All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1083: Why does it sound like a liar?

Oh, maybe Xu Zhisen just recognized him for this. Shen Long couldn't help thinking darkly, he should have already understood Lu Tao's character, and think this method is reliable.

Look at what Lu Tao said in the original book. When he took Xia Lin home, Lu Yaxun received a call from the back door. Lu Yaxun was very angry. "What do you know, if the procedure is not legal, there will be a problem later, and it will be hurt. It ’s ordinary people, it ’s the owners! The ordinary Chinese people have paid so much in their entire lives and bought the wrong house and it ’s all over. Do you know how many such things I have seen? ”

"I know, what I know more is that our family hasn't changed in ten years. Let's see where Uncle Liu lives and what kind of car? You are at the same level and doing the same kind of work--" dissatisfied.

"That's a problem! I said earlier that power is national and conscience is yours. If you want, you can come to us for approval in accordance with normal procedures. Don't go wrong. I don't think the company you went to has any problems. Little, if you really want to do this business, let me ask you, let ’s not talk about this matter. You are fake and clever, there is an old saying in China, cleverness is wrong! ”Lu Yaxun knew very well .

Lu Tao sees things as simple. When he sees that Lu Yaxun ’s colleagues have made a fortune by turning their backs to evil, but he does n’t want Lu Yaxun to do this, then Hou Liangping may have to come to him.

All in all, in Lu Tao ’s heart, he still hopes that he can live a good life just like his parents. He can do whatever he wants and can like the people he likes.

However, it is so simple. Only when you are strong can you get real freedom. Faye Wong can change her boyfriend constantly and divorce to find her old love. How dare those little fresh meat dare? Because Faye Wong is powerful enough, no matter what her private life is, as long as she does n’t do things like Wei Zhentian, she wo n’t affect her status, and those little fresh meat will have no capital, because they do n’t have Faye Wong ’s strength. .

Shen Long just regarded this as a small episode. Unexpectedly, after a few days, Lu Tao really let him go to Xu Zhisen's company to participate in the bidding. Naturally, he had to understand the company's situation before the bidding. This task fell to Lu Tao. Body.

"Our company's fancy place is here? Our company intends to build an office building here. Nowadays, the high-end office market in Beijing is in high demand, but the supply is not much. As long as it can be developed smoothly, it will definitely make a lot of money!" Lu Tao pointed at the drawings. He said that he seemed to see the mobile Grade A office building rising rapidly.

"Hadron, how do I sound like a liar? Is your classmate reliable?" After listening to Lu Tao for a long time, Li Ao not only showed little joy, but was a little worried.

"In terms of investment in advertising, we plan to spend a lot of money. We plan to spend 100,000 yuan for the monthly fee! However, Hadron, you have to be a bit psychologically prepared. You are not the only one competing for this project. There are also several 4A companies." Lu Tao I did not pay attention to the whispers of Leo and Shen Long; the so-called 4A company is an abbreviation of the American Association of Advertising Companies. Those who can join this association are large and powerful advertising companies.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, I said Lu Tao, is this land for residential use? How do you build an office building?" Shen Long said, pointing at the land that Lu Tao Company saw on the plan, which was on the plan. The land is painted in yellow. According to the standard of the plan, yellow represents residential land. Land of this nature can only be used for residential development, while office buildings require land for business facilities under the business service facility land classification. It should be marked in red.

Isn't the screenwriter saying that Lu Tao is a talented student in the Department of Architecture, and that every subject does not fall below 95 points, why can't he even understand the plan? This is entry-level knowledge!

"Hey, this is simple, it will be changed when the time comes!" Lu Tao's answer once again made Shen Long speechless. I said, big brother, you are too good, this is the land plan of the capital, not a small town. Yes, you have to change the land plan of the capital. Do you know how much the relationship is? Relying on Lu Yaxun's own fear is not the case?

Do n’t look at the importance of foreign investment now, do n’t look at Xu Zhisen is an American businessman, Fang Lingshan and her father Fang Dezhao are Taiwanese businessmen, but you two do n’t even have a hundred million dollars, just want to tell the government to revise the plan? This is probably also delusional delusion. It is almost the same if you change to Li Bancheng, or you can go to other small places. In Beijing, you are really unworthy.

"Hadron, I have a client to see later, I'm leaving first, you and Lu Tao talk slowly." Leo couldn't hear it anymore, it was just bragging, he was too lazy to waste this time.

As soon as Leo left, there were no outsiders here, and Shen Long spoke a little more directly, "Lu Tao, it ’s not just a matter of changing the plan, let alone moving from residential land to commercial land, you are It is not easy to change from art media to commercial facilities in commercial land ~ ~ Would your company really plan to go like this? "

Well, it ’s not absolutely impossible to change it. It depends on whether you can bear the consequences. What was the consequence of Qi Tongwei ’s conversion of industrial land to residential land? Finally, he committed suicide in Guyingling, should you Lu Tao also want to live in for a while?

If something happens in the future, Xu Zhisen and Fang Dezhao patted on the buttocks and left. By then, you will have to leave a thunderbolt. Can your small body carry it? At that time Xia Lin was afraid to run away with others.

"Hey, what's the matter, don't many real estate companies do this now!" Lu Tao did not take it seriously, apparently unaware of the seriousness of the problem.

"Don't look at how others do it, you first have to figure out whether this matter is legal or not!" Or you should ask Lu Yaxun to see what the companies that changed the plan are, or what are standing behind people? Some things that others are capable of do not mean that you are capable. What used to be capable does not mean that you are capable now.

After a few words of persuasion, seeing Lu Tao still addicted to the upcoming success, Shen Long was too lazy to continue to say, "Lu Tao, thank you for thinking of me, but our company does not intend to blend in this matter, just let Let those 4A companies do it! "

Lu Tao was a little unhappy. He was eager to show it in front of his friends. He didn't expect Shen Long to splash his cold water on his head. When Shen Long left, he didn't even get up and give it away.

This happened, Lu Tao and Shen Long continued to be busy. After a few months, the big guy chose a weekend and got together and drove two cars together to go outing.

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