All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1080: Lu Tao started to hang up

"I'm going! Qiangzi, you guys are good, you can hook your sister up silently! You have to treat today!" Xiang Nan rushed over and punched Shen Long on the shoulder, but he was jealous. .

So instead of playing billiards for dinner, the six people went out together to find a hot pot restaurant and talked about the current situation while eating. Huazi spit out, "I want to open a LANDROVER, or a Hummer, but you see I drive it now-a long-time obsolete famous car, 2020S jeep, which can't be sold for six thousand dollars. How much money can you make after you sell it? "

Then I started to issue business cards, "Brothers want to buy a car and find me later. There are friends around me who want to buy it. In fact, new cars are not worth the value. Used cars are quite cost-effective. As long as you bring someone over, I promise to pick you up. of."

"It happened that my company recently planned to buy a commercial car. If you have a suitable car there, I will take the boss to take a look." Well, at least from now on, Huazi is quite solid, and Shen Long is willing to help him.

"Commercial car, I have it here, what brand do you want?" Hua Zi suddenly came to the spirit, selling a commercial car had a lot of commission, and immediately introduced him to Barabara.

Xiang Nan complained to Lu Tao, "My dad Zhang Luo, go to the import and export company. After listening to my dad, I thought I would be an assistant to the general manager when I got there. I did n’t expect to be a customs broker. I have received a loved one from others. The first thing is to testify, to learn, and to endorse, which is really depressing! I already knew that I was so tired, I might as well learn international accounting, law, etc. Learning was boring, listen It ’s awful, but you can do it for two years, and your monthly salary can be tens of thousands! I really do n’t know why I had to choose a building. After studying, I could only go to a real estate company to sell a house.

"Continue the interview, how can I still?" Lu Tao was also recently unclear. Xia Lin beside him turned his attention to the bag that Yang Xiaoyun was carrying. She was well aware of Yang Xiaoyun's family background. Can you afford such an expensive bag?

Look at Yang Xiaoyun, who can still carry such a good bag with work, Xia Lin sighed, "In fact, I am the one who wants to earn the most money now. My parents divorced three years ago. Since then, I have to go every month. Asking my dad for a living allowance, five hundred at a time, I feel particularly shameful every time I go. My dad earns very little, and lives in a worse place than me and my mom, but he hurts me, every time I go The money is ready and put in an envelope. When I celebrate my birthday, I add an extra 100. My mother has always been in poor health, she has not been able to save money. My mother always told me that I was her only hope , I am under great pressure. I have to find a job quickly. If I do n’t plan to go abroad, I should start looking for it last year. "

Listening to her saying that Lu Tao is under more pressure, Xia Lin gave up because of him, but he is now very difficult to feed Xia Lin, Lu Tao beat the table, "Make money! In any case, this is the first step ! "

Huazi also patted the table, "Yes, yes, earn money! Earn money! Earn money!"

"To make money, I have a business that suits you recently. Would you like to try it?" Shen Long said to Lu Tao, "I am not working in an advertising company. I often need to transmit various design drafts within the company. The files are quite large, the network transmission is very slow, and it is inconvenient to use a U disk, so the boss wants to find someone to design a software that can quickly transfer files through the local area network. I wonder if you can get it! "

The current network speed is incomparable in the future. Even in the local area network, the file transfer is also slower, let alone sending the file to the client. In many cases, the network transfer has not been copied to the taxi with the U disk to the client. The transmission cannot be solved, and the internal transmission in the LAN can still be solved.

"It's just a private job, it's estimated to be one or two thousand, and then I can help you contact other advertising companies, and then you continue to find work while doing it." In fact, Shen Long can do this job in minutes. However, he would not give money as a boss. Who would let him get his salary?

"I'm thinking about what I can do here!" Lu Tao came back to the spirit when he heard that he could make money; in fact, Shen Long was quite puzzled about this point. What about farming? The income of the code farmers is not low. With the ability of the screenwriter to brag, Lu Tao feels that even Microsoft can go in. Will he still be unemployed for so long?

"Hadron, is there anything I can do?" Xia Lin asked quickly when she saw that Lu Tao could make money.

"Really, we often need ceremonial models for events, and there are two or three hundred in one game, but I wonder if Landing Tao is not willing to let you go?" Shen Long laughed.

"Yes, I am possessive, and I can't stand other men looking at you!" Lu Tao took Xia Lin's hand and sprinkled the dog food in front of the big guy.

"Actually, being a model is very hard. No matter whether it's windy, rainy or in the sun, you have to stand for a few hours, Xia Lin, your skin is so good, you can't go!" Yang Xiaoyun also persuaded ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ She doesn't want Xia Lin and Shen Long to have any communication. Since she can grab Millai's boyfriend, who can guarantee that she won't rob her?

Well, I am not his girlfriend yet. When I think of this, Yang Xiaoyun's emotions start to be low. Hey, if only he could become his girlfriend.

After dinner, the big guy returned to the community. The six people were divided into three waves. Lu Tao hugged Xia Lin. Shen Long took Yang Xiaoyun back to the place where they lived together. He glanced south and Huazi. Also went back.

After a while, Lu Tao wrote the software, Shen Long took him to the company to test it, the effect was okay, Li Ao gave Lu Tao two thousand yuan, and then gave Lu Tao a few calls at the request of Shen Long. Lu Tao Xingchong took the phone to sell at home.

This business actually made Lu Tao earn a little money. For the time being, I do n’t have to worry about keeping Xia Lin up, and I regain my mood of being happy all day long.

It was just one night that Lu Tao shouted to the big guy and went to the bar to drink together. When he arrived at the bar, Shen Long found that Lu Tao was pulling his face and seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Yo, Lu Tao, what's wrong with you? The money is earned, the girl is hugged, what else is unhappy?" Hua Zi asked.

"My mom came to me today, and she said something to me ..." Lu Tao said what happened today. Simply put, her mom told him that her father came back from the United States. I want Lu Tao to see him, and Lu Tao is still hesitating to see him.

Well, Lu Tao is about to hang up. For the screenwriter, the struggle is to wait for a rich father to fall from the sky.

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