All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1085: Rush to send money

"When I was in the United States, I thought of Lu Tao and Xiao Yun every day. I still can't forget him. I came back without restraining." Entering the house, Millai started crying and holding Yang Xiaoyun in tears.

Yang Xiaoyun glanced at Shen Long with regret, then gently patted Millai's back to see the posture. He must not be able to live here tonight. This was originally Millai's house. It was nothing to lend to Yang Xiaoyun, but others It ’s back now, why would n’t it be appropriate for you two to continue here?

"You talk, I'll go back first." Shen Long was too lazy to stay here, and said that he would get up and leave, um, Millai's long hair looks really awkward, rustic, Short hair is better.

"Eh, Hadron, don't go." As soon as Shen Long said he was going, Millai stopped crying and quickly got up to hold him. "You tell me Lu Tao, how is he doing this time?"

Hey hello, sister, as for everyone else's cheating in front of you, you can't forget this kind of scumbag? Shen Long was very helpless. "He was okay this time. Tian Tian and Xia Lin were glued together. That was called a honey dad who fell like a honey and also fell from the sky. This time it was developed. "

"Surely not, they must be in deep water." Millai's face was unacceptable, and he thought about taking out a telescope from his bag, ran to the window quickly, and looked at the telescope at Lu Tao's house, through She saw Lu Tao talking on the phone at the window, and Xia Lin was also in the room.

Seeing this picture, Millai cried again, Shen Long couldn't help but vomit in his heart, you want to cry when you see this, if you see them at night, how should you react?

Millai sat weakly on the floor, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I thought he was his birthday today, so I tried everything to get back to him and surprise him.

"Okay, Millais, let's not cry anymore?" Yang Xiaoyun sat down and comforted for a while. Millais still cried again. She could only look at Shen Long pleadingly, "Qianzi, help go downstairs to buy a bar? I It might be better to have a drink with Millais. "

If you are going south, it is estimated that Yang Xiaoyun directly ordered it, and he would be so polite to help, but Shen Long is different. Yang Xiaoyun is afraid that he is a little unhappy.

"Okay, Millais estimated that he hasn't eaten yet? I'll buy some more food." Shen Long was still willing to help with this little thing. He walked downstairs, bought some food at the door, and slipped a box of beer back. When he got to the room, he just took the things out and was about to persuade Millai to come over and put on his stomach. He heard someone knock on the door.

Opening the door and looking at it, Lu Tao came, and he asked Shen Long when he saw, "Hadron, Millai's father just called me and asked me if Millai was back, did Xiao Yun see Millai?" ? "

"Lu Tao!" Shen Long also wondered if he wanted to help Millai to hide it, he heard Millai's surprise voice, and then brushed, Millai appeared in front of them.

It seems that your business is destined to lose money. Shen Long shrugged and stepped aside, watching Millais pull Lu Tao down to sit on the sofa and told him how much he missed him in the United States.

"Yes, today is your birthday, I will accompany you for your birthday, just like before?" Millai glanced around and opened the beer that Shen Longgang bought back to Lu Tao.

The expression on Lu Tao's face was extremely complicated, guilty, nostalgic, worried, and touched. He took the beer subconsciously. He also wanted to continue to persuade, "Millet, you come back secretly, but your dad is in a hurry, or else I will take you home ... "

"Lu Tao, happy birthday!" Millai didn't pay any attention to his words, and opened a can of beer for himself, and bumped into Lu Tao, no matter whether he responded or not, he started to drink.

Lu Tao had no choice but to follow him. Shen Long and Yang Xiaoyun glanced at each other. It was neither staying here nor walking, they could only retreat back to Yang Xiaoyun's bedroom.

The living room was full of Millais chattering voices. Lu Tao only responded occasionally with a sentence or two, but it sounded that Millais' mood was improving and it was not as sad as it was just now.

The time passed without knowing it. It was almost ten o'clock in a blink of an eye. Millai still didn't mean to stop. Shen Long got up and came to the window. Seeing that the opposite Xia Lin was decorating at home, she bought a cake and wanted to give Lu Tao. It was a birthday, but Lu Tao did not return until now.

Lu Tao's phone rang in the living room. Xia Lin called. Lu Tao said that he would go back soon, but he stayed at Millai's ban and stayed until after twelve o'clock.

As soon as Lu Tao left, Millai quickly ran to the window, picked up the telescope and looked at the opposite side. After Lu Tao came home, Xia Lin looked very unhappy. When she saw this scene, Millai smiled, then smiled and shed. Tears.

Since then, Millai has temporarily lived here, and Shen Long can only return to the house he rents every day to rest. Xiang Nan and Huazi are surprised to hear that Millai has returned.

This weekend, Yang Xiaoyun made a few dishes at home ~ ~ and asked Shen Long to come over for dinner, and Millais was also there. "I have already gone home to see my dad. My dad said he wouldn't read if he didn't want to study. He gave me the cabinet business of the company. Lu Tao is doing real estate now, and I am a cabinet. I will definitely see him in the future. "

You are in a hurry to send money, do you have a business like this? Even her father, Qu Xiaoying, knew how to test her ability before deciding how much business to give to her. Mi Lixiong is said to have started from scratch. Is this level of business? Not even Qu Xiaoxiao's father?

Once a graduated student has never participated in a business activity, it is appropriate to give her such a large authority as soon as she comes up. And Miley, you took over such a big business, the first time I thought about Lu Tao, didn't you think about how to do business well? Do you really think your family has too much money to make?

"Right, Xiao Yun, Hadron, if our company has any advertising business in the future, I will find you both, OK?" Millai said immediately.

"Although this matter is good for me, I still want to remind, Millai, this business can't just look at the relationship of friends." Shen Long couldn't help but reminded, "Everything must be based on the interests of your company."

"Can you two still lie to me?" Millai obviously didn't listen.

"It depends on whether there is enough money, and we and you are friends, the boss of our company is not, our company is not ours, if the boss wants to pit you, we can't help. "Shen Long further reminded her that he was talking about himself and Yang Xiaoyun, and more about Lu Tao and Xu Zhisen. Be careful about losing money in the future."

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