All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1074: Voyeur

Huazi, head south, let's go first, Hadron, you send Xiaoyun. "The meal was a bit tasteless. After the show, Millai watched Guan Peng to leave with Xia Lin, and then stopped a car to let Lu Tao take her home. By the way, Shen Long also arranged to send Yang Xiaoyun back, she was keenly Sensing that Yang Xiaoyun seemed interested in Shen Long, he deliberately created opportunities for his girlfriends.

Hua Zi and Xiang Nan were a little unwilling, but Yang Xiaoyun had no objection, and there was no choice but to watch Shen Long order a taxi to take Yang Xiaoyun away.

"Eh, you said what happened today?" As soon as the car started, Yang Xiaoyun couldn't wait to ask, most women gossip, can you control it when you encounter such a powerful thing today? She forgot her boss' orders at all, and her mind was full of things Lu Tao and Xia Lin were at the dinner table.

"What else can I do? Wang Ba looks at the mung beans-he meets his eyes." Shen Long laughed. Both of them are also superb. Do you forget that you still have boyfriends and girlfriends?

"Did you say that Lu Tao would really call Xia Lin? Can he really remember twenty phone numbers?" Yang Xiaoyun was very interested in this. She secretly wondered, if anyone could do this to her, she would be so excited. ?

"Lu Tao can probably remember forty phone numbers at a time?" There is no harm in applying this skill to picking up girls. Who doesn't want to have such a good boyfriend? But for Shen Long, this is not enough to see. After inheriting the talents of Lao Bai and Ivan Vanke, his brain power has also been greatly improved. Shorthand is just a piece of cake.

"So he really remembers Xia Lin's phone number? And will he really call? What is Millai?" At this moment, Yang Xiaoyun began to feel unbalanced for Millai again.

Shen Long shrugged, "Not only will I really hit it, but I wonder if the two of them will probably be together tonight!" Gee, if you are really together, it ’s okay, modern society, free love, but no Anyone who has slept has to be responsible for a lifetime. If Lu Tao and Xia Lin will show off with Millai and Guan Peng tomorrow, Shen Long still respects them enough.

Has been cheating in the back without telling the other party, what is this? And can Lu Tao and Millai, Guan Peng and Xia Lin be completely untouched during this time? Oh, I slept in your house today, and ran to Lu Tao's house tomorrow to continue cheating? This is a bit too messy, right?

"This also ... is this too exaggerated?" Yang Xiaoyun was a little unacceptable, although she had heard many exaggerated things in school, but they were all heard, but I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen to her now. By my side.

Yo, sister-in-law, you didn't say that in reality. This kind of words came out of her mouth. Shen Long felt extremely inconsistent, and said impulsively, "If you don't believe, you can go to the squat in the door of my community. Let's see if Xia Lin will come over in a while, oh, I just rented a house recently, and Lu Tao has a community. "

Yang Xiaoyun was caught in a tangle, and it was reasonable to say that she should go home now, but it was a pity not to eat such a big melon. She thought she glanced at her watch. It is now ten o'clock in the evening. Going home before twelve, her mother shouldn't say anything. Anyway, she said it before going out today. She might go back later.

"Really? Then let's go to you now?" Yang Xiaoyun still couldn't suppress the fire of gossip, and there was still a hint of joy in her heart. Although she and Millai were girlfriends, they were of different origins. Millai was rich. On behalf of her, she was born in an alley. Millais not only has money, but also has such a good boyfriend. Yang Xiaoyun is somewhat jealous. If you can see Millais being digged by others, Yang Xiaoyun will certainly sympathize with Millais, but there will be more or less. Some gloating.

"Are you really going?" She was so decisive, but Shen Long was a bit uncomfortable. What good is this thing? You have no perspective to see what is happening in the house.

"Go, Millie and I are good friends anyway!" Asked by Shen Long, Yang Xiaoyun firmly confirmed his belief, "What is your community called? Hurry and let the master turn around!"

"Go to No.109 Andingmen." Shen Long asked the driver to turn around, and it didn't take long to get to the door of his community. After they got down, the two entered the community and hid in the small garden under Lu Tao's building. "Lu Tao sent Millai home." , And then call, Xia Lin comes again, it will be a while, a little cold at night, you drink some hot drinks first. "

When he first entered the community, Shen Long thought about this. He bought two cans of hot drinks at the convenience store at the door. Hearing this, Yang Xiaoyun also felt a little cold and quickly took a drink.

In order to avoid the sight, the two of them deliberately found a corner where the lights could not be found. Yang Xiaoyun was a little scared and leaned instinctively towards Shen Long. The atmosphere between the two suddenly became ambiguous.

Fortunately, this atmosphere did not last long. After a while, another taxi stopped at the door of the community. Lu Tao and Xia Lin walked out of the car. Lu Tao hugged Xia Lin's shoulder and walked into the community like a couple.

Yang Xiaoyun immediately covered her mouth ~ ~ didn't make a scream, is this a little too fast? She knows that although Xia Lin and Millai are girlfriends, Millai came to Lu Tao alone before. They should have never met before. They both have male and female friends. Things.

She stared blankly at Landing Tao and Xia Lin crossing the road inside the community, and then opened the unit door to enter the house where Lu Tao rented. After a while, a room in the upper room was lit.

"That's Lu Tao's house?" Yang Xiaoyun looked at the window that had just turned on with his head, as if he wanted to see through the glass and curtains.

"Well." Shen Long nodded, wondering whether the two of them were already nibbling or were calling Millai and Guan Peng and telling their boyfriend and girlfriend that they were going to sleep soon; only Millai He and Guan Peng didn't know that it was true that they were going to sleep, but they didn't sleep alone as they thought.

"How is this possible? How is this possible?" Yang Xiaoyun's face was entangled. She still didn't understand how Xia Lin and Lu Tao worked together because Lu Tao remembered Xia Lin's phone number? Just because of those few words on the dinner table?

But soon, a strange voice came upstairs. Although the voice was low, it was clearly heard in the quiet community in the middle of the night. Yang Xiaoyun certainly knew what this voice represented.

"No, I'm going to call Millai!" Yang Xiaoyun immediately picked up her mother's new mobile phone by subletting the house at a high price for Millai to make money.

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