All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1058: return

Yutian is to the south of Guizi. There is a Taklimakan Desert between the two cities. The four towns of Anxi, Yanqi, Qiuzi, Shule, and Yutian just surrounded the Taklimakan Desert. As long as you can control these four cities, it is equivalent to Controlled a large area of ​​land from the southern foot of the Tianshan Mountains to the northern side of the Karakorum Mountains.

If you want to attack Yutian, you need to start from Qizi to the west, arrive at Shule City, then go south from Shule City, cross the Juduo River, which is today's Yeerqiang River, and then travel along the southern edge of the Taklimakan Desert. It takes a long time to reach Yutian Town on the edge of the Yuhe River, but most of the effort has to be spent on the road.

This time, Shen Long brought the reorganized Xuanwei Army of Lu XIV, and some servant troops who newly returned to Datang. The rest of the people stayed in the Anxidu Hufu. For the current Anxidu Hufu, they were recaptured by the Khotan. It's just a small battle. The purpose of this battle is to train the soldiers a little heavier, and winning Yu Tian is just a incident.

Because of the Karakorum Mountain block, it was not easy for Tubo to support Yutian. In addition, they had lost too many soldiers and horses in Hexi and Longyou, and now they are in a defensive situation in the entire northern part of Tubo, Shen Long The only thing to be dealt with on this trip is the defenders in the city of Khotan.

He did n’t even fight in person, but watched the Xuanwei Army and the servants attack from the rear. With the help of gunpowder, the Xuanwei Army took Yutian City without much effort. After entering the city, Lu Xie looked He solemnly saw those places he knew well in the city.

What made Lu XIV both sad and happy was that there were even survivors of the Xuanwei Army in the city of Khotan. They were exhausted in that battle and were captured by the Tubos and became slaves of the Tubos. It has been several years; Lu XIV is happy that his old comrades are still alive, and sadly, they have been too difficult these years.

They all seem to be many years older than themselves, their hands and feet have been deformed due to years of hard work, and their bodies have become weak because of a long-term lack of nutrition; however, all this suffering is over, as long as they live is a good thing, slowly rest It will always recover in a few days.

Shen Long left Lu XIV to continue to guard at Khotan, and then took these veterans and other troops to the east and continued to sweep the remaining Tubo army along the south side of the Taklamakan desert.

Kancheng Shoucao, Lancheng Shoucao, Qiemo City, Rose Apple City, the enemies along the road were destroyed by touch, and these places returned to the hands of Datang.

Shen Long made a complete circle around the Taklimakan Desert until he reached Shazhou City in the east of the desert before turning west and returning to Tingzhou City; this circle was not only to deal with the few Tubos left along the way He is also showing the magnificence of Datang to the aliens who live here, telling them that Datang is back here again, and that the Datang soldiers and horses coming back this time are stronger than any of the previous ones.

After recovering in the Khotan and other places, Anxidu Hofu reached Yizhou in the east, Shayeye City in the west, Yutian in the south, and occupied the Ili River Valley in the north. Such vast land was under the direct rule of the Anxidu Hoodoo. The range of heterogeneous tribes under the jurisdiction of Anxidu Hufu is even wider, even if it is not comparable to the peak period of Anxidu Hufu.

Shen Long did not continue to expand, but stopped temporarily. He knew that before the big explosion of communication and transportation technology, it was not necessarily a good territory, so he focused his energies on Tuntian and industry, as long as he himself Controlling the Silk Road, then the Western Regions could not escape the rule of Datang.

A few years later, this batch of Datang soldiers returned to Changan, and a new batch of soldiers arrived; Guo Xin, who was staying in Changan, waited for these soldiers to return, and immediately put them into the army directly under Changan. These troops launched an offensive against the vassal forces entrenched in various places and began a vigorous campaign to cut the vassals.

Weibo, Hebei, Ziqing, Huaixi and other infamous feudal towns were all reduced by Guo Xin. The military towns were either killed on the battlefield or taken back to Changan Ling for execution.

In the process of resolving these military towns, Princess Xian'an also sent reinforcements from Uighurs to maintain pressure on these military towns from the north. In recent years, Jie Yujias and Princess Ye have been solved by Princess Xian'an. Falling under the control of Princess Xian'an, the Uighurs also have great respect for this princess because of the benefits of following the Tang Dynasty battle.

Even if there are a handful of unwilling tribes and nobles, as soon as they think of the prestigious Ansidu guardhouse on the west side of the Uighur, and the rejuvenated Datang on the south side, they quickly extinguished their thoughts, even if they can make the salty What can Princess An pull from the throne? Anxidu Hufu and Datang worked together, and their heads could not be saved!

After completing this achievement, Guo Xin left the world peacefully, and the court gave him a lot of favors, and all kinds of favors were even on top of Guo Ziyi; then Yang Xigu took over Guo Xin's position ~ ~ Shen Long continued to guard the Western Regions.

After a few more years, when Tang Dezong passed away, Li Song passed the throne to Li Chun after being a short-term emperor for a few days, and Li Chun began to get rid of the malpractice as soon as he became king, supported by the strong army of Yang Xigu, Li Chun All kinds of new policies have been successfully implemented.

The planting area of ​​various high-yielding new crops in Datang is continuously expanding. Large-scale workshops have also been completed in Datang, and Datang has begun to show signs of entering the industrial era.

Such a Datang should last for hundreds of years? Even if the future of the Tang Dynasty dies, it will also be caused by social conflicts triggered by the Industrial Revolution, and it will never be occupied by the aliens on the grassland. The glory of the Tang Dynasty will also shine for a long time in the Western Regions. Shen Long ’s mission can be said It was successfully completed.

So, Shen Long can also leave the world with confidence. After making a series of arrangements, Shen Long left Datang under false death and returned to his home after a long absence.

Standing up and stretching out a long lazy waist, Datang ’s Jin Ge Tiema gradually drifted away in Shen Long ’s mind. From which Daduhu who fought for the blood of Datang in the Western Regions, he turned into just wanting to enjoy a lazy life in the capital. Half otaku.

So, what will be the reward this time? Guo Yuanzheng doesn't seem to have anything I want? With such doubts, Shen Long opened the system in his mind.

Immediately heard a familiar voice in his mind, "Guo Yuanzheng from the Ninth Cavalry Team of Wuweijun Xuan Geying" The Last Transfer of Datang Mobei "Thank you very much for helping him realize his wish.

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