All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1071: Meet the sister-in-law again


"Xiao Yun, this is Lu Tao's friend, Xiang Nan, Hua Zi, and Gao Qiang. You call him Hadron. Oh, yes. Hadron is now working in an advertising company. You two can talk. For this reason, Millai arranged for Yang Xiaoyun to sit next to Shen Long, and Xiang Nan and Hua Zi were immediately full of resentment.

No, this girl is not the type I like. Listen to what she said: First, you can only look at merchandise, not beautiful women, except me; second, everything you buy to the south, the unit price must not exceed one hundred Blocks, everything you buy for Yang Xiaoyun, the unit price should not be less than 500 blocks; third, do n’t run away, just follow me, and do n’t lose me in the vast crowd; finally, pay the bill and take the initiative to know what Call it a smoky cigarette, tell you, when my husband has to have eyesight, as long as I look at the merchandise, as long as the eyes are shining, you have to pay me a sloppy bill, and I ca n’t waste my precious saliva to urge you.

Gee, is this still a boyfriend? Swollen look swollen look like licking a dog, Shen Long does not have a hobby of licking a dog, but Yang Xiaoyun has now sat down, he is also embarrassed to make Yang Xiaoyun up.

As soon as Yang Xiaoyun swept around, he dressed south, Hua Zi and Shen Long, and suddenly fell into the bottom of the valley. Of course she knew the reason why Millais called her over, young man, the big guys gathered together, In addition to eating, drinking and drinking, don't you just get together to find a glance?

But Yang Xiaoyun also had a request. Millai could find a man with a good family background like Lu Tao, who was capable and handsome. She was also envious. When she came, she wondered if she was Lu Tao ’s friend. I ’m afraid that without him being handsome, at least his identity background should be similar?

But when I came to see it, these guys didn't seem to have this strength. Well, it was a visit today, so she planned to focus on eating, drinking and drinking, and never give these guys a chance.

But I do n’t know why. The longer she sits down, the more she feels that Gao Qiang is looking down on her eyes. When she hears other people talk about each other ’s work, Yang Xiaoyun ca n’t help but interrupt, “What ’s your advertising company called? What? What are you doing now? What is your position now? "

Hey, why did sister-in-law ask me to talk? Isn't it cold and cold like just now? Shen Longluo figured it out. It turned out that Qi Tongwei ’s charm was working again. Hey, it seems that it is not a good thing for men to be too attractive. How much trouble is there for no reason? Looking at Nan Heqiang, my eyes were wrong.

"Range Rangers advertising, just recently established, recently busy working on a small project of a mobile company." Since they asked, we are not good at talking, so Shen Long said vaguely that he didn't mention his position.

It's not easy, it's finally a career, is this like struggle? Shen Long vomited in his heart. When he read the original book, he deliberately searched it. The original novel was more than 900,000 words. Yang Xiaoyun was also a heavy-weight character. However, he searched the full text and found only four times. ad".

An important role in the top few in the original work, the content of her career is so small, Shen Long really does not know what to say, cooperating with you is to fall in love and urge progress to the south?

"I'm also working in an advertising company. Let's add a QQ. In the future, I can communicate more with something." Yang Xiaoyun took the initiative to send an invitation, and she didn't know why she would do it.

Seeing this scene, the big guy reacted differently. Lu Tao's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and he didn't seem to be optimistic about them. Xiangnan and Huazi's jealousy increased again, but only Mi Lai's gossip swelled, and Shen Long was struggling Hand over the QQ number.

So the two exchanged phone numbers, and after dinner, the big guys dispersed and returned to the dormitory. Shen Long could feel that Xiang Nan and Hua Zi's words seemed to be much less tonight.

When he resumed work, Shen Long received a friend's application from Yang Xiaoyun and placed it there with ease. They didn't talk much; Shen Long didn't take it seriously and continued to work hard. Too.

As Shen Long spent more time in the company, Leo felt more and more that he really encountered talent this time. Many people thought that the advertising industry was just an idea. Several people crouched in the company and thought about it. Being able to do things well, especially for newcomers who have just entered this business, has this problem.

Shen Long is not the case, he knows that without good execution, even the best ideas are in vain, not to mention that these good ideas are not out of thin air. Most of the advertisements that can be widely circulated are based on perfect market analysis. Yes, so he worked hard in these areas.

And because of the rich experience he has accumulated through many worlds, whether it is dealing with farmers in the village, urging the production company to do work, or conducting market research, it can be done well. Some things Leo After reading it, I feel that even if I do it myself, Shen Long doesn't necessarily do well.

Sooner or later, such talents will not be able to be retained ~ ~ I am afraid that at most, I will have to leave for a year and a half in my small company? Li Ao has already given a judgement under his heart, but he did not have any dissatisfaction with Shen Long because of this. Are people all climbing upwards? Isn't he the same?

Since the encounter is fate, Beijing is a big place to slap. They are all in an industry. They do n’t see their heads down. Even if he starts his own company or goes to other big companies in the future, he has no chance of cooperation, so now he is taking advantage of him Still in your own company, stay in touch!

"Hadron, let's go, go out with me." With this in mind, Leo decided to take Shen Long out for a walk. There was just an item to talk about at this time, so he took him with him.

The two went to a company for a while and chatted with the boss of the other party. After understanding the other party ’s intentions, Shen Long left. During the whole process, Shen Long did not speak, but he carefully wrote down their words. In the eyes of others, he is just a little assistant, and talking at this time will not have any good effect.

When he came out of the company, Shen Long saw Yang Xiaoyun coming in from the door with a middle-aged man. Yang Xiaoyun came over with a trace of surprise and said hello.

After Shen Long and Leo left, the middle-aged man asked, "Xiao Yun, who is this?"

"My girlfriend's boyfriend's friend is also working in an advertising company, and it is estimated that their company will also grab this project with us." Yang Xiaoyun gave a very pretentious answer.

"Oh, that's right." The boss's brain changed his mind, "Then you contact him in private to see if you can get any useful information."

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