All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1059: Sweating bmw

"Hey, how do I take this thing?" Hearing the reward, Shen Long was just stupid. When he entered the world of "Scarlet Romance", Li Kuiyong had the "National Red River" stamps that Shen Long had accumulated. Shen Long and other treasures were given to Shen Long, and this time Guo Yuanzheng gave him the sweaty BMW.

"Is it necessary to have a certificate? And the entry has to be quarantine, so I can come in without any problem. Even if he gives it to me, I won't want it!" Shen Long was depressed, and he certainly wanted the sweaty BMW, but he couldn't carry it around. The living creatures, coupled with the problem of formalities, did not bring them back from Datang, but brought some armor, horizontal knives and the like, but Guo Yuanzheng didn't expect to give it to himself.

"Don't worry, I will help you deal with the formalities." I remembered the sound of the system in my mind. "The removal of germs and parasites has been completed. The two sweaty BMWs will be sent from Turkmenistan to Beijing. , All the procedures are completely legal, there will be no problems, then you just need to receive it! "

System is awesome! Shen Long gave a thumbs-up, and then chose to confirm without hesitation, then a white light flashed over, a stack of documents appeared in front of him, opened it, and there were various documents written in Latin and Chinese, proving this The source of the two horses is completely legal and is definitely owned by Shen Long.

The sweat-blooded BMW scientific name Akhalte Golden Horse is produced in Turkmenistan, and Turkmenistan ’s official language, Turkmen, is written in Latin. According to the content of the document, the two horses will be airlifted from Turkmenistan to Beijing, and then Entry can only be made after the Beijing Customs has accepted inspection and quarantine.

However, I believe that with the help of the system, these are not problems. It is only a matter of time for Shen Long to get the two horses. Shen Long pulled out the photos of the two horses in the file. This was indeed given to him by the prince Bahan. His pair of sweaty BMWs are about 1.5 meters tall, full and beautiful, with thin heads and necks, slender limbs, and thin skin and capillaries. They look very beautiful.

"Alia!" Shen Long took the picture out and shouted Alia's name. When she moved her eyes from the computer to herself, Shen Long showed her the picture, "Come, look, Do you like this gift? "

"Well, they look much prettier than cowards!" Aaliyah was instantly attracted by the two horses. She flipped through the pictures with ease, and the coward was the name of her love horse in Westeros, and then suddenly raised Started, "You didn't take me this time!"

"Ah!" Shen Long smiled embarrassedly. This time it was still a bit inappropriate. He quickly shifted the topic to the immediate, "In a few days, these two horses will be in Beijing, but I can Not a castle, no horse farm, we have to find a place where we can raise horses! Let ’s go, let ’s go out with me now! "

Called Shi Pu. This guy is a ground snake in Beijing. He knows everything. Shen Long felt that he would definitely be able to ask him about this kind of thing. As soon as the phone was connected, he said straight away, "I recently got two horses. The immigration is coming soon. Do you know if there is a place in the capital where horses can be raised? "

"Xiao Shen, you have a lot of fun with it. You don't have enough play in painting and calligraphy and play horses?" Shi Pu smiled. He was a little speechless about Shen Long's approach. "No, you don't even have a place to raise horses. When you find it, you can buy a horse directly? How can you do such a thing! "

"Hey, isn't this catching up!" It wasn't really bought by me. It was obviously given by someone. "I looked at these two beautiful horses and bought it without holding back."

"This horse doesn't just look beautiful, it does mean that many famous horses look beautiful, but this does not mean that a beautiful horse is a good horse. There are many doors in it!" Shi Pu is also a player. Raising horses is also a set, and babbling for a long time, did not say where to raise horses.

Shen Long was a little impatient. Hey, the people in Jingcheng are so neat, "Lao Shi, Lao Shi, we will slowly talk about this later, please hurry and find a place for me to raise horses!"

"Then wait for the horse to come back, you have to take me to see it." After getting confirmation from Shen Long, he finally began to say valid information. "Look at how much you plan to spend. There are also several horse farms around the capital. The business of helping people raise horses is charged differently according to different specifications, and the price is slightly lower. "

"Also, I know there is a villa area next to a horse farm, the villa is equipped with a private stable, you can raise your own horse, the other party also provides a professional horse breeder to help you raise the horse, this is more expensive, not only If you spend the money to buy a villa, you have to bear the cost of raising horses. The advantage is that each horse breeder takes care of fewer horses and can be more attentive; it is also convenient for you to usually play. "

"Send me the address of this villa!" Of course, Shen Long chose the latter. We are no longer short of money. The old white formula and the Valeria steel formula can bring him a steady stream of income. ~ ~ Soon after, there will be income from academician Ma Lin's leukemia-specific drugs. Even in Beijing, buying a villa is not a big deal.

"Okay, I sent you on WeChat. By the way, I will give you a call. This is the sales manager of the villa project. We have had tea together. I will call him for a while and let him pick you up at the door of the community." Shi Pu really has a lot of friendships and there is a relationship there, "Xiao Shen, let's say it's okay. When the horse comes back, you must take me to see it."

He was also curious, what kind of horse could make Shen Long so obsessed, even if there was no place to raise the horse, he bought it without hesitation.

"Deler, thank you! I will take you back as soon as I come back!" I hung up the phone, got in the car, opened the navigation, entered the address Shi Pu just gave, and Shen Long and Arya drove to the suburbs.

The general direction is the same as the outdoor archery hall they went to. It is also one of the best areas near the capital. It is very suitable for turf growth. Before Shen Long went to archery, he saw several horse farms or equestrian clubs. sign.

When I got to the archery hall, I drove a few kilometers to the front again. When I reached a quieter place, I turned into a path according to the navigation instructions, and I saw a small villa in front of it. Around the villa, it was a large block. Someone is riding a horse on the lawn.

When he approached the door of the community, a man in a suit and leather boots immediately waved his hand as soon as he saw the license plate. Shen Long stopped the car, and the man stepped forward to help him and Arya open the door. "Is it Shen? Sir, you are very welcome. "

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