All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1072: Casual meal

Since the other party is also from the advertising company, it must come to grab the project. If he can get the bidding plan from the other company, the hope of his own company will be great.

"Ah? Boss, isn't this good?" Yang Xiaoyun had just graduated. He didn't have much contact with this kind of thing. Sometimes he couldn't accept it. Isn't it cheating?

"What's wrong? Our company can only survive if we get the project." This kind of simple student boss has seen much more. When they are mixed in the society for two more years, they will understand these reasons. The boss thought about it and said, "As long as you can help the company to win this single business, I will give you a positive correction in advance!"

Yang Xiaoyun also just arrived in the company, and she hasn't changed her position yet. The boss recruited her to come in. Half of them looked at her beautifully, but when she came in, she found that the girl was a little squeamish, and she wouldn't be in trouble. Next, the boss is still hesitating, and now the opportunity is given to her, depending on whether she can grasp it.

"I ... I will try my best!" Yang Xiaoyun took back her excuses, and it was not easy for her to find this job. She also heard the meaning of the boss. The business was naturally easy to say, but if you couldn't take your job, I was afraid It was dangerous, and in this case, she had to try it.

For this reason, shortly after Shen Long returned to the company, he received a message from Yang Xiaoyun. The girl did not directly ask him about the bidding situation, but asked him to come out and have a meal.

Shen Long thought about it and agreed to it. She always felt that this girl was not suitable for going south. Without Yang Xiaoyun, the future life of Xiang Nan might be better.

After work, she took the subway and went to the cafe where she made the appointment. After waiting for a while, Yang Xiaoyun came over. Today she wore a short sleeve with green vertical stripes, but she seemed pure and lovely, but she did n’t know why, Shen Long thought What always came out was the shape of a Christmas elk.

"Hadron, are you in a hurry?" After coming, Yang Xiaoyun apologized and said, "I thought of contacting you after the last meal, but this part of the work is busy and I have no time. , I did n’t expect to meet again today, so I hurry up and ask you out. "

I'm afraid I might not come to me? Shen Long is an old fox, and he has n’t been taking care of it before. Today, he met me from Party A and asked me to come out immediately. The reason for this can be understood with his knee.

"Yeah, it's a coincidence." Of course, Shen Long wouldn't expose it directly. He smiled and talked to Yang Xiaoyun, Lu Tao, and each other's work. It's easy to say that when it comes to this project, Shen Long will change the topic smoothly. The question that made Yang Xiaoyun hold his stomach could not be asked.

Until it was time to leave after eating, Yang Xiaoyun couldn't get anything out of Shen Long. Finally, she had to go to the taxi in a depressing mood. Before she left, she was a little unwilling and peeped out of the car window. Head, "Are you okay this Saturday? Or my name is Millais, your name is Lutao, shall we sing?"

"Not this Saturday. It happened to be the time for us to eat loose meals. Wait until next time to see if there is a chance." The time for loose meals is already set. Shen Long really has no time this week.

"Then it will be good on Sunday." Yang Xiaoyun is still a little unwilling. The bidding will start next month. If he does not ask anything, the boss will definitely scold.

"Okay, I'll go back and ask Lu Tao." Shen Long did not refuse this time. Hey, it's a pity that it's only July and it's a little far away from Christmas. Otherwise, it would be interesting to dress her up as a little elk.

"Well, that's it!" Yang Xiaoyun made up his mind, and after going back, he had to persuade Millais to help himself out of this guy's mouth, no matter what she said, she was not easy to find this job, and she must not be unemployed. .

In fact, this girl is a bit like Fan Shengmei. She carefully considers the origin and character of Yang Xiaoyun. Shen Long thinks of Fan Shengmei who met in the world of "Ode to Joy". Both of them are children who grew up in ordinary families. Not bad, and then also pinned his hopes of changing his destiny to his appearance, hoping to find a good object based on his appearance, so as to easily live the life he wants.

Therefore, Fan Shengmei would always force Wang Baichuan, and Yang Xiaoyun would continue to urge southward progress, but they did not know how to struggle themselves, just like those climbing plants attached to tall trees.

On Saturday, Shen Long and Xiangnan and Qiangzi came to the Kong Yiji Hotel near the school. With the sadness of parting and the confusion about the future, these young people soon became a little drunk.

Lu Tao went to finish Millais and came over. It was a little late. Someone who was a little crazy came to coax immediately, "Eating casual dinners come so late, emphasizing light friends! Less crap, fine three cups first!"

In response to everyone's response, Lu Tao drank three glasses of beer in a row, and then Hua Zi continued to coax, asking what is most important in everyone's life. Hua Zi said it was friendship and Xiang Nan said it was his parents. He hoped he could Let the parents live a good life, and some girls said it was love, these answers have won a lot of praise.

Another male student who said money suffered a booing ~ ~ It was Lu Tao's turn, but he was a little confused, "I don't know." Millai, who secretly took the dv and came over to take a video of them, was surprised Isn't his position in Lu Tao's heart not as important as he thought?

These answers showed a certain emotion when you graduated. This emotion soon made everyone more intimate. They borrowed wine from each other and said something that they wanted to say but were embarrassed to say, or if they could not talk, they kept on toasting. The male and female students hugged each other. The drunken man got under the table. Another drunken man was hugged and laid horizontally on the chair.

This casual meal was really emotional. Graduating from college, it was a bit like running away from home. The past efforts were like smoke, but the future was blurry.

Huazi had been drinking dizzy, hugged Landing Tao and said a lot of words, then shouted, "Graduation, we are graduating!" He threw a half-empty wine bottle into the air behind him.

This wine bottle happened to happen to fall into the soup bowl in the middle of the table not far away, so a scuffle broke out.

Shen Long could have stopped all this, but after thinking about it, it might not be a bad thing to let this happen, so just protect Huazi and a few of them from being beaten.

It was just the bald head at that table that made him want to laugh all the time, hey buddy, why didn't he sing rock but ran here to fight?

I do n’t know who reported the police. Soon the police came and took them back to the bureau.

:. :

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