All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1081: Do you want dad? (Thanks for the great reward that the king sent me to read ...

"If there is such a dad falling from the world, if I do n’t hold my waist and hug him, then I ’m crazy-Lu Tao, I tell you, it ’s not the time for you to come to high ground, what time is this, I said early Buddy borrows an Audi to pick you up at the airport for you. Is there anything you can't wear off? "Hua Zi said with a serious heart.

Pulled Lu Tao to the south, "Hey, Lu Tao, whether your dear father is really rich or fake rich, this matter must be understood first."

"He has money but no money-what does this matter to me?" Lu Tao asked in a raised voice.

Huazi positively interfaced, "Of course, this is a mistake your mother made when she was young-haven't you been actively correcting it when I came to you?"

Shen Long smiled at what they said. He knew that Lu Tao ’s father Xu Zhisen was really rich. Earlier, Lu Tao ’s mother Lin Wanfen was the school ’s school flower, and Xu Zhisen was also the school ’s great character. The two people came together naturally, however When Lin Wanfen became pregnant, Xu Zhisen got the opportunity to go abroad.

At that time, going abroad was more important for young people, so Xu Zhisen abandoned Lin Wanfen and went to the United States. Lin Wanfen met Lu Yaxun, a pick-up man when he was desperate, and gave birth to Lu Tao and raised him.

After so many years, Xu Zhisen got rich and became a successful businessman, but unfortunately he had no children and had prostate cancer, so he thought of Lin Wanfen again.

This kind of plot is really too painful. Would it be spicy to co-operate with the United States? Can you make a fortune? In fact, in the past two decades or so, the place with the fastest economic development and the most opportunities is still in China. Those who went to the United States to study abroad may not be difficult to mix up with middle class, but it is not so easy to become a rich man. No glass ceiling?

On the contrary, those who stayed in China, stayed in politics and became high-ranking officials, made a fortune in the mixed business community, and became countless in the art world. Now that their children go to the United States, they do n’t have to wash their dishes. By the way, one by one, driving a luxury car and embracing a foreign girl. This scene is seen in the eyes of those guys who settle in the United States. How can it not be angry with China!

Eggs, how much effort Laozi paid to go abroad, his wife and children are no longer needed, and his house is sold. As a result, you are better than Laozi one by one. Is there any reason? Pills in this country! So these people became the pill party, made great contributions to the sudden defeat, and confused many Americans.

"Hadron, what are you laughing? You gave me an idea, should I go?" Lu Tao asked Shen Long not to speak, and asked actively. Through this period of contact, he found that the hadron changed quite a bit. He is much more mature in dealing with people than before, and he feels that it may be helpful to listen to his opinions.

"This is your private affair. Whether you go to see him or not depends on your thoughts." Hey, Lu Tao in the original book couldn't survive because he was too poor. He couldn't bear to watch Xia Lin go out to accompany the drink every day. Now he has a little money, and Xia Lin didn't go to the nightclub to accompany the drink.

But Shen Long also admires Xu Zhisen. You go back to China to engage in real estate, and then the first thing is to grab the children of the leader of the Planning Bureau. As long as you stick to the policy a bit, the money you put in will have to fly.

"I don't eat Lu Tao even if I starve to death! Xu Tao has the ability to live the life he wants." Perhaps the recent small success gave Lu Tao courage.

"Okay!" Xiang Nan and Hua Zi followed.

"I don't think so. Success has never been a person's business. Since there are so many resources, why not use it?" Shen Long analyzed it from a practical point of view. "Don't listen to those successful learners. They just told you that Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard, but they did n’t tell you that Bill Gates ’mother was closely related to IBM ’s board of directors. Microsoft ’s first single business was his mother ’s help.”

"They only said that Buffett relied on his own efforts, but they didn't tell you that Buffett visited his family on the New York Stock Exchange when he was six or seven years old; if you are able to use their help to fight for success, everyone will only say Xu Zhisen in the future It ’s Lu Tao ’s father. If you ca n’t mix it up, they will say that you are Xu Zhisen ’s undisputed son. ”

"From an emotional point of view, I don't have any feelings for this kind of man who abandons his wife and son; but from a practical point of view, I think you must be cautious when you encounter such a good opportunity." Anyway, if Shen Long himself, then It certainly won't be recognized. Yang Kang doesn't recognize Yang Tiexin's fault, but Lu Tao is unwilling to recognize Xu Zhisen's problem.

If you really want a child, why did you go there? You have had the opportunity to atone for the past 20 years. Why didn't you think about it after you had prostate cancer and no longer had children?

Lu Tao did not speak, but just silently picked up the glass and sulked it, then put the glass on the table heavily ~ ~ took Xia Lin away.

After a period of time, Lu Tao ’s small business started to have problems. The threshold for this thing was too low. Someone soon made similar software to start selling. Their channels are much wider than Lu Tao, and Lu Tao is completely unable to compete with them. , So I can only slowly start looking for a job.

On this day, Shen Long took Yang Xiaoyun to China World Trade Center to buy a dress for her, and then went to a Western restaurant to eat a meal. After eating, Yang Xiaoyun looked at the five-star hotel not far away and could not move his legs. Son, how do you feel about living here? "

Maybe unlock more poses? Hey, why did n’t Christmas come early, Shen Long began to think about the little elk suit again, he reached out and squeezed Yang Xiaoyun ’s face, “Want to live? Let ’s take you to experience it!”

"Really!" Yang Xiaoyun's eyes began to star again, and immediately walked toward Shen Long's arm to the entrance of the hotel. After entering, the front desk told them that today there are a lot of guests, only the suite.

Seeing the price of the suite, Yang Xiaoyun was hesitant. Shen Long didn't care. Leo gave money very generously. He helped the company with many projects. Staying in the suite for one night wouldn't hurt him.

Go through the formalities, enter the elevator with the room card, and arrive at the top floor in a short time. As soon as the elevator door opened, they saw a familiar figure. Lu Tao was standing at the door of a certain house, and was greeted by a middle-aged man Went in.

"This is Lu Tao's father?" Yang Xiaoyun immediately realized what he saw.

"Should it be?" Shen Long now has only two words in his head: Zhenxiang.

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