All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1082: Art and old architecture

"Thirty-nine, forty, forty-one." Lu Tao was doing push-ups in Xu Zhisen's suite. This was because Xu Zhisen wanted to see how his body was doing. Lu Tao couldn't bear to do forty-one.

Shen Long is also doing push-ups in the next room. The purpose is completely different from Lu Tao. He puts more effort into it. He insisted longer than Lu Tao. He stopped until the conversation between Lu Tao and Xu Zhisen ended.

The next day, Lu Tao did not return to the community. Hearing Xia Lin said that he followed Xu Zhisen to Shanghai. When thinking of Xu Zhisen ’s appearance in Shanghai in the TV series, Shen Long laughed. Perhaps in the mind of the screenwriter, when he was the big boss, he scorned Fang Qi and speculated. In fact, it's that simple. The big boss Xu Zhisen is just as unreliable as Andy, the business elite.

After a few days, Shen Long went to a museum to discuss business alone. This museum is going to do a special exhibition recently, looking for an advertising company to promote it. Leo is very relieved about Shen Long now, thinking he can do it alone This business is indeed the case. Shen Long used a very short time to judge the other party's needs and the promotion costs they can afford, and then put forward a few plans to reach the intention to continue cooperation.

If the specific plan they come up with is satisfactory to the museum, then this business is theirs. From the office, Shen Long happened to see Lu Tao taking Xia Lin to watch the exhibition, so he stepped forward to say hello.

"How about Hadron? Have you been fascinated by the works of the masters?" Lu Tao stood in front of an abstract master's work. Looking at him, he clearly didn't see the doorway of the painting.

Shen Long shook his head, "My knowledge reserve has not yet reached such an extent that I can appreciate this artistic charm."

"You're frank, many people are afraid that others think they don't understand. Every time they go to the exhibition, they have to read the comments of some critics in advance, so that they can brag to others." Lu Tao smiled.

"If ordinary people can comment on the quality of an art work, how can the art circle maintain its authority and pricing power for the work?" The pricing power is obviously more important, and the artists should also eat right. "So modern The works of art are becoming more and more abstract and farther away from ordinary people. "

"In fact, the same is true in ancient China. The audiences of literati paintings and gongbi paintings are obviously different. The difficulty of appreciating literati paintings is much higher than that of gongbi paintings. In the minds of scholars, literati paintings have a higher status than gongbi paintings. Shen Long continued.

"If I used to, I can really talk to you, but now, my art career is over!" Shen Long's words caused Lu Tao's curiosity, but it was only curiosity. He has now decided to follow Xu Zhisen.

"Right, Hadron, I will go to work in a real estate company after a while. If the company has a demand for announcements, I will try to find your company." He is still loyal and remembers how well Shen Long treated him.

"If you are bidding, just send us an admission letter. You will have to rely on yourself to do business. If we don't have the strength to win this project, you have to use us, neither for you nor for me. "Shen Long was very calm.

After coming out of the museum, the three returned to No. 109, Andingmen. After a few days, Shen Long met Lu Tao outside again, but this time he was not accompanied by Xia Lin, but a 17-year-old boy. girl.

Sister, you are all twenty-three or four, and you still play a 17-year-old girl. It ’s really hard for you. Shen Long is talking about it, but imagine that the actor who played Lu Tao is also playing twenty-two. He was relieved.

"Yo, Hadron, how did you meet here again, this is my dad colleague's daughter Fang Lingshan, his dad asked me to take her to visit Beijing." Lu Tao was a little worried about Shen Long's misunderstanding, and specifically explained.

"Let's go to see a venue today." Now that the work is completed, Shen Long can go home. Lu Tao saw him driving and simply pulled him to help as a driver. If Xia Lin knew it in the future, he could have an explanation, so three people Going to the side of the alley, "Before, the capital was full of such small alleys. There were no buildings. At night, children ran around in the alley. There was a water tap here. The adults were there to wash rice and wash vegetables. It ’s nice to hear a scream. Look, is that door beautiful? "

Fang Lingshan stopped and took a photo with the camera, "It's really beautiful. I used to only know that the Forbidden City Temple of Heaven is in Beijing, and I don't know that Beijing has such a taste."

"Now this taste is gone, our teacher said that he always hoped that the capital will build the new city to the south, and the old city remained the same, but no one listened. When he said that the urban construction of the capital was sad."

"Our teacher said that once he came to the mainland to worship Confucius in the temple, and then went to the capital. When he saw the new capital, he cried and said that China has become another place, not the one with the intentional China written in the old book. "Lingshan pretended to be a little adult next to Lu Tao, and seriously talked to Lu Tao.

Hearing here ~ ~ Shen Long could n’t help but smile, “I said, Lu Tao, I grew up in Hutong, if you let me live in Hutong, I ’m absolutely unwilling; If you like it, I have to be in this kind of place? I wish my house was demolished earlier, so I can live in a big house! "

"As for our teacher's words, it's even more nonsense. How much does it cost for a new city such as Beijing to move? Does my teacher count? Cities and buildings have artistic attributes, but the more important thing is practical value. Ignore practicality and focus on art. , Can the house built live? "In fact, many well-known art buildings will have practical problems.

The well-known running water villa looks pretty. However, when you live in it, you will find that many problems such as noise and humidity cannot be solved. In the end, it can only become a place for people to visit, and it almost loses its living function.

Fang Lingshan's words are even more meaningless. What is the ancient capital? It ’s the dirty mess of Longxugou, the streets of cow dung and horse dung, and the streets that drown everywhere. This kind of place really has a smell. Is n’t it artistic, then forget it.

Lu Tao instinctively wanted to refute, but when he thought that he had decided to abandon art and become a businessman, and if he changed his old house into a high-end apartment, would he be happy? So shut up.

"Oh, what is your current company doing?" Shen Long shifted the topic.

"Real estate development, I'm finally a competent university major!" Lu Tao is very proud.

Um, you are awesome, your dad is the leader of the planning bureau. You are doing real estate on his site. Is it really a dead letter to avoid the mechanism?

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