All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1079: Struggle still has to rely on myself

The China World Shopping Mall is the oldest luxury goods business in Beijing. It has just spent 40 million US dollars on renovation this year. More than 40 international first-tier brands such as Louis Vuitton and Gucci have opened specialty stores here. However, I only dare to look at it. The prices of those commodities are not what she can afford.

Now when I hear that I have a chance to get a Louis Vuitton bag, Yang Xiaoyun's heartbeat swells. If I buy it by myself, how long will I have to save? I'm afraid you have to eat ramen for a long time, right?

"Who do you think of me?" Yang Xiaoyun pretended to be angry, but unfortunately this anger is not at all angry, it sounds more like coquetry.

Shen Long was not in a hurry, just stretched his watch in front of Yang Xiaoyun, "It's eight o'clock in the evening, about ten kilometers by taxi. It will definitely be sold out before they leave work. Will you go?"

Seeing Yang Xiaoyun struggling and struggling, Shen Long eased slightly, "Don't think too much, we have known each other for so long, I haven't given you anything, it should be a gift from ordinary friends." Even if you do n’t fish, do n’t put some bait first, let her get something first before she pays.

"It's not good for ordinary friends to send such expensive things?" Yang Xiaoyun's refusal was even weaker, and he involuntarily followed Shen Long to get out and drove to the China World Mall.

After entering, seeing the big brands that had longed for a long time, Yang Xiaoyun felt that his eyes were not enough. "I saw Millai's back in this bag, and Millai passed through this dress ..." At first I was sad, why can only Millai wear it, I want it too.

With such thoughts, she visited one store after another, and when she picked up those bags, her heart thumped and thumped, and finally chose a Louis Vuitton handbag that she had long loved, and she did not hesitate to see Shen Long. By swiping a card to pay more than 10,000 yuan for package purchase, Yang Xiaoyun felt that he was so handsome at this moment.

Back at home, Yang Xiaoyun carried her bag and took photos in front of the mirror. She was dissatisfied after changing several sets of clothes. "Hadron, why do I think I can't find a suit that can match this bag?" "

"It's necessary. Of course, it's strange to have hundreds of clothes with more than 10,000 bags. You wear this clothes and take the subway to work. When people look at it, they think it's an imitation." Shen Long shrugged, he knew Yu'er Already hooked, you will carry this bag alone, who would believe it to be true?

The words were like cold water splashing on Yang Xiaoyun's head. The vanity that I just got because of the brand-name bag disappeared. Yes, even if I went to work with this bag, my colleagues would think it was a copycat? Who would believe that I have money to buy this?

"If the other way around, you are wearing Chanel fashion and driving a BMW, even if you carry a fake bag, the people you see will think it is true." Shen Long began to take the line, I can send you a bag for free, but you Want to get other things again, I am afraid it is unrealistic not to pay a price?

"The company will issue quarterly awards next month, or will I give you another suit?" Shen Long felt that his present smile must be very evil. Can such a temptation really resist Yang Xiaoyun?

Facts proved to be unsatisfactory. Xiang Nan and Qiangzi went back to play billiards and found that Shen Long did not return. When he got up to work the next morning, he found that the door of Shen Long ’s bedroom was still open, and the two scratched their heads. Why did you go? Work overtime all night? Or go home? "

The two of them can guess that Shen Long is in their community, and they have gotten the goddess in their minds. They are even harder to imagine how active the goddess in their minds can be in front of some people.

"In the future, you will take a taxi to work, if the new bag is squeezed, you must not be distressed!" At the gate of the community, Shen Long helped Yang Xiaoyun drive a car, and Yang Xiaoyun's brain was dizzy in the car.

"Wow, Xiaoyun, when did you buy the bag?" As soon as he entered the company, Yang Xiaoyun's new bag instantly attracted the envious eyes of the office girls.

"Is it imitation? I bought it on Xiushui Street? It looks quite like it! I tell you, this authentic is different from imitation, first look at the zipper ... I will go, Xiaoyun, you are rich. ? This bag is real! "A senior fashion person came to analyze it, and was surprised to find that this bag turned out to be genuine.

"That's there, my friend gave it!" Yang Xiaoyun smiled tentatively, but she was happy with flowers, and then she began to look forward to the new clothes next month.

"Ou, Xiaoyun, you're the son of a golden turtle!" The girls' words were full of sourness.

Hey, it would be nice if he was a real son of a tortoise, but unfortunately people didn't consider themselves as girlfriends at all! Yang Xiaoyun sighed in his heart, and then struggled with what happened yesterday.

After work, most of her colleagues took the subway and left. She drove a car. She originally went directly home, but after thinking about it, she let the driver go around and went to the nearby vegetable market to buy some vegetables and slipped back. Then took out his mobile phone and called Shen Long, "Hadron, are you off work? Or come directly to my house, I plan to cook by myself today ~ ~ Well, okay, I'm almost there "After saying a few words, Shen Long hung up the phone. Compared with the attitude towards the south in the original book, Yang Xiaoyun was almost two people.

So it's still up to you to struggle. What is the sense of security of being dependent on others? She also worried that she would get bored with her soon? That ’s why it ’s so active.

When entering the community, Shen Long met Lu Tao and Xia Lin. The two of them had already started to live together. They greeted each other and went back to each other. Xiang Nan and Hua Zi are still playing billiards in the billiard hall.

Lu Tao ’s recent job search has been very difficult. Either his salary is too low, or he needs to be sent to Africa. Xia Lin has given up to go to France to study. Why did he leave Beijing because of his work? Xia Lin is also the same. After that, most of the employers need to have experience. Their new students are really not easy to find a job.

After being interviewed on this day, Lu Tao was a little depressed, so he thought about relaxing with a few billiards with Nannan and Huazi. Since all three of them arrived, naturally Shen Long was indispensable.

Seeing Lu Tao coming in with Xia Lin, envious of Nan and Huazi, he started to let them help introduce his girlfriend, Lu Tao promised, "Last time you saw Nei Yang Xiaoyun, after two days I asked her out, and then you Take the opportunity yourself! "

Xiangnan and Huazi screamed excitedly, but before they finished calling, they saw Shen Long coming in, and Yang Xiaoyun, who Lu Taogang said, was holding Shen Long's arm intimately.

The sound of Xiang Nan and Hua Zi stopped abruptly.

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