All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1075: After the incident

Shen Long did n’t stop Yang Xiaoyun, he stood there and looked at it. Yang Xiaoyun quickly found Millai ’s phone number. This is a new mobile phone. Many old numbers that did n’t need to be contacted have n’t been saved yet, so it ’s the phone book. Several contacts, but now Yang Xiaoyun is eager to have as many contacts as possible, or she hasn't had time to save Miller's phone.

But the facts told her that these were delusions, and Millais ’phone number was clearly in front of her. As long as she pressed the call button, she could immediately reach Millais and tell Millais everything she had witnessed.

But can this call really be made? After experiencing the impulse at the beginning, Yang Xiaoyun has gradually calmed down. What should she say to Millai after she hit it? Now she should be right at home, how come she came to Lu Tao's community? Is it possible to tell Millai himself to come to see the excitement, and then really find Lu Tao and Xia Lin cheating?

If this is the case, Millai may be grateful to her at first, and she will blame herself later. Why didn't you stop it then? Why didn't they contact me when they both rolled sheets? I think I look good? If Yang Xiaoyun encounters such a situation, she will definitely blame the whistleblower.

Everyone is the same. People who are about to chew on their legs would rather not know, and bear the pain alone. They do n’t want their acquaintances to see their embarrassing side.

"If you find it inconvenient, forget it! This kind of thing is so good for outsiders to intervene in!" Shen Long's words resembled nature and rescued Yang Xiaoyun from embarrassment.

"Hehe, yeah." Yang Xiaoyun laughed and put down her phone. "I just thought about it for a long time, and I don't know how to talk to Millais."

Simple, when I chat with Millais on QQ, I always have the expression of wearing a helmet, she will understand it naturally, Shen Long vomits in his heart, he looked upstairs again, the voice is still In the end, it is worthy of being a young man, and his physical strength is really good.

"It's not too early, I'll send you back, or your family should be in a hurry!" Can't we always stand here? Knowing this is all you need, do you want to continue listening to the corner?

"No, I just need to take a car myself." Yang Xiaoyun replied a few words, and finally went out with Shen Long. When they came out and saw the barbecue stall near the community, Yang Xiaoyun stopped again and experienced this. Things, you let her go back to bed immediately, she certainly can't do it.

Then she pointed to the opposite side and said, "Are you hungry? When I first ate, I watched them and went to see them. They didn't eat anything. Now I want to eat some pads."

"Okay, just eat something." Shen Long did not object. The two passed by and ordered a skewer. Yang Xiaoyun thought about ordering two more bottles of beer.

While waiting to serve, Yang Xiaoyun couldn't help talking about Lu Tao and Xia Lin, "You said, why are they both? Are they both objects?"

"Why? Actually, it's quite simple. This is the reason why hormones are too strong!" Shen Long shrugged. "A man sees a pretty girl and wants to talk to him. This is natural, and Xia Lin doesn't have much to Guan Peng. Like it, Lu Tao looks good and is quite good. It ’s not uncommon to be tempted by such a man when he is slightly touched. "

"But ... but Lu Tao is Millai's boyfriend, Millai is Charlene's girlfriend?" Digging the corner of the girlfriend's corner, isn't it too kind?

"There are two reasons." Shen Long raised two fingers. "Xia Lin is about to go abroad. Maybe she feels that she has only had a short contact with Lu Tao once or twice and then went abroad, which will not affect the relationship between Lu Tao and Millais; In addition, do n’t you think that digging the corner of a girlfriend is a very fulfilling thing? Will it be particularly exciting, because being able to dig successfully will make people feel that she is more attractive than her girlfriend. "

Especially digging the corners of Bai Fumei, the sense of accomplishment is definitely greater than that of digging ordinary girlfriends. If this girlfriend looks bad, the boyfriend is also very general, I am afraid that Charlene will not take it at all?

Living in a school with a large number of women, Yang Xiaoyun really knows too much about the plastic sisterhood between girlfriends and girlfriends. In their schools, girlfriends only see each other digging the walls, not just Xia Lin and Lu Tao. In the previous semester, there was no similar thing in school?

"I didn't expect you to know such things about girls!" In the end, Yang Xiaoyun could only smile awkwardly. Shen Long was able to make this kind of analysis, which was obviously beyond her expectations. Compared with Xiang Nan and Hua Zi, she was more and more I think Shen Long is even better. This kind of excellence is different from Lu Tao's exposure, but more restrained. It is rare among men of this age.

"But I don't think they will be neatly broken in the future." Shen Long continued, "they will definitely be entangled later, so you don't have to feel guilty for not calling Millai; as long as they continue to entangle Sooner or later, it will be exposed one day, and will not continue because of your concealment ~ ~ Well, Miller caught the scene of Shen Long, but was very impressed. The ringtones of Nokia mobile phones are so big! You can hear clearly outside the door.

"But what if they broke?" Yang Xiaoyun got entangled again. At this time, the skewers and beer came up. She opened the beer and poured Shen Long a glass.

Shen Long took the wine glass and touched with Yang Xiaoyun, then drank and continued, "If it breaks, it means that the relationship between Millai and Lu Tao will continue, you don't need to be a wicked person."

Yang Xiaoyun always felt that this was wrong, but she couldn't come up with a better plan. She had to pour herself a drink with a bitter smile. "Hey, I shouldn't have told you this when I was in the car. I don't know anything. How nice. "In this way, she can continue to treat Xia Lin as a girlfriend who is not harmful to Millais.

"Now I can only hope that Xia Lin will go abroad quickly! As long as she goes abroad, this matter is over." She can only decide to continue pretending not to know anything.

Finished? This can't be over. In the future, the three of them will continue to make troubles. You know, in the mind of the screenwriter, aren't these young people's struggles these things? For a while, you and me will be good, and then you will change objects. , The career naturally succeeded.

After drinking two bottles of beer, the two got up and left. Shen Long sent Yang Xiaoyun to her door, blowing a bit of cold air when she got out of the car. Yang Xiaoyun suddenly remembered that the task the boss had arranged had not been completed yet.

"Hadron, I will look for you next weekend. Can you tell me what else they have after that?" Yang Xiaoyun made a ready excuse.

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