Empire.

As for which empire to invest in Daming together?

Queen Victoria pondered for a moment and wrote down a few names in pencil.

France, Italy, Tsarist Russia, Serbia...

All are the old empires of Europe!

Especially France and Italy.

These two empires, even if they are placed in Europe, belong to first-class roles.

"The queen thinks the same as I do."

Lloyd George looked at the places and smiled.

Looking for allies, of course, cannot be found casually.

The interests of all parties are involved.

The so-called war, the so-called colonization.

Isn't it just for profit?

These empires, in demand of interests, happened to complement Britain.

Belonging is a natural ally!

It's a pity that Zhu Houzhao is not here.

Otherwise he would have been able to recognize it.

Aren't these the countries of the Entente camp in the First World War?

After half a day.

After modifications by Queen Victoria and Lloyd George.

The new draft of the treaty was sent to the Ming Dynasty by telegram.

Except for a few more Allied countries, the conditions remained unchanged.

Even two more cruisers were given to Daming.

This is equivalent to five cruisers and ten ironclads.

Look at the telegram in your hand.

Zhu Houzhao was naturally satisfied.

"Next, Daming can also enter a period of rapid development."

Today, Daming has obtained all the machines and materials of the Jindi Machinery Factory.

It is possible to create at least two mechanical production lines!

Plus the minerals supplied by these countries of Britain and France.

It can definitely make the Daming dynasty go a long way!

Of course, domestic development is only one aspect.

Now that it's been settled.

Then Zhu Houzhao's gaze naturally looked abroad.

"Although the First World War is still nearly twenty years away, it can be divided up with the resources of this planet."

"The signs of war are gradually emerging."

Zhu Houzhao pondered.

From the revision treaty sent this time, we know that this is not the period of World War I, the Daming Dynasty, can only stay in this world for five years.

It seems that the First World War has no 0.6 off with Daming.

But actually!

The Daming Dynasty was not a resource supply like the Manchu Qing dynasty, but a country of ingestion.

This means that the global situation has changed again.

Resources that are already gradually scarce will be even scarcer!

This will inevitably lead to a further aggravation of the contradiction.


"Perhaps, in these five years, Xu can still take the Ming Dynasty to catch up with a war."

The corners of Zhu Houzhao's mouth turned up.

War, but when the development of science and technology is most rapid.

For the future war, Zhu Houzhao is actually looking forward to it.

After all, in the heavenly world, the people of Daming will not really die.

Instead, consciousness returns to chat groups.

But how to trigger the First World War as soon as possible?

"With Daming's size, it only takes three years to be able to sweep away the remaining resources!"

"At that time, if you don't want to fight, you have to fight."

Zhu Houzhao tapped his fingers on the armrest of the dragon chair, and wondered how to follow the push wave to make the First World War break out as soon as possible.

He already had an idea.

But the meal has to be eaten bite by bite.

If Daming wants to intervene in the future war, he naturally needs more military strength.

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