There are two kinds of computer development!

One is to move in a bigger direction.

For example, now the computing power of the Zhengde Dynasty has reached the thirtieth power of the material computer.

The volume is already comparable to the size of an Australian!

Of course

The volume of this supercomputer also includes the corresponding assembly parts.

Another direction of development,

It's about going in a smaller direction.

Zhu Houzhao still remembers a sentence in his previous life.

That's the world's most ingenious computer, and it's not as much as one percent of the internal structure of a cell!


It's going to be the size of the cell.

Sounds incredible.

But it is.

Wait until microcomputers are small enough,

Being able to get hundreds of millions, even trillions of computers,

When placed on a genetic warrior.

So it's just that gene warrior.

The terrifying computing power that can burst out will be unimaginable!

When the time comes,

It can be called God!

And computer technology,

Nature is the key source of power-level technology that will dominate the future.

It is soft energy belonging to other technologies!

Such as space-time technology, gene technology, starry sky technology and so on.

All technology,

It takes a lot of computing power to be quickly understood and improved!

So the next time.

The ultimate goal of the Zhengde Dynasty is to understand material computer technology.


The exploration of the solar system began.

The Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus.........

Don't look at these planets.

There is no life.

But the resources in these planets are real.

Especially Mars.

Except that there is no life, atmosphere.

It's basically another template for Earth.

And as the resources in the starry sky are captured by the Zhengde Dynasty, the technology of the starry sky is also advancing rapidly.

The space-class shipboard of the second generation Zhengde Dynasty,

It is also a successful birth.

Presumably the humble type of the first generation,

The second-generation spacecraft has more powerful capabilities.

Let Zhengde Chao explore the starry sky,

It just got simpler.


The first Dyson ring is also being built as soon as possible.

Realize the Dyson ring, a starry solar technology.

The hardest thing is not to build.

Or put it near the sun.

It's the transmission of energy!

For the time being, the Zhengde Dynasty does not have the kind of mythical energy-devouring device, and can only passively absorb it.

So how to absorb the energy above the Dyson ring,

(DBAD) transferred to a spacecraft, or above Earth?

This is a big technical problem.

In the end, it was transmitted through the wormhole of the dark plane, and it was barely solved in the end.

However, the loss of energy.

It's huge.

Often absorbs and devours ten percent of the energy,

Only less than one percent can teleport back!

But this is already the most ideal state.

Because even just one percent of the energy is enough to supply interstellar navigation.

"The most important thing now is to build a large wormhole bridge, only by forming a fixed wormhole path can we achieve rapid movement in space."

"Otherwise, using short-term wormhole teleportation all the time is too energy-consuming."

"And it's not stable!"

Li Song, minister of the space technology department, said.

For the study of space.

The Zhengde Dynasty can be said to be a level of thousands of miles!

Because not only have ready-made, two exist that have mastered spatial capabilities.

He also has various conjecture notes.

In addition, the computer technology of the Zhengde Dynasty has been upgraded to the 45th power.

Now their understanding of space,

It is already considered to be the entry threshold.

"With current technology, how long does it take to build a big worm bridge." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhu Houzhao asked.

Under the guidance of the Void Terminator.

His use of dark energy is now also very strong.

You can even walk directly into the starry sky.

Interstellar voyage in the flesh.

However, this kind of thing, Zhu Houzhao naturally will not do it.

Unless he has mastered the technology of personal wormholes.

"At least, one hundred and fifty years!"

Li Song gave a data: "And it can only build worm bridges in the inner solar system to achieve the rapid arrival of the entire galaxy." "


Zhu Houzhao was slightly speechless.

In total, the solar system is two light-years long.

It takes one hundred and fifty years to build a two-light-year worm bridge.

You boy,

How dare I say it.

"After all, it is only the first time to build, and when you have experience, you will definitely be able to shorten the time in the future."

Li Song saw that His Majesty's expression was not right,

Quickly added.

It was as if the Zhengde Dynasty had just entered the steam age.

The first steam train,

Isn't it also a long time to prepare for official operation?

"The Worm Bridge thing..."

Zhu Houzhao pondered for a moment, and finally vetoed: "Don't be in a hurry for the time being, first solve the wormhole, make the spatial coordinate formula, and wait until the technology is more mature, and the construction is underway." "

How did he not know the benefits of the Great Worm Bridge?

But now the total computing power of the Zhengde Dynasty is only forty-five powers.

Build the Great Worm Bridge........

At least to the power of thirty!

The power above the computing power is not divided into zeros!

Instead, it is calculated by the number of pieces.

As many parties as there are!

Equivalent to so,

Building a big insect bridge directly used up 70% of the computing power of the Zhengde Dynasty!

And the other technologies,

Gene Technology, Star Technology and so on.

But it's all developing.

The total amount of computing power that the entire imperial dynasty can save does not exceed five powers.

Where did you come up with so much computing power?

"For the improvement of computers, material computer technology is enough, at least until the computing power is upgraded to the 80th power will be completely outdated."

"But technology alone can't do it, if you want to quickly increase computing power, you need more resources to build more powerful computers."

"But if you want more resources, you need more computing power support to get it faster."

"It's not an endless loop..."

Zhu Houzhao is also helpless.


Resources are such a thing,

Always lacking!

What's more,


The Zhengde Dynasty is ready to build a celestial-level material computer.

According to Zhu Houzhao's original idea.


It's a natural computer satellite!

When the time comes,

Directly hollowed out the moon,

Make a computer.

It is then used to contribute to the computational engineering of the solar system.

But if you want to complete this step completely,

The difficulty is also not small.


A message arrives.

Zhu Houzhao was stunned,

Directly opened his own dark communication.

Then he also looked startled.

[Your Majesty, the Third Fleet found a planet with life in the Proxima Centauri galaxy]

[For the time being, the indigenous people of the unknown planet have wisdom, do you want to make contact?] 】

Người mua: sabmado

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