All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1073: Cheating scene

The police did not embarrass them. This was not a serious problem. In addition, Xiang Nan ’s father was also a policeman. He went south and chatted with these police officers, and asked them to write a hundred-word inspection. Let go.

Coincidentally, Hua Zi and the rock singer, oh, no, they do n’t know each other when they sell second-hand cars. The two of them talked together and found each other to be a neighbor of the alley. So the pig heads took Hua Zi to drink together. By the way, Huazi's work was also solved, and the pig head took him to sell used cars with him.

When he came back, he told Shen Long, Xiang Nan and others the good news. Shen Long took the opportunity to propose the matter of renting a house. Hua Zi and Xiang Nan agreed immediately. He also felt that since he had already worked, he should go out and stay. How free at home.

Coincidentally Lu Tao said that the district where he rented a house happened to have a house for rent, so the brothers immediately rushed over to see the house, sign the contract, and took the house cleanly, and moved over that night.

"Hey, hello, I thought we had to leave after graduation, but now we are together again." Hua Zi looked very excited, and he was about to drink and celebrate.

"Millet said that he would go to watch her school's graduation design performance together. After drinking, if you drink too much today, I won't take you tomorrow!" Lu Tao said, Xiang Nan and Hua Zi did not plan to go out immediately. After buying wine, the graduation design performance of the School of Clothing, you can definitely see a lot of beautiful women, whoever misses it is a shame.

"Is Yang Xiaoyun inside last time too?" Xiang Nan didn't hold back and asked.

At the same time, Millai just happened to talk about renting a house at Yang Xiaoyun's house. Yang Xiaoyun's mother took the opportunity to rent the house at a premium to Millai. Millai knew what the market is for renting houses today. The house and Lu Tao were in the same community, and they immediately agreed to come down without saying anything.

Looking at her mother's ecstasy, Yang Xiaoyun looked embarrassed, but she couldn't speak directly. She had to ask about Millais' plans for tomorrow. When she heard that she had asked Lu Tao and others to watch the graduation performance and drink, she immediately said To go by himself, Millai agreed without hesitation.

At 6:30 in the evening, the small hall of the School of Fashion was full of people. Tonight, the Department of Fashion Design performed a graduation design performance here. The speakers selected the designer ’s own music. Millai, Lu Tao, Hua Zi, Xiang Nan, Shen Long and Yang Xiaoyun watched the models on the T-stage walk through them in front of them.

There is Millai girlfriend Xia Lin ’s boyfriend Guan Peng next to him. In fact, it seems that the boyfriend is not very accurate. Guan Peng was the first to chase Millai, but he did not catch up and changed to Xia Lin. Xia Lin thought that Guan Peng had money and herself There is usually a good car, so I agreed, and it is an ATM.

In the process of watching the show, Xiang Nan and Hua Zi always wanted to talk to Yang Xiaoyun, but Yang Xiaoyun deliberately sat outside Shen Long, with Lu Tao and Millai in between. They had little chance to watch Yang Xiaoyun keep looking for Shen. Long talked up.

Shen Long responded casually while paying attention to the models on the stage, and finally it was Xia Lin ’s turn. The Xia Lin on the stage, proud and beautiful, took a catwalk, the skirt was swayed to the sides, Millai and Guan Pengxiang Xia Lin beckoned and applauded with everyone.

Shen Long also applauded together. The top models he had seen in Hollywood were gone. Charlene's style could not make him feel emotional. Applause was just etiquette; Lu Tao was otherwise. Lu Tao noticed Charlene's eyes, with youthful Gufang's self-appreciation and innocence hit his desire.

After the performance, Xia Lin and Millai and Lu Tao got on Guan Peng's car, Shen Long called a car, and Yang Xiaoyun, Xiang Nan and Hua Zi followed, and the two people went outside the hotel.

When she got off the bus, Shen Long seemed a little unhappy to see Millais. It seemed that something had happened in the car just now. As expected, after entering, Lu Tao asked the waiter to bring a bowl of vinegar. Xia Lin smiled, "Lu Tao, do you still drink I drink?"

Said Lu Tao's heart, and he felt that Xia Lin liked him, and Lu Tao shook his mind, "Or, would you like two bowls?"

Xia Lin, Lu Tao, and Millais started a confrontation between words. Xiang Nan and Hua Zi looked ashamed, completely ignorant of what was happening. Yang Xiaoyun was sensitive to women, and found that there must be something wrong between Lu Tao and Xia Lin. And Xia Lin doesn't seem to love Guan Peng at all.

Shen Long glanced at Guan Peng and shook his head secretly, hey, did you say you didn't have a number in your heart? This kind of girl can get to sleep. You are an ATM. Isn't it good for her to accompany you to sleep? Why is Mao the same as dating? Now that the girl is going to go abroad, she will be happy to count on two different students, and she will struggle with dry wool.

Talking, the topic shifted to Xia Lin's going abroad, Millai said to Guan Peng, "Guan Peng, shut down your company, go to France with Xia Lin, and learn something if you are with her while watching her. Come back with her to start a fashion company. "

Shen Long scoffed at this, perhaps in the eyes of the rich second generation of Millais ~ ~ There is nothing more important than love in the world. Everything can be given up for love. However, from a practical point of view, close Does she know how hard Pengkai is? Just shut down and go to France? The sacrifice is too great? And does Xia Lin really love Guan Peng?

Guan Peng just wanted to argue, and Millais interrupted him again, "I am a vaccination. I ask you to be psychologically prepared. Who will make you both my friends? Xia Lin, two to three years, Who knows what will happen in the middle? If you both will die for each other, the ghost will believe, anyway, I do n’t believe it. "

Lu Tao was very happy to hear it. He kept up with the sentence: "I don't believe it!"

If Xia Lin and Guan Peng were separated, he had a chance; Xia Lin launched a counterattack and began to ask why Lu Tao did not follow Millai to go abroad. Lu Tao seemed a little confused. He has no plans for the future now, and chatted with them Clothing, chatting for a while is hot.

Millai was jealous again, and he said that he would let them go back to talk on the phone slowly, but Lu Tao received a sentence, "Milai, to anger you, I have to ask Xia Lin, your phone number is-"

Xia Lin said excitedly: "I also feel a little bit unsatisfied-I heard you are clever, I said 20 calls, only one of them is correct, do you remember?"

Millaiton was anxious, but Xia Lin reported the phone number. Seeing this scene, Yang Xiaoyun couldn't help but glance at Shen Long. What happened? Did these two men hook up in front of each other's male and female friends?

Shen Long nodded slightly, not only hooked up, they will roll the sheets tonight.

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