All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1084: Millais is back

Hua Zi drove an N-handed Jeep, while Shen Long drove the company's car. The small company had a simple relationship. He and Leo said they would get the car when they wanted to use the car. When they returned, they filled it with gas.

Yang Xiaoyun naturally wanted to take a car with Shen Long. Xia Lin had a good relationship with Yang Xiaoyun during this time. She also followed her. She came in and Lu Tao naturally came up, leaving only two poor bachelors, Xiang Nan and Hua Zi. .

"Xia Lin, are you going to change jobs recently?" In the car, the two girls set up and heard Lu Xia's work, Lu Tao's face was obviously dark. That man would like his girlfriend to work in the nightclub?

Shen Long almost couldn't help but want to vomit, anyway, you are also a graduate of the right school? Can't you find other jobs besides night clubs? Or do you like this kind of life at all?

"Well, a friend introduced a job announced by a record company. I'll try it out in a while!" Xia Lin replied that living with people every day is actually not happy.

"I think this is a good job for you." Xia Lin was able to change jobs, and Lu Tao was also very happy. "The recording industry is actually very promising. You look at it. Jay Chou, Jolin Tsai, Tao Zhe are so hot."

"I don't see that, as long as you can surf the Internet, you know how to sing for free. In the future, this record will become more and more difficult to sell." Since the advent of the Internet era, the recording industry has begun to decline, all the way to music copyright. The tightening hasn't come to a halt. In this era, selling records is definitely a way to lose money. It is better to make ring tones. Yang Chen just made hundreds of millions of dollars by "Mouse Love Rice".

Hey, Yang Chengang doesn't seem to sing this song yet, or should I copy it? Then it's a billion dollars? This song is not difficult at all, and Shen Long, who has Xie Bin's musical talent, is completely settled. But think about it. If you write this song, when you meet an individual in the future, you will point to yourself and say, see no, internal The one that wrote "Mouse Loves Rice".

This is really a bit unacceptable. Shen Long couldn't help the chills and shivered. Let's just forget it. The chance of making money is that it is not easy to copy this. It is not easy for other students to write this song. Leave it to him. ; But you can consider considering it, and cooperate with him when you start a company.

"Can't you just say something good?" Lu Tao was so mixed up lately that it was when he was proud that he didn't care about Shen Long's joke.

In the suburbs, six people came out of the car. This is a country park, quiet and wide, and there are birds singing. In front of it is a small lake shore. No one, the car is parked on the shore, and Huazi is holding a new style. The slingshot hit the lake, small splashes splashed, and Shen Long, Xiang Nan, Lu Tao, Yang Xiaoyun and Xia Lin set up beautiful barbecue racks with all their hands and feet.

First took a few photos as a souvenir, then sat on the grill shelf and ate while roasting, talking about each other's current situation, and sighed south, "I vaguely felt that once I graduated from university, the good days have passed."

"It must be, although it used to be poor, but do n’t worry too much about money. Now, when I open my eyes, it ’s rent, meals, transportation, and phone bills. I also want to save a down payment. Wife, if you do n’t have someone else, you wo n’t even care about you. ”Hua Zi also sighed and looked at Yang Xiaoyun and Xia Lin by the way. I do n’t know if they would mention the house to Lu Tao and Qiangzi in the future. And Shen Long is not a boyfriend or a girlfriend at all.

Lu Tao has fallen from the sky as a rich dad. He will definitely not worry about this in the future. He has no graduation certificate, and now has a monthly salary of tens of thousands. The houses in Haidian and Chaoyang are only three or four thousand. Yiping, this goods can buy a toilet in a month, I may not be able to save a toilet for a year of fucking, really people should be more **** goods than goods should be thrown.

"It's annoying, can you stop mentioning the money? As soon as I mention it, I have a headache. The Shandong bill is about to be signed. I have to get the rebate from the finance department, otherwise the gang will not give me a draft, there is no draft, Finance will not give a rebate, but without a rebate, people will not give me a draft-where do I have to start? "Xiang Nan began to complain again.

"It's been like this for the first two years. It will be fine after a while. It's easy to do something if you have experience!" Shen Long comforted. When they start a business or change jobs in the future, see if they can help. Take it.

"Are you going to do it yourself?" Lu Tao was keenly aware of the meaning in Shen Long's words.

"Well, but I have to wait for a while, my current network is not enough." Shen Long nodded and did not deny this.

After hearing this, the big guys reacted differently, and Xiang Nan and Hua Zi were envious. Yang Xiaoyun's eyes flickered and began to imagine the situation after Shen Long's successful venture. Lu Tao mumbled, "I originally planned to start my own business. , I didn't expect you to come in front of me. "

Do you start a business? Then continue to rely on their two fathers and girlfriends to eat? Shen Long vomited, got up and took a few skewers of roasted chicken wings and handed them, "It's not interesting to work for someone ~ ~ While I can toss when I am young, I will toss a few more times."

"Hadron makes sense, if I want to start a business, then you can help me analyze and analyze it." Hua Zi listened a little bit tempted.

"Success, you should save your experience right now. To be honest, buying a used car is also quite an exercise. As long as you are attentive, you will be more likely to succeed in starting a business." Ran.

After eating the barbecue, a few people sat on the lawn. Except for the driver, everyone else held a can of beer. Everyone did n’t want to talk about bad things. They sang songs and looked at the scenery and then fooled.

After such a tumult, everyone's mood seems to be much better, and when they go back, they also talk and laugh, people do need to relax, and it is also beneficial to occasionally find a few friends to hang out with.

Back in the community of No. 109, Andingmen, the people were still divided into three waves, and they went back to the rented house with two bachelors south and Huazi. Xia Lin took the arms of Landing Tao and went to their den. Go back to Millais and give it to Yang Xiaoyun's house.

"Wow, when did the two of you get together!" As soon as I arrived at the door, I heard a familiar voice from the corridor. Looking up, Millai was sitting on the stairs and looked at them in surprise.

Yang Xiaoyun was even more surprised than Millais, "Are you back from the United States? You haven't come to school for vacation yet?"

"I don't read anymore! I didn't tell my family when I came back, Xiaoyun, you must take me!" Milera shook Yang Xiaoyun's arm for a while.

It's more lively this time.

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