"Fifty years..."

Looking at the panel in front of you,

Zhu Houzhao was also quite emotional.

This time, the cooldown time is indeed a little long.

Because of what he considered,

Not just this time, but beyond.

The last time was eight years,

And it turned out that this time it went straight up to fifty years.

And what about next time?

A hundred years?

Or hundreds of years?

"No matter how much it is, time is not worth much."

Zhu Houzhao shook his head and shook out all the thoughts inside.

Then he shouted directly to the side: "Little dragon." "

"Your Majesty, I am here."

A mechanical voice came.

A blue-and-white 3D shadow emerged in front of Zhu Houzhao.


It is the first mature artificial intelligence of the Zhengde Dynasty!

When I mastered artificial intelligence technology,

and after 3D projection technology.

Zhengde Dynasty already has a very good understanding of artificial intelligence technology.

And again inspired by mechanical casemates,

Plus later,

The hash power of the Zhengde Dynasty rushed to the thirtieth power.

Such a terrifying technical background.

Coming up with a full-fledged AI is naturally a breeze!

"The function of Xiaolong can be said to be very powerful."

"Not only can it directly manage the various subsystems under it, using powerful computing power to continuously run the automatic technology system, but once the authority is opened by Xuan, it can also directly take over the artificial intelligence in other regions!"

"So as to reach the global level of one thought!"

Zhu Houzhao looked at the little dragon in front of him, and this thought flashed in his heart.

Xiaolong is the first full-fledged artificial intelligence of the Zhengde Dynasty,

But not the only one.

Underneath it, there are various subsystems.

In normal times.

Xiaolong and its subsystems jointly manage the network system in the Kyoto area.

And the rest of Daming,

is managed by artificial intelligence under other code names.

Only Zhu Houzhao can turn on Xiaolong's most advanced permissions, and then take over the entire planet's network system!

And the terminal interface of Xiaolong.

Naturally, it is also in Zhu Houzhao's body!

Displayed as a three-generation gene.

It can completely withstand this level of computing power!

"Encrypt all these materials, and then send them all to the Engineering Institute~."

Zhu Houzhao pointed to the pile of books that had just been manifested by himself and said.

These books,

He is the one he just exchanged in the chat group.

In the next fifty years,

The various technologies documented in these technical books,

They have all become the national strength of the Zhengde Dynasty.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Xiaolong replied with a glance.

a large number of laser scans,


This pile of technical books is entered directly into the system.

And is directly encrypted!

In the development of the Zhengde Dynasty, in addition to technology, various authorities and rules are constantly upgraded.

Especially the engineering institute that Zhu Houzhao valued the most.

Not only is it divided into many departments.

At the same time, various permissions are set that match the level of the professor.

From one star to nine stars.

Each star professor corresponds to a first-level access right.

And with the entry of these materials.

Some professors who were looking up the information apparently also noticed.

One by one, they were immediately attracted to the eye.

Research and development of new technologies.

It's not even R&D.

It's just a matter of implementing these technologies.

You can earn a large number of contribution points to increase your star rating.

Throw out these material preferences.

Many professors are also very interested in scientific research.

Now there are new technologies,

Naturally, the hands are itchy.

"It should be about the same in time."

Zhu Houzhao pondered,

The cooldown time given by the chat group, after the end of the heavenly world,

There seems to be no regularity.

Previously, it was a stable addition of three months each time.

But suddenly skyrocketed for eight years, then fifty years.

There is no pattern in the numbers.

But Zhu Houzhao pondered carefully.

Found wrong!

Fifty years,

If Zhengde Chao goes all out,

It seems to be just enough for the engineering institute to digest these technologies. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This chat group,

Shouldn't it be the speed of digestion technology that determines the time?

Zhu Houzhao's heart moved.

Two more figures appeared in the hall.

These two figures are nothing else.

A lean figure, smooth curves, with two queen blades in her hands,

It was the Huntress of Time and Space.

The other is huge, the size of a palace.

Holding a twenty-meter-sized Void Blade.

Exactly the Void Terminator!

"See Your Majesty!"

The Hunteress of Time said.

Although the Void Terminator did not speak,

But in the huge figure, there is also a touch of respect and recognition.

"Characters who are exchanged from chat groups will unconditionally obey the exchanger."

"That's a good attribute."

Zhu Houzhao smiled.

Although they obey or disobey, it means little.

Because Zhu Houzhao exchanged them back,

It's just for research.

But if these two guys are willing to cooperate,

Then nature could not be better.

"Repeat the spatial principle that you can travel through time and space."

Zhu Houzhao said directly and unceremoniously.

When I was in the ghost world.

He also asked the Space-Time Huntress over there the same question.

But all of them answered vaguely.

It's really not pleasant.

Now that she has a loyal time-space huntress, it is naturally much more convenient.


The time-space huntress spoke: "The so-called time-space shuttle is actually to disrupt the space, so as to achieve the effect of shuttling..."

Zhu Houzhao listened.

One side also nodded slightly.

It's similar to what those huntresses in the ghost world said.

But in more detail.

According to the words of the Huntress of Time and Space.

Space theory.

Naturally, it involves the dark plane.

In the world of tables,

We can't perceive the plane of space.

Only after perceiving the projected dark plane of the surface world can the concept of the surface world be established.

Thus, by influencing the dark plane, the result of affecting the surface world is achieved.

Wormholes, time and space shuttle,

It is through this means that this is achieved.

"It turns out that this is the case, no wonder in the third-level mall, there are goods about space, there is only one dimension conjecture."

"If you can't control dark energy, you can't understand space at all."

Zhu Houzhao gradually understood.

And wait until the Space-Time Huntress finishes speaking.

A stream of brain waves,

It is also transmitted to Zhu Houzhao's alarm clock. (Morpho)

He was stunned for a moment,

Only to find out that the person who transmitted this brain wave,

It turned out to be the Void Terminator!


Zhu Houzhao was taken aback.

In the ghost world, the Void Terminator naturally does not communicate with them.

So for the fixed-point teleportation technology of the Void Terminator.

There is no way to know.

But now.

Although this big guy can't speak, he can transmit joy through brain waves!

"Create temporary wormholes through the dark plane to achieve the effect of rapid teleportation?"

Zhu Houzhao gradually understood what the Void Terminator meant.

Then came the eye-catching!

But he knows.

Void Terminators can teleport directly with other Terminators!

This means that

If it is waiting for the space technology of the Zhengde Dynasty to improve.

Then you can completely use the ability of the Void Terminator as a sample, and then create a teleportation wormhole on a large scale!

"What a bonus!"

Zhu Houzhao looked at the Void Terminator, and the smile on his face couldn't stop.

Người mua: sabmado

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