All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1078: Potential stocks

Yang Xiaoyun now barely earns three thousand a month's salary. The social security deduction is only enough to eat. She doesn't even dare to buy clothes. If it wasn't Millai, she had the opportunity to live in such a house. More importantly, she I have just started work, and I am confused about the future. I don't think I can get tens of thousands of monthly salary in the future.

Looking at the person opposite, she started working at about the same time as her. She also entered an advertising company. Speaking of Shen Long ’s company, it was smaller than her company, but it was only a few months. After two or three years of work, it's still worth it. It would be a pity if such a potential stock is let go.

Yang Xiaoyun knows that her family is average and she does not have excellent talents. She can only rely on her own appearance. During school, she did not have similar thoughts, but those students with better family backgrounds are too expensive. She changed her clothes diligently, even if she followed them, she wouldn't get much better.

At that time, Yang Xiaoyun was very envious of Millais, not only because of her rich family, but also because she had a boyfriend like Lu Tao. In her view, Lu Tao was very good, with good academic performance, excellent leadership skills, and also had an extraordinary place in the computer field. After such a boy enters the society, he will definitely come out soon?

But she could think that Lu Tao had not yet found a job, but Gao Qiang, who was inconspicuous before, came out. When I thought of these Yang Xiaoyun, I felt glad for a while. Fortunately, the advantages of Gao Qiang did not show up, otherwise there would be It was her turn, the girls in the school had poisoned eyes.

Such an opportunity can't be missed. Yang Xiaoyun pondered the experience of his contact with the other party during this time. Under the action of alcohol, his courage also became larger. He leaned slightly towards Shen Long, his watery eyes. Looking at Shen Long, "Hadron, come, let's have another drink, thanks to your care during this time."

Shen Long raised her glass and touched her and then drank it. Yang Xiaoyun finished drinking and helped him up. The two of them chatted and drank. After a while, the half-dozen beer disappeared, and Yang Xiaoyun ’s eyes became hazy. "Hadron, how do you say I thank you?"

How do you thank me? This is simple, or would you switch to a Christmas elk and show it to me? Before Shen Long answered, Yang Xiaoyun asked again, "Hadron, you don't have a girlfriend yet? What do you want to find? What do you think of me?"

you? girlfriend? Is this really bad? Shen Long smiled, but it was not so direct, but changed to a more euphemistic way, "I have n’t planned to find a girlfriend in recent years. These years are when I struggle, and talking about girlfriends is too much trouble! Let ’s focus on our career! "

These words are just perfunctory. Shen Long thought about it. The main female characters in "Struggle" don't seem to be suitable for being a girlfriend. Xia Lin doesn't say anything about her cheating. Millai is full of love. Yang Xiaoyun needs it. It ’s licking dogs instead of boyfriends, is n’t it to find them?

If you meet a little more independent and will not become a woman dragged down by struggle, then it ’s okay to have a relationship, as long as Yang Xiaoyun is like that.

"I ... I think you are already excellent now." Shen Long's answer made Yang Xiaoyun a bit unprepared. She still had confidence in her charm. She felt that what she just said was straight enough, as long as he showed a little A little meaning, maybe you don't have to go back at night, who knows how to get such an answer, making Yang Xiaoyun a little wonder how to answer.

"Oh, it's still a long way off. Now I'm just accumulating experience and accumulating contacts. Sooner or later, I will start a company by myself. At this time, I still want to fall in love." Okay, that ’s not my own business. Struggle, how can I do without my own business.

"Start a company?" Yang Xiaoyun originally planned to give up, but once she heard this, she was determined. She believes that Shen Long has this potential, and how many potential stocks have she encountered so many years? If you miss it, you wo n’t know when you will encounter it next time.

"Yeah, not much investment is needed to start an advertising company. Rent an office, recruit people, buy a few computers. The key is to get the project from there. When I get a reputation in the circle, it will almost start. , I figured out that the attacker would be able to do it alone in another year and a half. "Shen Long continued.

Be your own boss? Yang Xiaoyun's mind shows the scene where his boss rides a luxury car and enters or exits a luxury hotel. How good would it be to live such a life? By that time, wouldn't Chanel, Givenchy and Louis Vuitton want to buy it? It would be worth finding discounts everywhere.

I am not a boss anymore, and the boss lady is not easy to be a boss. Fortunately, I have a good relationship with the strong son. At this time, I must not be shy. Yang Xiaoyun pondered quickly in his head, his eyes became more charming, Looking straight at Shen Long, pretending to drink a bit more ~ ​​ ~ said intermittently, "I ... I don't believe it, you young people like you don't want women?"

Huh? Shen Long second understands that he knows that he can stay tonight with just a few perfunctory words, but he is not willing to let Yang Xiaoyun have any unnecessary misunderstandings, so he said frankly, "Girlfriend and woman are two different things. , I have n’t planned to find a girlfriend in recent years, but women wo n’t refuse. ”

"Well, for example, Guan Peng and Xia Lin are pretty good. Guan Peng is so stupid that Xia Lin is really a girlfriend; after a while, I went to Huazi to buy a used car. I was an ATM and a driver, and each took I do n’t need to worry about missing a girl. ”Buy a second-hand BMW Shenma and go to Yang Xiaoyun ’s school for a lap. You ca n’t find a girl. You just do n’t know that the routine of putting water on the front cover of the car is now popular. No.

Shen Long ’s answer left Yang Xiaoyun speechless, only to pour another glass of wine depressed and drink, “I did n’t expect you to be such a person!”

What kind of person? Better than cheating, Shen Long shrugged, "They want a luxurious life, and I want to solve the loneliness, I buy them Chanel, Givenchy, Louis Vuitton, take them to Sheraton, Hilton, everyone got their own thoughts Is it bad for something you want? "

"Return Chanel, Givenchy, Louis Vuitton? Can you afford it now?" Yang Xiaoyun gave Shen Long another white glance, but there was an unclear smell in his tone.

"You have to say that the limited-edition version has to wait a few months. Ordinary is no problem now." Shen Long looked at his watch. "It's still early, Louis Vuitton in the China World Mall is estimated to be open, do you want it? Choose a bag? "

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